Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Legate: Command over a Legion


Well-Known Member
So, my question I ask you, the admin of our lovely faction, being Legate thus far I have repeated threads with my Legionnaire's training, as well as leading them in assaults, but that's all. What else am I allowed to do with them? Can I for example take my men to the Sith invasion currently going on? I offered my assistance to @[member="Dranok Lussk"], and feel bringing my men would be best. As well, I know it's weird but, can I also have them out on a leisure rp? Like when I next am on a Bar thread can they come in and interact?

@[member="Sargon Vynea"]
ok your legion can of course go out on a leisure rp... I've stolen the 121st an use them all the time on Bakura where I stationed them... you can do the same kinda for going to the invasions you need to do two things 1. ask ICly.. that is war so it needs leadership approval make a post @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] for that... as for OOC you need me or jared's thumbs up... my first thought post a thread in our fortress and see if anyone wants to join you first

@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]
The Admiralty
Yeah, Jared might appreciate the courtesy of getting a message from you IC though. He is considered the spokesman of the military, he acts as the voice of Ashin. You would not need his permission, if ya go to Spencer directly.

But why spurn a man's pride?

@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
@[member="Sargon Vynea"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"]
Ook...I need to talk Ic to someone to have my character assist another in an invasion?..big hindrance in my eyes. Huge. As well when did it start? Because last I was opposition during Tyrins rein, Ashin knew and did not require any such thing (that I'm aware of). I honestly am not sure I've heard of this on any other faction..

Also, if I make that thread, it could result in me bringing 7 people, which in the end they could just be like nah just one of you. This sort of thing is confusing and in it's own way taxing, but if that's the exact preferences then they need to be noted.

(Ps. Ic-ly my character would most likely not tell anyone AT ALL. As he is a Stealther, he would be fone before anyone noticed. Hell he might get back before anyone noticed to. Lol)
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"] alright think of it this way.. you're a legate in charge of a legion... there is still 3 positions on top of you and THEN the junta of the three lords.... you're talking about taking a huge asset off to fight a foreign war... these troops don't belong to you... you command them... it be like the general in charge of hood deciding he'd like a fight in the india vs china conflict and just up and leaving.... high treason is the charge.. you can't make an entire legion up and vanish impossible.. you sure.... 500k men... not a chance you need ships to carry etc it be noticed.... so yes you'd need leadership to say yes you can requisition ships etc to take this legion and go here... OOC I already sent a skype to dranok to talk to him so hopefully he'll hit me back. Does this way of saying it make more sense?

you can pm me on skype too if you have nay more questions or just post it here... hope this makes more sense man

@[member="Dranok Lussk"]
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
No no, misunderstanding! Lol back up! The men are the fringes that's without a doubt, I just train/command them. What I was having the isssue with is having to have Zaide alone speak to someone ic. Where as he doesn't own the legion, he does own himself and would do as he feels is best as he always has.

I think the misunderstanding might have started on my end, were you saying I had to ask for just the legion? Or do I have to ask if I intend to have Zaiden go alone

@[member="Sargon Vynea"]
AH alone as long as its not against an ally eh just let us know ooc it would be best to put the ic post but you don't have to by all means.... as for taking the legion then you would but yourself no your good its nto against an ally
I will kill you all​
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"] @[member="Sargon Vynea"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"]​

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