Leon Grado
The Dark Prince

NAME: Leon Grado (Playby: Lyon from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
NICKNAMES: Vaatu (He uses this as a sort of Codename when he wants to hide his identity).
FACTION: New Sith Order
RANK: Sith Knight
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 feet 7 inches.
WEIGHT: Around 120 lbs. He looks slightly underweight.
EYES: Naturally dark gray, but can become a piercing gold color when heavily under the Dark Side's influence.
HAIR: Bright lavender. Likely a result of him dying his hair to conceal his true hair color, but he usually will ignore any questions regarding it.
SKIN: Caucasian. On the paler side.
FAMILY: Unknown.
+ Has an eerie, outer calmness to him. This can give him an imposing presence despite his rather "pretty" appearance and average height. Can maintain such appearances rather well usually, but may occasionally fall into a more emotional state when things don't quite go as planned.
+ Very determined to accomplish his tasks, thus he will usually give it his all in many situations.
+ Is semi-capable of manipulating others for his own plans, but doesn't usually like to use manipulative tactics unless he deems it absolutely necessary.
+ His skill with the Force is powerful with him capable of performing a variety of different abilities with the Force fairly efficiently. Many abilities still elude him or require more mastery, though.
+ / - Usually seems polite and more soft-spoken, but this can crack if he falls into his split personality, which is much more cruel and sinister. The way he goes about accomplishing tasks even in his normal mindset can be a bit cruel as well as he has adopted a general "ends justify the means" mindset.
+ / - Has a tendency to feel envious towards others, but will usually hide it to the best of his abilities.
+ / - Leon does not use any sort of Sith title, preferring to go by his real name unless he has to otherwise hide his identity.
+ / - Is slightly more kindhearted compared to the average Dark Side user and more willing to compromise on certain things. If one tries to stray him away from his overall goal or oppose him, however, he will not take it kindly. Even him simply believing someone or a group will oppose him is enough to send him into action, showing a sense of paranoia.
+ / - Sometimes shows off a sense of deadpan snark in his thoughts and words.
- His path down the Dark Side has warped his mindset for the worse. He occasionally shows off a more sinister split personality that resulted due to it. Despite the negative influences on his psyche, he is still steadfast in his quest to try and "tame" the Dark Side.
- He has rather low self esteem despite his skill with the Force and lightsaber combat. He usually hides this from others and puts up a front of calmness unless he finds someone to confide in.
- May go to extremes to accomplish his tasks and may not even realize if his plan is flawed or not. Him falling into his split personality can also mess up his plans due to the bloodthirsty nature of "The Demon".
- His frail build puts him at a slight disadvantage in a straight-up lightsaber fight despite having trained for lightsaber combat. He can still win these depending on the foe and how he tackles the fight, but he will usually try to avoid them if possible.
Leon stands at around 5'7" in height and is pale and slightly underweight, looking a bit sickly at times as a result. He sports lavender hair and dark gray eyes that turn into a piercing gold color when he is deeply under the influence of the dark side and/or his split personality. He sometimes has slight bags under his eyes. His hair is mostly straight and goes down a little past his neck in length, but not quite reaching his shoulders. He has a face that is described by others as being rather pretty and gentle looking, which belies his darker nature. He generally dresses in a garb similar to the standard outfit worn by respective Jedi and Sith, but it is of a unique dark purple color. He also wears a golden circlet with a purple gem on his head and an elegant purple, hooded cape with gold lining on the bottom, giving him an almost princely look despite no other indication of nobility.
Leon Grado is an enigmatic young man with much of his backstory currently left in the shadows and him seemingly appearing out of nowhere to make his presence known. From what is known to some, he was discovered to be a Force Sensitive at a young age and trained under a Jedi Master for a couple of years. He then abandoned the Jedi and disappeared for many years for unknown reasons. During this disappearance, Leon started to study and dabble in the Dark Side of the Force, which began to corrupt his mind. He also began to associate with a mysterious, fledgling group of Dark Siders. His prowess with the Force increased further over the years thanks to this group and his own training and he is considered on a Knight's level now.
He had initially been a promising Jedi Padawan, showing a strong aptitude for the Force and having a cunning and caring mindset. While some of these aspects of his personality remain, he has taken on a more extremist nature regarding how he accomplishes tasks and can become a bit cruel as a result, but he considers it to be the ends justifying the means.
He believes he can "tame" the Dark Side and bend it to his own will. His reasons for doing so aren't yet known, but it is suggested he has good intentions behind his actions. Sadly, his dwellings in the darkness have negatively influenced his sense of morality and judgment. His quest towards this has also given him an interesting perspective towards the average Sith, having a belief that the Dark Side controls them rather than the other way around, which explains their behavior. He considers many of them foolish for simply being puppets rather than puppeteers as a result. He believes that some can still be "helped" however. The fledgling group he had associated with organized itself into the New Sith Order, him having joined the group for such reasons as they are a smaller group thus far and that he owed some of them for aiding him in the past.
His deep dwellings into the Dark Side caused Leon to manifest a sinister split personality that he dubbed "the Demon", causing him to hear ominous voices in his head or even outright switch personalities at times. This split unnerved his normal self and gave him a sense of personal credence regarding his feelings towards the average Sith, but he remains steadfast in his belief that he can overcome these issues that he deems to be mere "roadblocks" and dominate the Dark Side as well as aid the New Sith Order down what he believes to be a "better" path. One where they have the power to control the Dark Side for their own whims rather than be what he believes to be mere puppets to it.
It was soon time to make his presence more known to the world...
Unknown Jedi Master
-Force Senses
-Force Push
-Force Wave
-Force Pull
-Force Leap
-Force Telekinesis
-Force Choke (He does not use this very often unless he is forced to in a fight)
-Force Lightning
-Force Deflection
-Saber Throw
-Mind Trick
-Wears a gold circlet around his head with a purple gem in the front.
-Dark purple tunic and robes with black boots similar to the standard Jedi/Sith garb.
-A matching dark purple cape with a hood that has golden colored lining along the bottom.

http://starwarsrp.net/topic/115838-dystopia-sjo-dominion-of-the-chandaar-hex/ (Debut)