Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Leda Elariel

Leda Elariel


NAME: Leda Elariel
RANK: Aristocrat
SPECIES: Dawnite (Human)
AGE: Mid-twenties
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 135 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Vibrant red
SKIN: Fair

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Pragmatic: practical and realistic in her approach to life.
+Determined: she leaves nothing half-finished.

-Closed-minded: not very open to change or new things.
-Stubborn: in addition to the above, she’s very set in her ways.
-Fear of flying: she’s not a fan of space travel.

Tall, slender frame, red hair and piercing green eyes.

Born and raised on Oaken Dawn , Leda is the only child of Lord Shand and Lady Escara Elariel.

Since the Galactic Empire set foot on Oaken Dawn, Lord Elariel plotted. Quietly, he gathered those that shared his feelings — they must drive the Empire from their home. Word spread, whispers passed from one to another. And slowly, they had quite a gathering of like-minded fellows. Nay, it was a growing rebellion.

But just as word found allies, it found enemies, too.

Shand Elariel grew worried and arranged safe passage for his wife and daughter off world. For the Empire had very little in the way of mercy. Leda reluctantly packed her bags, threw a woolen cloak around her pale shoulders and closed it with a clasp that bore the Elariel family crest. She had no idea where the Elariel family would settle, so she brought with her a few tokens of her home.

Night fell, and the family welcomed members of the Red Eye Armada. But before they could make their way, the white-clad troopers of the Empire found them.

“You must leave — now!”

The words rang in Leda’s ears. And she watched helplessly as her father drew his sword and stepped between the group and the troopers. Her mother’s cloaked form froze, unwilling to leave. As the air erupted with red bolts, she screamed and reached out for her parents— but they were growing farther away.

And it wasn’t until she saw her father’s body hit the ground did she realize that she was being carried swiftly away from the scene, kicking and screaming. The members of the Armada had been paid to deliver her to a safe world.

The troopers gave chase, but the Armada knew the woods quite well. Under the cover of darkness, they heaved Leda aboard and lifted off. Leda was in hysterics and had to be subdued — she doesn’t remember leaving Oaken Dawn.

But she’d been told when they arrived on Midvinter that her family estate had been left in flames.

House Elariel has fallen.


None yet.

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