Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Morse stood in the center of the room, with all of the jedi in the order finding some purpose she welll she needed to work at some of the things herself. Namely finding where she belonged in it, her family name was known was big and invited pretenders seeking their legacy like the blades and crystals to take. she had worked with Matsu Ike to recover them and then some higher power had raided the jedi masters vault scattering her collected jedi artifacts to the winds because reasons. It was something poorly done but thankfully no one really paid attention to people they disliked so Morse got to keep her families holocron same as Lorna of the Halcyon house did. Another jedi legacy beside Skywalker and Katarn.
When Lorna had been invited here she had been surprised to say the least, it wasn't everyday another member of the order asks you to come and see them... Less when it was one of the great jedi houses. There was just something about it or like the Qel-Droma's of the galaxy that added some weight to it. The Corellian jedi knight because she had somehow managed to prove herself skilled to earn that honor. She was standing in the green cloak of her family with her twin lightsaber blades and the small family holocron on her hip. "THank you for asking for me, I wasn't sure what you wanted to do here in the twilight sepulcher."
All of that hard work, all of those things they could do as a larger group. Morse was glad to see Lorna as she walked over standing in the bodyglove with the channeling gauntlets and boots as she had been working with others to get better gear. To synthweave a true product of the lightside as opposed tot he normal neutral versions she had gotten. A smile on her face embracing the woman while she walked over with a number of the bigger things on the walls. All work they had done to help Sasori here for testing things like the sasori amulets that were somehow not able to be increased in production but they could work on some of the other gears. The crystal shots for the toolkit she could install on her armor.
Lorna looked at the woman for a moment and contemplated what best to do but there was only one answer to that question really. She moved up embracing her sister in the force and fellow jedi with a solid hug. Not only were the sunriders a family that showed up in times of strife for the order they also were known for their dedication much like her family. All of it would be something that the order needed for Shmi or some of the others. Coci, Thurion and Mako were important servants of the lightside of the force.
Looking at Lorna she gave a nod of her head. "We will have to work at it, I think I have a few ideas for what we can do with our two houses." Getting a small look at her though... Lorna was the knight but they were going to be going at it she hoped as two houses of the jedi instead of master and a student. The jedi padawan crossed her arms speaking. "We will be able to find more crystals to help develop the jedi further in. I know my families holocron detailed some of the better constructed sabers within the order."
Lorna was up for it and being here in the twilight sepulcher she could work out a few things. "We can head down into the tunnels and work on clearing a section or two for the researchers to collect things." She said it while bringing up the map of the tunnels and the larger sections they had not cleared out of sithspawn or creatures. The two of them as skilled jedi could easily handle such a thing. "I am all for working on the bigger picture within the order, we can provide help to the others, improve our own skills and move towards making our family legacies proud."
Make their legacy proud would be a big thing as Morse brought up a holodisplay with a nod of her head. "Alright then, lets go and find some crystals for it. Something large enough here to power it up would be needed to impress." She was ready for it going forward before checking her equipment with the other jedi. "You got everythign you need?" She asked it showing her sigil and her channeling gloves on the armor before making her her hair was secured in a strong ponytail to go into the caves.
Lorna went with her while she was staying over with many of the things, she was looking at the crystals they had to work with and that they had to find here. More crystals for equipment was a very important part of it. "I am sad to admit that I cannot feel the force as well as most when it comes to sensing it... if anything most of my skills with the force are stunted compared to many of the other jedi in the roder so if you find anything that ould be useful please tell me so I don't just walk past it." She said it both as a joke but also serious the Halcyon's were famous for their lack of force talent in the broad sense but then they excelled more so then most in absorbing and gathering energy to augment those lacking skills after an explosion.
Morse was ready working with her while she was looking over the crystals with a look on her face while she was working with Lorna. They had large jutting crystals going out across the caves as Morse was walking. Her own skills with some of them when she grabbed some chunks of the crystal in her gloves while she was touching them with a small look on her face. The channeling gloves provided a couple of things for her to feel with the force until the padawan prepared some of it in her equipment pack. Other larger chunks she could carry in her arms as needed.
Lorna was looking at the crystals as they were gathering them up and all of it was helpful, all of it would prove useful as she and Morse could well use these in their endeavors. A large chunk of adegan crystal that could be used for a pontite before but now with the things they had like the mesh it could become far more interesting and impressive. A small grin showed on her face when she was moving through the caves loading up the equipment back and like any good jedi knight watching a padawan she was providing some lesson about the size, shape and clarity of the crystals.

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