Leonid Zhontu
NAME: Leonid Zhontu
FACTION: ScarWorlds
RANK: Spacer/Hauler
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5''6
WEIGHT: 10 stone
HAIR: None, but does like a wig or two
SKIN: Blue
+Keen navigator
+Ace pilot
+Has a very high sense of compassion
+Willing to help those in need
-No combat experiences
-Literal thoughts
-Can be stubborn at times
-Overwhelming sweet tooth
Leonid is of a typical build for a Duros. He often has goggles covering his eyes, this gives him a better visual range. He has noticeable gaps in his teeth from an overactive sweet tooth. He even has prominent canines.
Leonid was born to a single mother as his father died before he was born. Early in life Leonid had the Space Faring fire burning inside him and wanted to go and explore the worlds outside their system, even if it took him to the far end of the known world. Before he could do that, he needed to grow up a bit and get an education. Once his education was complete and he was old enough, he was permitted to learn to fly. He took to flying like a duck does to water.
However, during his teen years, he developed an extremely rebellious streak and a slight disdain for authority which put him at odds with his mother for several years. Sometimes escalating into several rows over his grumpy, sullen teen temper tantrums and the restrictions of being a youngster such as curfews and a ban on sweets. He's already lost three teeth as it is. Leonid in his teenage mist of rebellion couldn't see that his mother was looking out for his best interests and his teeth.
He grew out of this once he hit his 20s, but the desire to travel through space never left him and he spent hours looking at the sky, almost longing for adventure and he decided to live these dreams for himself. He knew he couldn't stay at home forever, and his mother knew this too. Their separation was amicable and they promised each other to keep in touch. With that, the now grown-up Duros set his sights on the ScarWorlds and beyond.
SHIP: The Tin Lizzie