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Approved Armor Leidimas Sith Plate

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Manufacturer: Inquisitorial Armory of Faldos, Order of Wonosa
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Leidimas Plate.png
  • Classification: Multipurpose Battle Armor
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Sonic: Average
    • Thermal: Average
    • Radiation: Low
  • Helmet: Forged from Phrik and with a few integrated systems such as electrobinoculars, a comm-unit, a scrambler, an advanced rebreather, and a flash-visor, the helmet is not only very defensive but also with plenty of utility built in.
  • Cape: Made primarily of Armorweave with Zeyd-Cloth lining and imbued with Sith Alchemy, the capes and hoods of the armor can shrug off and deflect most handheld blasters. The alchemical imbuement also gives a minor boost to the wearer's connection to the Force and thus their powers and abilities.
  • Gauntlets/Vambraces: Integrated microsensory mesh gloves and Phrik plating comprise the gauntlets, however there is ample room for additional pieces of equipment to be added.
  • Boots: Plated in Phrik and Gammaplast these boots feature Magno-Grips to allow for additional utility and aid in climbing or unusual terrain.
  • Bodyglove: Made of Plascloth and Armorweave the bodyglove beneath the armor plating keeps the armor comfortable and the wearer almost fully concealed from the environment in order to maximize efficiency even in harsher environments.
  • Coating: The whole armor is coated in Reflec, giving it a particular dark sheen to its metal plating, that makes the armor and the wearer within harder to detect with scanners.
  • Protection Guaranteed: With a mixture of Phrik and Gammaplast plating as well as Armorweave running beneath, the Leidimas Sith Plate boasts an impressive resistance to most common battlefield dangers and hazards. Gammaplast accounts for the majority of the armor but key areas such as the hands, feet, chest, and a handful of other plated areas are covered in Phrik plating for additional protection.
  • Made to Fit: While the Standard Variant is formidable enough, modularity and customization options are abundant for each individual wearer. Particularly with the gauntlets and helmets but with how the armor is constructed most every part can be interchanged and swapped for an alternate one, such as specific temperature control pieces or additional plating.
  • Costly Repairs: Due to the complex nature of the armor's construction and components, field repairs are essentially impossible. While some minor repairs and patches can be made, by and large any real damage will need to be fixed behind the lines and thus battles of attrition or extended operations prove difficult for the wearers if they find themselves in the thick of the action often.
  • Gaps: While the plating of the armor is very protective and cleverly placed to ensure a good defense, in order to keep the armor light and easier to use and maneuver in there are some spots that are lacking in plating at all and are only protected by the bodyglove. Opponents in a duel or even shots with decent accuracy can fairly easily exploit these gaps in the plating if the wearer isn't careful and attentive to their own weaknesses.
As Lord Inquisitor of the Sith Order, and with his operations far less hidden in more recent days, Darth Strosius found it necessary to craft a new brand of armor for his Sith that was far more useful than the simple and infiltration focused Squire Armor which they had been employing before. Heavily based upon his own armor in terms of design philosophy the engineers under his command created the Leidimas Sith Plate to serve as the new standard armor for the Sith following him.

Three priorities were kept in mind with the design and can be seen in the final product, that of defensibility, utility, and modularity. Defensibility was an obvious focus given the subject matter but the nature of how to keep the armor as protective as possible while still allowing full freedom of movement in order to not impede duels or other such activities was somewhat challenging, in the end they resulted in the usage of armor plating and a slightly armored bodyglove beneath it as the best outcome. Utility was a common trope among existing designs so it was of little issue during the design process, similarly with modularity. Modularity in particular was a key focus though because Darth Strosius was insistent on his Sith being able to customize and outfit their armor however they saw fit in order to better compliment their fighting style or mission at the time.

After a lengthy design process the Leidimas, simply meaning 'armor' in the Sith tongue, Sith Plate was born and was quickly put into production. They were of course costly and complex to manufacture but given the relatively small number of Sith within the ranks of Darth Strosius's forces it was a price that could be paid without too much issue. Additionally such armors were typically only given out once a Sith had ascended to a 'Knight' or equivalent rank with a few key exceptions so for the most part only plating replacements need to be manufactured on a larger scale anyway.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a proper armor for Sith following Darth Strosius
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Sith Order
Modular: Yes
Material: Phrik, Armorweave, Gammaplast, Reflec, Plascloth, Alchemized Zeyd-Cloth
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Low
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