Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leena Mai

NAME: Leena Mai
RANK: Sith Acolyte
FACTION: The One Sith
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 7”
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale



[+] Art History Degree – Leena will be sure to school everybody on the lesser known avant-garde period of the forgotten Chiss painter Van'jan'brueghel...wait...where are you going!?

[+] Pop Culture Queen – Trope savvy to the nth degree. Is often aware of situations that may seem trite or cliche, seeking twists where a twist would be obvious in fiction. WARNING: May be prone to bouts of Buffy Speak.

[+] Force Sensitive - This is a strength, duh.

[+/-] Boozy Broad - What?! The girl enjoys a drink. A social drink, a drink with meal, a party drink, a tragic drink to escape the excruciating pressure of her current life. This gives her a larger-than-life tolerance for alcohol and mild crippling dependence, often needing a drink at the end of the day to, and I quote: 'Help me sleep.'

[-] Highly Strung - Leena, is for lack of a better word neurotic. She is easily flustered, prone to internal and external panic and tends to quickly dissolve in stressful situations. Which is what you need when you work for a demanding, intimidating Sith Master.

[-] Art History DegreeCan you at least eat it?


Average height, average weight, Leena's saving grace from being forgotten is her face, which is actually all-in-all quite striking. With the exception of a few questionable hairstyles over the years Leena is actually quite professional in terms of appearance, well perhaps with an unhealthy leaning towards the noble pantsuit, of course, that's in the hours of work.

Downtime is a different story. Rockin' it casual, perhaps too casual for a woman in her late twenties. You're on the wrong side of twenty-five now, babe. You can't be wearing those jeans any more. I'm sorry.

Leena Mai's story up to this point is...underwhelming.

Just another name on Coruscant's census she was nothing more than average. At school she was considered clever but lazy, choosing to chat with the other students rather than do the work. She floated through education taking a pretentious fancy for the arts (one of the only subjects she actually bothered to do the assignments for).

There was still hope for the girl as she was accepted into the half-prestigious Gray's School of Art to study Art History.

This was a mistake.

After four years of partying hard and discussing social injustices through the means of oil pastels and clay, Leena emerged, a degree heavier but with massive debt racked up from dreaded student loans. Immediately the woman went out to find a career in her chosen path, and yet on a planet capable of housing trillions there was nothing.

Ominous words lingered on her horizon.





Has a bus pass, at least.

Freynk Porkins

[member="Leena Mai"]
I need an accountant but I can't afford a good one. Want a Job with Average Friends Inc. ?

Leena Mai

[member="Gabriel Audemars"], thank you very much! :D

[member="Freynk Porkins"], are you suggesting that I'm a poor accountant?! I am know, you know, I'll take you up on that offer.

Leena Mai


Oh definitely! It's been so long! All you need to do is hit me up when you've got the time. :)

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