Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lego Star Wars Shorts!

So apparently this is canon:


It's adorable and fun. They call out the Bakura sector (at least I think that's what C3PO says) and the planet where 3PO gets picked up looks an awful lot like Vjun, so there might be some hope for a bit more returning canon... or at least the locations and species that were built up by other writers anyway... Fun all the same!

Connor Harrison

I TOTALLY buy this and it's superb. If this is canon, can we slap stickers of other factions on our ships to infiltrate their base and ships? :p

Yes for hero Poe!
[member="Connor Harrison"]

I would assume that'd be par for the course these days. Best way to evade an enemies sensors? Some sweet new decals. Pesky transponder checks? Nah. Sticker.


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