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Legacy of the Saber


Disney's Princess
"Oh. That reminds me. I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. ...He feared you'd follow old Obi-won on some damned idealist crusade like your father did."

"What is it?"

"It is your father's Lightsaber."

Legacy of the Saber

In the spirit of May the Fourth, I was having a conversation with a friend recently. We were talking about how Lightsabers were an icon for the Star Wars Genre and about how much we envied them. Idolized them. We then talked about how we had used them in our own stories over the years and we found some connections. They became as much a symbol for our stories and characters, as they did for our weapons and epic battles. Even when all our characters were old and dead, and all our stories had been forgotten by the galaxy; they would remain forever. A lasting remnant of the Jedi and Sith of old. A treasure that, even buried to time, could once again be rediscovered by a new generation of heroes to awaken the Force anew. Catapulting each of us towards even newer greatness and rejuvenating the Star Wars Legacy, time after time.

So my question to you today is?:

Q: In the spirit of May the Fourth, how many different ways have you as a writer used the Lightsaber in your very own stories and roleplays?

Where they tools, treasures, weapons, and symbols? Where they heirlooms, scrap, or mounted trophies? Where they fashion, status, station, or the sudden sign of a new opponent revealed? Where they keys, locks, puzzles, maps, or map-makers? ...How did your stories and tales envy the legendary sabers that my friend and I enjoy so much too? What are some the creative ways you have used: The Lightsaber.
I think the way in which The Dark Man is connected to his lightsaber is most interesting of all my characters. TDM is by far my most favorite of all characters.

His lightsaber was not actually his own. In his youth he had a powerful Jedi as a Master, but in a failed mission his Master was struck down and Ekul Selah was dragged away to become a slave on Kessel. For many years he labored away as a miner. Upon one fateful day Ekul was separated from his slavers. Lost, scared and alone, he journeyed through the enduring darkness.

For days he wandered, becoming starved and dehydrated. Though it was not before long he saw a light. He followed this light, leading to a series of massive columns with a herculean double-door entrance. He found a cave full of riches, and the cave had been carved in perfect resemblance of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. It was a perfect mirror image, albeit this was carved into the walls of a cave. There he met an ancient and dying Jedi Master, trapped there for millennium. He had been a great Master in the times of the Sith Wars, he fought bravely, and saved many.

Ekul Selah stayed with him for many days, learning from him what he could about not just the Force, or the ways of the Lightsaber, but the cosmos and all mysteries of the universe. This helped Ekul develop a view on the Force in which he believed that all Jedi were servants of the Force, and thus, to be a true servant of this entity, he would discard his identity as an ultimate show of fealty. Thus would become known as The Dark Man.

When the time had come for Ekul to leave, and this elderly Master to become one with the Force, he gifted Ekul his lightsaber. An ancient blade. It utilised a yellow crystal that produced a thin, small blade, and its hilt casing was made of wintrium, with an electrum detail. While Ekul was not a Master, this Jedi believed Ekul could one day become a great Jedi, and was deserving of this most treasured lightsaber.

I miss playing TDM ;(

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