Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Leldra Kaar

Leldra Kaar

SpeciesHuman (Alderaanian)
Force SensitiveNo


Leldra Kaar is a striking figure in her early thirties, with long blonde hair that cascades over her shoulders and piercing lavender eyes that command attention. Her fair complexion, marked by subtle lines, hints at the hard battles she’s faced. Her confident posture and sharp gaze exude authority. She wears a tailored red jacket, white pants, and a flowing black cape, with polished black boots that click sharply on the deck as she moves, embodying the poised and formidable presence that defines her reputation.



Leldra is a highly intelligent and calculating leader, known for her sharp mind and strategic prowess. She approaches every situation with cold precision, always several steps ahead of her adversaries. Ruthless in pursuit of her goals, she doesn't shy away from making hard decisions, valuing efficiency and success above all else. Her demeanor is cool and composed, and she commands respect through her sheer presence and unwavering determination.


  • Intelligent
  • Opportunist
  • Ruthless


  • Vendetta
  • Impatience


Leldra Kaar was born on Alderaan, a planet known for its beauty and pacifist ideals, but she always felt out of place in its serene environment. Seeking more than the diplomatic life her world offered, she left Alderaan as a young adult and plunged into the galaxy's criminal underworld. Her sharp mind and ruthless ambition quickly propelled her to the top, where she took command of a pirate crew and forged a reputation as a cunning and formidable leader.

Now a seasoned pirate captain, Leldra is driven by a desire for power and a need to prove herself beyond the peaceful legacy of her homeworld. She seeks to carve out her own legacy, one marked by influence and control, ensuring that her name is known and respected across the galaxy.


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