Leo Anubis
Credit: http://1d4chan.org/images/thumb/8/80/Straken.jpg/300px-Straken.jpg
NAME: Leo Anubis
FACTION: Pirates
RANK: Gunery Officer
SPECIES: Human (some cybernetic parts)
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1,90 meters
WEIGHT: 85 kilo
EYES: 1 cybernetic eye, the other is brown
HAIR: Dark haired
SKIN: see image
+ Strong.
+ hits hard whit his cybernetic arm.
+ good shot/marksman
+ Greats whit ranged weapons
+ knowes all about most guns,blasters,ect (ranged weapons in general)
+ Speaks Hutees
+/- Always carrying a arsenal of weapons
+/- Cybernetic parts
- Not Thad good whit Melee weapons.
- slightly overprotective over his friends and guns.
Leo tends to stand out in a crowed beceas of his cybernetic arm and eye, he wears a red bandanna most of the time, and often goes bear chested, or wears sleeveless shirts (don't know the English name fore it)
Leo was the only son of 2 scavengers and arms dealers thad worked fore a ritch hut, beceas of this Leo was always around weapons and loved tinkering whit them, finding out howe they worked and building his own, always bussy working whit these weapons.
At 1 of there scavegs tuns Leo's richt arm became was chrused under a larges durastel beam, and a smal piece of shrapnel fel in his left eye, whit no way tp pull him lose his father cut of Leo's arm.
Beceas they had to save Leo his parends lost the shipmend they were suposed to bring to the hut, fore this the hut orderd them killed, and forced Leo to work fore him til there debt was piad.
During the time Leo worked of the debt he forged himself a cybernetic arm and eye to replace those he had lost whit the help of some of the hut's men.
Nowe thad he has piad of his debt he is looking fore a new line of work.