Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"My honour is my life.
My duty is my fate.
My fear is to fail.
My craft is death.
My pledge is eternal service.
I owe my service to the Imperator."



  • Unit Name: Legionary Cohort of the Eternal Legion of Zakuul
  • Affiliation: The Eternal Crusade
  • Classification: Elite Clone Death Troopers
  • Description: The Legionary Cohort are the standard Clone Stormtroopers of the Eternal Legion, equipped for serious infantry combat and trained for a great variety of operations, by taking major inspiration from the Mandalorian Crusaders and Supercommandos as well as Death Troopers, and even receiving direct initial training by the latter. They are entirely composed of Homo Aurum Minor clones bred in the Star Fortress Invictus Antagonistes as well as on Iokath and are known for their extreme discipline, impressive weapon handling and cold pragmatism. Their distinctive golden armour makes them, intentionally, stand out on the fields of battle, defiantly bringing death and justice to their enemies. They are very stoic and have a distanced attitude towards any outsiders, especially Force Users which they can can be outright hostile towards, but a brotherly approach to each other. Among their peers they are considered to be the 'regs' or 'regulars' and focus on stormtrooper tactics, directly engaging the enemy at short and long ranges. They are the vanguard of a new age of enlightenment, coming from the world of Iokath or how they call it: Vandemar.


  • Tactical Flexibility and Superiority
  • Superlative Physiology
  • Operational Versatility
  • Powerful Equipment
  • Force Dead (No direct Force influence)

  • Stealth? No Thank You.
  • Nimble & Acrobatic Melee Fighters
  • Weakness to indrect Force based attacks (such as Lightning, Telekinesis, Alter Environment etc)
  • Cannot use all kinds of transports or speeders due to size & weight
  • Reputation for brutality
  • Social Difficulties
  • Overconfident
  • Difficult, expensive and time intensive to replace


Project: Genesis of the Imperator Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund saw the creation of a new generation of Clone Troopers after the practical experiments with the Rim-Guard Order. Meant originally to supplement the New Imperial Order and later Empire with a caste of extremely capable super-soldiers, the Eternal Legion was instituted shortly before the Battle of Exegol and hence saw little service in the Second Great Hyperspace War, due to the decline of the Empire and its capabilities as well as the focus of their founder on rebuilding both Zakuul and his asset, Vandemar.

The concept originated in the Project: Exarch which Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund was part of himself, making him a warrior and soldier beyond even his understanding, leaders who were only brought down by a Force Avatar. Over the many wars he fought, experiencing Mandalorians, Sith, Jedi, various Special Forces, Stormtroopers, Death troopers in battle, they were envisioned to surpass them all by taking what is best from all of them. Laying a physical and biological foundation, they were then enhanced in discipline and tactics, developing and progressing individual specialisations into proper battlefield units.

In the two decades that followed, the Eternal Legion grew in size and capability equally, making way for more Legionaries and also for introducing further organisation into the now founded Legions. Unit distinctions were made to increase combat effectiveness and elevate the troops from a supplementing force to a stand-alone army. Though despite early estimates and a more than extreme training regime, it took on average twelve years to achieve the desired baseline capability in the clones, by now surpassing Death Troopers and Supercommandos and other elite formations as desired.

Here are a few song examples: {X}, {X}, {X}, {X}, {X}

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Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund

I’ll be handling the review for this one. First let me say when I first saw this the imagery of the Imperials from ESO down to their sigil bugged me. I looked into it, and I don’t see enough of a crossover to question it further.

That being said I will need you to address your strengths and weaknesses. You have them being force dead listed as strength. In weaknesses you say they are weak to force attacks.

Both of these cannot be true. Being force dead suggests force attacks would not work on them per se.

Perhaps you have an example that would change my mind here, and I’ll gladly take it into consideration. It may be that I’m not understanding what you’re getting at here. You can always remove the weakness as well to deal with the issue at hand.

Tag me wheee you’re ready.
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan Hello there!

So with the weakness to Force-based attacks, stuff which influences everything but them are meant. Like telekinetically hurled objects, lightning, alter environment. They have no way of countering it, just like any other normal military unit which has no Force users.

That they are Force dead just means you cannot manipulate them themselves with the Force, but everything around them is still part of the Force. Thats how I meant it. :)
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