Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Disney's Princess
Great news! I got a new job, bought a new car, and am finally coming close to paying off that student loan. I also joined a new Art Guild and actually paid for Crossfitting again. I finally got that 3D printer, my aunt moved away, and my dog finally died too. Needless to say my time budget is abolished and I have to cut back everywhere. Bah. But who cares! Life is good. I'm finally making money again with a clean bill of health.

So. I guess that's goodbye! Thanks to everyone on the site who made this community such a fun and wild place to be. I hope to make it back here at least once a year to slap around Tef and the Staff and tell them they are awesome. I don't have time to thank everybody or do that names game. Gods know I did that once and forgot Ket, (he's wonderful btw,) and I've never forgiven myself for it. Lol. So no names thingy or shout outs. Just assume I love you all and that's good enough for me. Thank you guys for all the wonderful feedback and for putting up with my childish ways for so darn long. God save you.

I'd also like to take this time to make a politically motivated statement and vent my unbridled wrath about all my enemies: ... Just kidding.

Anyways. Naturally I'll be lurking about the site OOC as often as my willpower fades, my phone does not die, and my love for Sarge's lustful eyes and Ayden's sensual hat compels me to.

Bon voyage and fare thee well. Oh, and the most appropriate way to wish me well is to post a GIF in this thread. Because shenanigans. #ThisCommunityRocks

Love and geeky blogging,

- Jay


PS: Romeo Sin also announced his departure recently so drop on by and wish him well too. Cheers! :D :p

Connor Harrison

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] see you man :( its sad you're going but at least you'll be happy!

Oh and sorry for your loss ……

[member="Romeo Sin"] too lazy to go to your thread, your majesty, but I'll see you later too man.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"] Man, that is a bummer. Not your life being as great as it is! :D I wish I could have had more threads with you; you're a great writer, and I really enjoyed your characters. See ya around man, have fun :)
I don't think we've ever threaded, but it's always been fun reading your posts and blogs. :)

We'll always be here if you decide to come back. :D

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