Shadow Priest

The Brotherhood of the Maw has fallen and what many presume to be peace has fallen over the galaxy. Years have passed since Exegol have been destroyed and what many see as the dark side defeated others await when the darkness gathers strength. The Knights of Ren scattered since the death of Kyrel Ren and like so many of the faithful that have escaped the end have all but fallen silent. Retreating back to the shadows the Knights of Ren slowly recover observing the uneasy quiet that has fallen like a long shadow at the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War. Many years passed without a whisper of any barbaric evil stirring again. While many have seen this as a sign that the dark side wanes underneath the scourge of the blinding light, others have only seen this to mass strength from those that can't find any other path. Where many failed the Knights of Ren slowly recover traveling the wide galaxy that have suffered underneath the decadence of both Jedi and Sith.
The Alliance and the New Jedi Order emerge victorious but at what cost?
The Sith remerge in the Outer Rim rising in rapid succession.
The galaxy once more is scarred with many crying out for a savior they desperately seek strength in.
The year is 900 ABY and the Legion rises as the coming harbinger of strength to all against both Jedi and Sith.
Heralded by a bright red star and led by the brutal and deadly Knights of Ren. The Legion of the Crimson Star AKA The Crimson Legion, Red Order, or The Legion emerged after years of hiding and building influence among the countless trillions spread across the galaxy specifically rebels, outcasts those that have been misguided by the Alliance's perception of peace or even the Sith's absolute desire for gorging themselves on power. The Legion arises born of a new breed of the dark side by promising strength through embracing the Ren's philosophy. The Knights of Ren have taught those under them that the 'Shadow' represents the darker selves of every being. These darker aspects are often ignored or repressed. The Ren philosophy believes that by embracing the 'shadow' we truly embrace ourselves and by integrating the shadow and it's darker tendencies that fear, insecurities and weaknesses are all tossed aside in favor of finding strength within the darker aspects of every being. By spreading this philosophy they encourage the masses to embrace the dark side, but recognize that a balance with the shadow is called for lest one gives into the all consuming path of the Sith. This has caused a great following from these teachings that the Knights of Ren galvanizing ordinary beings, and recruiting force sensitives and outcasts to embrace the shadow and truly the darkest parts in us all to follow a path led only through strength alone to a lawless and chaotic galaxy. The Sith remerge in the Outer Rim rising in rapid succession.
The galaxy once more is scarred with many crying out for a savior they desperately seek strength in.
The year is 900 ABY and the Legion rises as the coming harbinger of strength to all against both Jedi and Sith.

The Legion believes that the only way to achieve this power is by embracing this shadow and all of the aspects of the dark side but unlike the Sith they recognize what happens when one slips too far. Emphasizing on control and strict discipline to master the dark side as a tool to impose strength and order where only the strong shall rule. The Legion emphasizes a pursuit on personal growth, individualism and self realization in order to gain power from within hence they find strength not bound by limiting codes or strict dogma. They see themselves as the true heirs to the galaxy they see the endless conflict between Jedi and Sith as the source of suffering. They view the Jedi as a hypocritic in the beliefs they carry as the preach peace and harmony, only instead that they have been responsible for countless conflicts and see them as an old order needing to be purged. They view the Sith as wild beasts instead of using the dark side to shield the galaxy and promote growth from within the Legion sees the Sith as an all consuming inferno unchecked by the need for the dark side that ultimately will consume themselves after everybody else and as spawned by the Jedi the Legion views them as a threat along with the Jedi that needs to erased from the galaxy entirely.
The Legion follows like with every organization with a system that emphasizes who rules the Legion of the Crimson Star. Below is there ranks.
- The Knights of Ren: The highest-ranking members of the Legion, the Knights of Ren serve as the elite warriors and commanders of the Legion. They are skilled in a variety of weaponry including but not limited to lightsabers, blasters, melee weapons and dark side abilities. They see that true strength comes from within and not by codes or dogma. Focusing on personal growth, self realization, Individualism and bonds of brotherhood that makes these dark side warriors strong. A formidable force against both Jedi and Sith. They have ranks of there own only known to the Knights themselves.
- Supreme Ren- The Leader of the Knights of Ren and also known as the Crimson Arcane operating as a shadowy figure and head of the Legion. This individual would oversee the operations and strategic decisions of both the Legion and the Knights of Ren
- Master of the Knights of Ren: A trusted advisor to the Supreme Ren and the second-in command of the Knights of Ren. Responsible for carrying out the Supreme Ren's orders and ensuring that the Knights of Ren operate smoothly.
- Knights of Ren: The core members of the Knights of Ren who have proven themselves through their skill, loyalty and bonds of brotherhood. They are the backbone of the group and carry out the Legion's missions and are formidable commanders in leading the Legion.
- Disciples of Ren: New recruits of the Knights of Ren who are still in training they are expected to learn from the Knights of Ren and prove themselves through their dedication and skill.
- Initiates of Ren: The lowest ranking members of the Knights of Ren who are still in the process of being initiated into the Knights of Ren. They are not yet full members and must prove themselves worthy of joining the ranks of the Knights of Ren.
- The Masters of the Dark: The Masters of the Dark are highly skilled dark side users who have achieved a high degree of mastery over the dark side. They serve as advisors and mentors to the Knights of Ren, and are responsible for political matters of the Legion, as well as the training and overseeing of the Dark Acolytes. Next to the Knights of Ren they hold the most influence as masters of battle and manipulation with their influence spreading far and wide across the Legion.
- The Dark Acolytes: The bulk of the Legion's forces are made up of the Dark Acolytes. Trained by the Masters of the Dark they serve as foot soldiers of the Legion. Skilled in a variety of weapons and as dark side warriors skilled in powerful force abilities, lightsaber combat, blasters, explosives, and melee weapons. When one encounters the Legion they most often encounter the Acolytes. Made up of the most loyal and fanatical citizens that believes in the Ren Philosophy and eager to free others from what chains they possess in order to spread the way of shadow.
- The Dark Initiates: The Dark Initiates are the new members of the order still in training underneath the Masters of the Dark. They are taught the ways of the dark side as well as Ren Philosophy and are expected to prove themselves before advancing to the rank of Dark Acolyte.
The Legion only begins to spread through every dark corner of the galaxy awaiting for when the time is right to reveal themselves. Only then will the way of the shadow spread across the galaxy and the Jedi and Sith are consumed within the dark abyss. The Legion wishing to free the minds of the downtrodden and oppressed within the conflict of the Jedi and Sith and that only by embracing the dark corners of the shadow can only strength come from within. But within this new freedom brought about by the Ren will bring about a new evil not hellbent on destroying the galaxy but by embracing strength through any means in order to bring about lasting peace and order to all.
OOC: The Legion of the Crimson Star, born from the peace that has come across the galaxy since the destruction of the Brotherhood of the Maw. Having served Crimson Dawn, The First Order, and the Brotherhood of the Maw. Led by a shadowy and enigmatic figure the Knights of Ren spread across the galaxy recruiting those deeply scarred by conflicts of Jedi and Sith. Ultimately the peace cannot last forever, and that a new darkness rises. The aim is to create a dark side faction that doesn't strictly follow the all consuming dogma of the Sith, but to embrace a new kind of evil found within the Knights of Ren a clandestine dark side group that remains a mystery to most. The goal is to achieve galactic dominance not through outright destruction alone but to free the countless trillions by embracing the Ren Philosophy. Ultimately this means to make an enemy out of both Jedi and Sith orders with a religious fervor to wipe both orders from the face of the galaxy in order to install what is perceived as the self declared destiny of the Legion by galvanizing those that have strong public resentment against both Jedi and Sith and are willing to fall behind a group born from the dark side to finally rid the galaxy of the two and gain a semblance of order they so desperately crave.
This faction idea is built around a unique philosophy around a group of dark siders that stand apart from the Sith and aren't selfish to be dark jedi but to provide a sense of warped security and peace by preying on the desperation of the masses seeking something different. Decade after decade the Jedi and Sith have doomed the galaxy to a living hell many times over regardless of the intentions at play. Now the desperation of the people have led to the rise of a leader preying upon trillions to launch a crusade against both force sects by offering a way to free themselves. Ultimately this will put this group from a dark enlightenment to sounding the drums of war where the classic struggle of Jedi and Sith have brought about a new threat hellbent on destroying them all and offering promises of a new peace where the weak wont suffer and only the strong shall govern above all else.
This faction ultimately is seeking those that don't quite fit in within the rigid confines of both Jedi and Sith and embracing a darker nature. Recruiting both outcasts, rebels those that seek to strike back and embrace a path that focuses on growth and power from within instead of begging for scraps that makes one ready to conquer the galaxy. Who is ready to free the galaxy in the name of the legion? The shadow it calls to you will you answer it?