"Reckless. Aggressive. Undisciplined."
Name: Lena Gray
Faction: None
Occupation: Mercenary / Saboteur
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 36
Height: 5ft 7”
Weight: 165lb
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Chestnut
Force Sensitive: Yes
Voice & Playby: Marion Cotillard
+ Lena hasn’t forgotten what it means to be alive – she understands the social drive of humanity and can blend into many crowds with her attire to suit the need. She can dance, she can sing, she smile and she can shoot. Her mind and body is also a weapon and just as deadly as a gun.
+ Lena is empathic to others in need and will do what she can to help, and never forgets a face. She’ll always return a favour, or provide one if she can. While not attached to anyone, she values being needed and those who want her skills.
+ She is trained in hand to hand combat and can use melee weapons, as well as a short range blaster to hold her own. She also understands that everything and everyone has weak spots and will aim to take them quickly for exposure.
- No friends, no family – nobody. Lena lost her family at a young age and has been surviving with others where the work, and the war, takes her. But she hasn’t carried along her relationships, and continues to be alone which is both good and bad.
- Stubborn and selfish. Thinking about herself much of the time, which leads to her continued survival in covert operations, it means Lena must think of herself more than others when in certain situations which can make her untrustworthy to people who value trust more.
- Lena has never really encountered a Jedi or Sith head-on. While she knows of what they do, how they operate and the power they have, her understanding is lacking in their “religion”, and so often under-estimates them.
- A dog-tag she has always carried engraved with her family name “Gray”.
- A dog-tag she has always carried engraved with her family name “Gray”.
- A180 Blaster pistol

Basic – Speak and understand
Binary – Understand
Huttese - Speak and understand
Mando’a - Speak and understand
Ryl - Understand
Shyriiwook - Understand
Basic – Speak and understand
Binary – Understand
Huttese - Speak and understand
Mando’a - Speak and understand
Ryl - Understand
Shyriiwook - Understand
Born on sun-baked Tatooine inside a mercenary camp deep in the Jundland Wastes, Lena Gray was the daughter of mercenaries and immediately thrust into a life surrounded by honourable pirates, criminals and general notorious debauchery. But it was a life that was full of important lessons, strict morals and great love and affection from those called family.
Born on sun-baked Tatooine inside a mercenary camp deep in the Jundland Wastes, Lena Gray was the daughter of mercenaries and immediately thrust into a life surrounded by honourable pirates, criminals and general notorious debauchery. But it was a life that was full of important lessons, strict morals and great love and affection from those called family.

The “family” was dysfunctional in many eyes with both parents risking life and limb away from home in a dangerous galaxy just to provide for their daughter, but the wider network of their cell was one that taught Lena to look out for those around you, teaching him strict life skills and to use your brain as much as your brawn in times of danger.
Educated within the camp and taken on many exciting, if at times dangerous, journeys across Tatooine and neighbouring planets, Lena grew up healthy, happy and eager to follow in her family’s footsteps. She learnt that many people labelled the “mercenary” as someone who valued credits and notoriety over decency and morals, but Lena easily rubbished that theory through her upbringing where everything that was done was done for survival and the security of family and those in need – the ones who had nothing and were persecuted. No-one was ever innocent in the grand scheme of things and it was a dangerous world they lived in, but everyone had to make their way forward the only way they could with their tools and trades.
Lena was trained to use firearms from a young age and to navigate harsh conditions on various geographical landscapes and climates such as her home world of Tatooine, Skye, Ciutric IV and even dangerous planets such as Mustafar and lush ones like Scarif. Basically she was trained to always think one step ahead and be ready for anything.
Lena was trained to use firearms from a young age and to navigate harsh conditions on various geographical landscapes and climates such as her home world of Tatooine, Skye, Ciutric IV and even dangerous planets such as Mustafar and lush ones like Scarif. Basically she was trained to always think one step ahead and be ready for anything.

On one major assignment by a local Hutt to eradicate a smuggling operation in the ruins of the ancient Rebellion Echo base on Hoth, Lena chose to take on the job alone. Luckily for her the smugglers were in small numbers and quite inexperienced and although many were killed, some fled as they were all surprised by a Wampa horde attack. Thankfully Lena was saved by her father who had followed and observed from afar with a number of other mercs. Lena was pulled from Hoth and taken back to the camp with her ego bruised and a severe lesson learnt about running into a situation and under-estimating the natural surroundings hidden from the naked eye.
In her late twenties, Lena was a fully operating mercenary, dressed in her now deceased mother’s gear of heavy duty trousers, Armourweave shirt, light maroon trenchcoat and vest, allowing her carry supplies whilst being mobile. Working with her father at times on hits, Lena was a worthy foe to her targets but wasn’t physically imposing and often worked with others to heighten her overall threat, but she had great respect within the cell she grew up in as a passionate and strong fighter and survivor. She also became adept in sabotage – striking with traps and also posing as a civillian to infiltrate a crowd.

Lena soon decided to venture away from Tatooine after a number of years working on her skill and galactic knowledge to make a name for herself as a mercenary and saboteur to make sure the galaxy knew that little people could cause giant shockwaves. In travelling publicly, she infiltrated a number of events around the galaxy such as First Order balls, Galactic Alliance dominions and Outback raids.
All helped her work on new disguises and techniques to see how the war-mongers worked and the businesses used their wares for blood-money, to see who could offer the best future for her to be part of a family who made a real difference.
She would show others that no matter what size you were or what Faction you hid behind you or what skill you had, nothing could ultimately take away the fact you could be killed or ruined in a heartbeat by someone as deceptive, as dangerous and as determined as Lena Gray…
She would show others that no matter what size you were or what Faction you hid behind you or what skill you had, nothing could ultimately take away the fact you could be killed or ruined in a heartbeat by someone as deceptive, as dangerous and as determined as Lena Gray…
