Placeholder 0133
The flight to Dubrillon had been a relatively short one. The world had once been one of the bastions of the Fel Imperium's power; now it was little more than a tomb. A tomb with riches just waiting to be plundered. The Ession Reformation was interested in what technology the Imperium had once had at its fingertips, that was something the Reformation as an entirety seemed to have a taste for. Technology of all kinds. They had already claimed most of the Shadow Empire's military as their own, and a recent contract with Stargo had Droid Armies being built right under the noses of Ession's neighbors.
This was all well and good, but the Grand Council had been rather clear. They wanted Fel tech, Imperial Knight Armor, royal corps kit, all the fancy toys. Toys that the Dreadguard, Peacekeepers, and those Jedi remaining on the world would gladly bring home.
Book sat in his drop pod aboard one of the many Menagarie carriers. The ship hung just above orbit, right over an old Fel airstrip. Whatever lay below was likely teeming with wildlife and possibly scavengers, nothing the Reformation's soldiers couldn't handle.
The drop pods would be recovered once the operation was done. The possibility of AA fire from scavengers had discouraged the brass from giving Book one of their dropships. The older Dreadguard found himself sorely missing the Tart-Cart, that bird was damned beuatiful when it took flight, and it could take whatever kit the scavvies below might have to lob at it. Alas, the Tart-Cart was lost, for now at least.
Book did one final check on his suit to make sure pressure was maintained, and commed in to his team.
"Dee-gee-zero-six green. Ready to drop. Status?"
2. DG-42
3.Devon Gramus
4.CC-953 Oddball
This was all well and good, but the Grand Council had been rather clear. They wanted Fel tech, Imperial Knight Armor, royal corps kit, all the fancy toys. Toys that the Dreadguard, Peacekeepers, and those Jedi remaining on the world would gladly bring home.
Book sat in his drop pod aboard one of the many Menagarie carriers. The ship hung just above orbit, right over an old Fel airstrip. Whatever lay below was likely teeming with wildlife and possibly scavengers, nothing the Reformation's soldiers couldn't handle.
The drop pods would be recovered once the operation was done. The possibility of AA fire from scavengers had discouraged the brass from giving Book one of their dropships. The older Dreadguard found himself sorely missing the Tart-Cart, that bird was damned beuatiful when it took flight, and it could take whatever kit the scavvies below might have to lob at it. Alas, the Tart-Cart was lost, for now at least.
Book did one final check on his suit to make sure pressure was maintained, and commed in to his team.
"Dee-gee-zero-six green. Ready to drop. Status?"
2. DG-42
3.Devon Gramus
4.CC-953 Oddball