Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Legio Fortitudinis Armory


  • Corporation Name: Legio Fortitudinis Armory
  • Headquarters: Omnia
  • Locations: Omnia
  • Operations:
    • Starships
    • Weapons
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
Every strong military requires a well-equipped armory, and the Legio Fortitudinis Armory is an ancient sect of the cult, specializing in weapon crafting for generations. For years, they relied on stolen arms, but after gaining control of key spaceports and cities, they began mass production. Now, they not only forge their own weapons but also construct starships, all in pursuit of expanding their influence across the galaxy.

The Armory has existed for centuries, as long as the Legio Fortitudinis itself. Its leadership has always been tied to the Primarch of the cult's military division. When Severon rose to the rank of Primarch during the Civil War on Omnia, he gained control of the Armory. Major expansions followed as they seized weapons factories and spaceports, significantly growing the operation. This expansion fueled a need to conquer other planets to support their growing ambitions.

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