Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leon Pride

NAME: Leon Pride

AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 5' 8"
WEIGHT: 137 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White


+ Determination: No matter what happens, Leon is hard pressed to give up on himself or his friends.
+ Attitude: Even with all that has happened, and will happen, Leon has the ability to maintain a positive outlook on life.
+ Bladesman: Leon is naturally gifted in the art of blade combat.

- Memory: His short-term memory is horrible; he will sometimes forget recent events.
- Lapses: Leon will, from time to time, experience memory lapses, which cause him excruciating pain.

SHIP: None currently.

APPEARANCE: Leon has blonde hair, which he always arranges in random spikes. His bright blue eyes contrast with the rest of his features, and are usually the first features one notices about him. Physically, he is very scrawny.

BIOGRAPHY: Leon and his brother Alex were born and raised on Utapau to two caring parents, where the family would have lived a peaceful life, had it not been for one fateful day. When Leon was three, and his brother five, they were taken by mercenaries, who were paid by a team of researchers who wanted to run tests on newborn force-sensitive babies. The two brothers were separated and put in tubes, where testing would begin. By age nine, Alex was moved to another facility, unknown to the younger brother. Sadly, Leon never had any memories of his family, and lived his life alone as a test subject for eleven long years, until the scientists finally grew tired of him and dumped him into an alley on Coruscant. This is where the next chapter of a lost boy begins.



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