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Approved NPC Lebensbringer

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: Robo zombies. Also a unit for Archangel. This is a resubmission of
this unit, which was approved under the old Codes rules.
Image Credit: Here.
Role: Heavy assault droid infantry, robo zombies.
Permission: Permission for all ArmaTech gear and all other subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here.
Links: Archangel Research and Design,
Mirial Invasion, Kraysis Hex Invasion, Woyunokut.

Name: Lebensbringer
Affiliation: Enyo Typhos, Archangel Research and Design, Iron Fist Consortium, Typhos Clone Family.
Classification: Droid Infantry.
Equipment: Unit composed of
Reaper Class Assassin Droids, Overlord Heavy Combat Droids and ACS-302 Heavy Assault Droid. Aside from their usual in-built equipment and the weapons at their disposal, they act as hosts for Mindshackle Scarab Swarms. Heavy Assault Droid uses in-built weapons' systems, as described in tech submission. Fenris Cyber Mastiffs are also assigned to the Lebensbringer to serve as scouts and cybernetic attack dogs. Equipment listed below is used by the Reapers.


Support Weapons:
Attached Weapons:
Description: Battle droids have long been a common sight on the battlefield. The reasons are not hard to find. Any modern civilisation with a decent manufacturing basis can produce them en masse with a fraction of the costs required to train the equivalent number of organic soldiers. Droids do not tire, feel pain or fear. They also do not complain about casualties, mutiny or frag their officers - unless they have been hacked, that is. Moreover, they obey any order from their superiors.

This is particularly useful when their superiors have decided to commit atrocities. At times, organic minions are reluctant to stoop to such levels. Sometimes such moral qualms can even motivate organics to desert, mutiny or rebel against their overlords. Of course, common battle droids tend to lack the ability to innovate and think on their feet. Slaves to their programming, they obey, but do not think creatively. Such capabilities are generally left to rarer, more elite models, such as HRDs, HK or IG Assassin Droids.

On the surface, the Lebensbringer are just a droid assault unit, composed of an assortment of heavy combat droids. However, the Lebensbringer possess a capability that may not be immediately apparent on first sight. Picture the following scenario: Droids are attacking a settlement and locked in fierce combat with its defenders. The core is composed of large war droids that resemble humanoid skeletons and have a lot of firepower. Casualties are mounting, but the locals are holding their own.

Then suddenly their fallen comrades rise from the ground - and attack their former friends. Their movements are jerky and much like mindless being, similar to the classical depiction of zombies. Stumbling forward, reaching, tearing at their opponents, unable to use sophisticated weapons beyond improvised close combat weapons such as swords, axes, clubs or anything a primitive mind would be able to utilise. Obviously many of them are cut down. Probably the majority of them. However, they may have served their purpose. For the idea is less combat effectiveness, but more sheer terror value. Perhaps civilians who were caught in the crossfire also end up being repurposed.

The mindless hordes can also serve as a distraction, allowing forces with better combat skills to move into position and strike. This is the doing of the small Mindshackle Scarab droids, who have used the battle droids as hosts. In addition to assuming control over dead bodies, they can also paralyse the living. Archangel considers itself to be free of organic slave morality, which is a fancy way of saying that it is thoroughly amoral. Thus it has no qualms about unleashing hordes of robotic zombies on those it happens to be fighting. The name of the unit, Lebensbringer, is deliberately ironic.

The core of the Lebensbringer is composed of Reaper Class Assassin Droids. This model of droid was built by Archangel following Enyo's takeover and is thus a new model. The Reapers are highly sophisticated killing machines. They are intelligent, lethal, devious, strong and precise. Moreover, they have a body made of Laminanium. Combined with other features and gadgets, such as a state-of-the-art energy shield, this makes them extremely durable in combat. Being elite assassin droids, they are able to operate independently, display initiative and utter ruthlessness. The Reapers' physical appearance resembles that of a humanoid skeleton. This is meant to increase its intimidation factor, especially if it faces less experienced enemy troops.

Droids do not feel fear, tire or suddenly get second thoughts about morally dubious assignments. Even when damaged, they will press on to continue their mission unless destroyed. Stecher wasp droids perform recon or use their stingers to poison or stun organics. Their presence helps the officers coordinate a battle and relay data to high command. The wasps are excellent for recons, but fragile and vulnerable to damage, especially from ion weapons. They also have access to packs of Fenris cyber-hounds.

Size: Medium
Unit Availability Rare

Unit Experience: Elite
Combat Function: They are an assault force and a terror weapon that is meant to sow chaos on the battlefield. Reaper Droids are the core of the unit. They are very intelligent, lethal and resilient. Heavy Assault Droids can be assigned to the unit to provide heavy firepower and unleash hell on the battlefield. This gives the Lebensbringer plenty of teeth. They make a good surgical terror weapon. The Overlords are essentially upgraded Droidekas. Their armour plating and Molecular shielding makes them tough nuts to crack. Their varied armaments allow them to target infantry, vehicles and aircraft.

The Lebensbringer have access to Fenris Cyber Mastiffs. These mechanical hounds are extremely fast, ferocious and terrifying at close range. Their agility, strength and ferocity makes them fearsome melee combatants. Moreover, they make good scouts. However, they lack ranged weapons and thus need to get into melee range before they can hurt an enemy. With a limited brain, the Fenris carries out orders it is given, but shows little adaptability or initiative. It will charge an enemy by the most direct way. Being a droid, the Fenris is vulnerable to ion, lightning and other droid killers. Sometimes the Fenris is skinned to appear like a regular dog, kath hound or other canine like animal. This can allow it to fool foes and be a better scout or ambusher.

The Mindshackle Scarab drone is able to repurpose fallen enemy warriors into servitors. When deployed onto a battlefield, the drones spread out to 'revive' the fallen, turning them against their comrades. The Mindshackle Scarabs can only last one hour away from their host droid. The amount per swarm is roughly one hundred.

The idea is that the Mindshackles will be released to create chaos and confusion. Depending on the situation, this can occur before an enemy is engaged or in the midst of battle. The resulting robotic zombies are fairly dumb and can only use improvised close combat weapons like swords, axes and clubs and are incapable of complex tactical thinking. They just shuffle forward to attack foes. But the idea is to use them as a terror weapon, as the sight of fallen comrades getting up and attacking allies can be demoralising, or at least distracting.

This is something the war droids can take advantage of. They are particularly useful in urban or trench warfare situations, as they are good at taking advantage of the high casualties such combat engagements tend to generate. Moreover, the Reapers, Overlords and Heavy Assault Droids have the firepower and tenacity to pierce the enemy's lines. They are fairly distinctive, but good at making a breach. As is typical for Archangel units, Stecher wasp droids have been assigned to this unit. They make excellent scouts, or can alternately be used to poison or sedate organic beings. This is also beneficial for the Mindshackles.


  • Capable droid assault troops. Mix of droid units allows combined arms tactics.
  • Mindshackle Scarab drones can repurpose fallen enemy warriors as zombies. Good terror weapon.
  • Reapers are elite war droids. Self-repair abilities make them particularly dangerous in combat. The Reaper has self-healing qualities due to a Laminanium body and gadgets. The Laminanium is good at regenerating from blaster and slugthrower weapons within minutes. More extreme damage takes less than a day.
  • Lack heavy vehicles. Vulnerable to long range artillery bombardment. Require support forces.
  • Robo zombies are quite dumb and can only use basic weapons.
  • The Laminanium used for a Reaper's body is of limited help against massive amounts of damage. It is better at repairing small penetrations or cuts, but less effective against severe blows, explosions and heavy weapons. Even with its gadgets, the Reaper is not invulnerable.
Historical Information:

Enyo Typhos was created by Archangel as a living weapon. Her creators were genocidal HRDs who wanted to eradicate organic life and create a well-ordered, mechanical dystopia. However, they realised that Force-Users would be a significant threat to their envisaged Age of Steel. Thus they decided to create their own via cloning. Their first creations were Enyo Typhos, clone of Siobhan Kerrigan, and Amara Zarides, clone of Kaelin Isandros. When their creations began to question their directives, the HRDs tried to brainwash them. They took things a step further with Enyo by remaking her in their image. In so doing so, they created a hybrid that combined the traits of machine and organic.

Stripped of her organic body and sensations, Enyo was a brain in a droid body...but able to use the Force. Inevitably, their schemes backfired and the clones rebelled. Enyo founded a criminal mafia, the Iron Fist Consortium, to fund her crusade. She gathered a rag-tag band of misfits. To gain the necessary capital, equipment and minions, she became a mercenary. One of the parties she worked for was the Sith Empire.

Among other things, she assisted them in their campaign against the Dominion. During this offensive, she accompanied a group of Sith on a secret mission to Dominion-controlled Mirial. This planet had suffered greatly due to the Primeval's genocidal campaign. The Sith took advantage of this by performing a dark ritual to raise the dead as zombies, unleashing them on the populace. Enyo assisted them in this venture. She might have rebelled against her creators, but she had adopted their amorality.

The zombie apocalypse was blamed on a Primeval cult and the Sith depicted themselves as protectors. The zombies did not attack darksiders, but proved difficult to control. Enyo and her paramilitary organisation earned themselves coin by capturing zombies so that the Sith could create a cure. After all, there was no point ruling a planet where everyone was dead. Amidst all this, the Silver Jedi launched an invasion. Enyo and her troops helped the Sith repulse the attack.

The whole campaign gave Enyo an idea. Terror had its place in warfare. However, she lacked talent for sorcery and had found that the typical undead were too difficult to direct. They were also far too unhygienic. Cleanliness was important, after all. She applied these lessons after managing to take control of Archangel following many years of bloody struggle. To this end, she purchased Mindshackle Scarab Crones from ArmaTech. These drones would be able to repurpose fallen or severely wounded organics into quasi-undead servitors. One could call them robo zombies, though Enyo disapproves of doing that.

Initially the unit was filled with baseline Legionnaire battle droids. While decent, they did not innovate. They were good at shooting what was in front of them, but lacked an aptitude for complex tactical thinking. To rectify this they received HRD officers. This improved efficiency, as the HRDs could think tactically, but meant the unit would be less useful if they were eliminated. Eventually Enyo replaced both with Reaper Class Assassin Droids. Resembling a YVH Droid, the Reaper was intelligent, tenacious and very strong. Moreover, it could learn and possessed regenerative qualities. Unlike an HRD it could not pass for human, but was better suited for battles.
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