Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lendo Dral


Just a humble bounty hunter.
NAME: Lendo Dral
FACTION: The Hutt Cartel
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 210 lbs
EYES: Steel grey
HAIR: black, cut very short
SKIN: dark brown
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not force sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Lendo is a crack shot with just about any rifle, and has an assortment of gadgets to help him gain the advantage in a fight. He is also a proficient pilot, being a scoundrel living on the fringes of space. Aside from some basic training in hand to hand combat, he is not very proficient in close quarters combat, and due to a severe injury he received years ago, his left eye is partially blind, making him susceptible to flanks.

Lendo is tall and relatively fit. He wears a brown, wide brimmed hat (Similar to what Cad Bane wears) and coat of the same color, his goggles rest strapped above the brim of his hat. He wears a black long sleeve shirt, tan pants, and black boots. His gloves are fitted with gauntlets that carry several gadgets.

-modified goggles to help improve targeting to compensate for his damaged eye
-grappling hook and taser integrated into left gauntlet
-miniature blaster, capable of firing two shots, a flame thrower, and a motion sensor integrated in right gauntlet
-2 flash grenades, one adhesive grenade, one thermal detonator
-2 standard DH-17 Blaster pistols
-1 standard E-11 Blaster Rifle
Lendo was born on Couruscant to very poor and homeless parents who felt they could not provide for him, and as a result they put him up for adoption at a very early age. He lived in an orphanage for the first five years of his life, and even then, his fascination with space was apparent, often gazing up at the stars at night with wonder. As he grew, his lack of a sense of belonging made him hot headed and somewhat arrogant. He was seen by most as a delinquent, often playing pranks and antagonizing authority figures as a means of getting attention. He made very few friends and was often alone during his time in the orphanage.

At the age of sixteen, with no true sense of direction, Ledo tried to join the military, but his hot temper proved to be his demise. Near the end of his training at bootcamp, he was discharged for fighting with one of his comrades.

Lendo eventually found work as a ship mechanic's assistant in the more shady regions of Coruscant. The mechanic tended mainly to the ships of smugglers and bounty hunters, one of which belonged to a notorious local smuggling crew lead by a man by the name of Sal Contro. Lendo got along well with Sal, and in time, Sal offered him a spot on his crew. Lendo, seeing his mechanic job as more of a dead end than a career, jumped at the opportunity, joining Sal's ranks in his smuggling and bounty hunting operation. Sal taught Lendo how to fly a ship, how to fire a gun, to pick a lock, and just about every other skill a scoundrel needed to hone his craft. He was the closest thing Lendo had to a father.

Lendo served Sal's crew for four years, traveling across the galaxy and taking on all kinds of contracts ranging from assassinations to smuggling illegal items through established borders. He was quite comfortable with his life until one fateful heist. The crew had received a contract to take the life of a major crime lord in Nar Shadaa. Unbeknownst to Lendo, Sal intended to betray his apprentice on the heist in order to give him and the rest of his crew time to flea after the deed had been done. Lendo took out the contract, and was immediately shot by Sal afterwords, severely scarring his face and damaging his left eye. Sal and his crew left Lendo for dead to be picked up and killed by the crime lord's henchmen. Unfortunately, however, Sal had taught Lendo a little too much. Acting on both training and instinct, Lendo managed to stave off his attackers and steal a ship, barely escaping with his life. He returned to his home on Couruscant, returning to the mechanic he once worked for. Using the money he'd made from his time with Sal, he bought a ship of his own and attempted to make it on his own as a freelance bounty hunter and smuggler. Lendo spent the next four years making a name for himself in the criminal underworld as a skilled merc who'll take any job if the money's right.

He found himself both alone and without a place he could truly call home once again. With no real reason to fight, Lendo wonders if this is the life he is fated with, or if there is a greater purpose waiting for him in the future.

The Nemesis, a YT-2000 light freighter. It's fast and quiet, the ideal ship for a smuggler. Fitted with hidden compartments under the floors to hide the smuggled items, and a stealth system that masks its heat emissions. While it can be seen clear as day if someone were to look out the window, the ship will not show up on even the most advanced radar system. Its stealth mode can only be active for thirty minutes before the accumulated heat has to be vented, otherwise the occupants will be cooked alive. It also lacks in fire power, with only one turret fitted with standard double laser cannons. Requires a pilot. An old R5 droid Lendo typically refers to as "Arf" helps maintain the ship.





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