Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Leopold's Legacy [New Order Dominion of Iferetes]

Leopold's Legacy
New Order Dominion of Iferetes
It was a warm evening on the ISD Chimaera. The climate setting was on an extremely comfortable mode, just a little warmer than usual so the Sith King could get into his groove. What is his groove, you ask? Well, my friends, this particular Sith Lord just adores subjugating worlds and commanding legions of soldiers into battle. It just so happened that the New Order, a reminiscent faction of the Sith Empire, had sighted several possible occupation finds near its territory. And of course, Imperial Intelligence done by both the Internal Ministry and the Blackblades had been investigating the nearest and most prospective one: Iferetes. Reports done by ground teams were a little strange. I mean, what kind of kingdom discriminates against women? Not even the Sith were that bad.

"Lord Arcis," Captain Revius strode forward with a data pad in hand, "we're about to reach our destination. What are your orders?" The officer approached a little more and stopped promptly, being the excellent commander he was.

"Deploy the 501st legion." Oh boy. These natives were in for quite the hectic time. The famed Vader's Fist had been reincarnated to personally serve Arcis long ago when he still reigned as Emperor. But like all true Sith, the betterment of the Empire was the ultimate goal. "Blockade it, liberate their people, raid their capital." Three simple and easy orders, left to the creativity of the commanders assigned to such tasks. Even some outsiders from around the galaxy, hired by the New Order, had decided to come along.

"Aye, sir." The Captain snapped a smart salute, and began walking back to discuss matters with his junior officers, still tapping away at that datapad.

"Dropping out of lightspeed now!" A young engines technician cried out.

King Arcis was a little amazed at the first-hand sighting of such a planet. It looked too nice to be ravaged by the flames of war. But not that nice.

"Send down everything we have."

And so it began.
New Order/Allied Forces Objectives:
  • Seize the capital (Primary Objective)
  • Eliminate the Anti-Air guns surrounding the capital for reinforcements (Primary)
  • Liberate the slave camps (Secondary)
  • Liberate key cities of military rule, begin New Order indoctrination (Secondary)
Arthur had been out in the forest as normal and watching the stars on the night that he felt something odd about the coming events. He sat up at the uneasy feeling before finding new stars glowing up in the sky as they soon moved around the planet, appearently blockading the now trade center for Kolto in former Sith space. Reaching for a rather primitive device to these new comers he brought it to his ear and spoke into it. "Can anyone tell me what im thinking?"

Up in the sky above them the small Iferetes fleet moved to hail the Sith ships, a collection of heavy cruisers and lesser. "Incoming Ships, this is the Infernus, please state your business for bringing such a large fleet over this planet, we would not want blood shed or anyone injured if there was another way." The Captain who spoke was a Corellian that had come to the planet out of searching to aid his abilities there as best as he could due to the Planet's own fleet commanders not fully accustom to the art of fleet combat should such come.

[member="Darth Arcis"] [member="Aedan Miles"] (Your Alt) [member="Xyhn-Tuhros"] [member="Alyssa Motierre"] @K'dan La'roi [member="Lilythe"]
COMPANY: TD-18 | TD-19

The scarred Umbaran stood on the bridge of the Machinator, arms folded and eyes focused on the planet displayed in the viewport.

"Man, it is good to be back doing this stuff. Am I right?"

TD-18 did not look up from the tactical display to address the newly minted Darth Janus. In fact, he did not address the Sith Lord at all. TD-18, in contrast to his master, had grown quite cozy in his retirement in deep space. It figured that Tyrin would start chafing under his and run off to join the One Sith, subsequently calling his signature Lucrehulk-class Battleship and his minions still nestled aboard it to his cause. At the very least, TD-18 looked forward to exercising his tactical programming once again.

Darth Janus' first course of action was to hop on board and help the first Sith incursion he could find. It just so happened that it was the New Order's subjugation of a backwater slaver den known as Iferetes.

"I used to be kind of speciest, y'know? Didn't care much for non-humanoids. I grew out of it though. But speciesm is at least kind of understandable. These Ifrits are just sexist. Can you believe that? Like, how backwater could you be?" Janus gave a short laugh, probably the first time in years. "Not only that, though. They're slavers too. Backwater meets impractical. Then there's the caste system. This whole rock is a social justice nightmare."

Maybe that was a tad hypocritical coming from a native of Umbara, where the caste system was all-encompassing. However, there were ways to move up in the castes on Umbara. Better still, women weren't locked in their own caste. There was a difference between what went on Umbara and the sheer uncultured barbarism present on this planet. The Machinator still held the droid army it had been equipped with in the days of the Empire. Before Janus deployed it, he would deactivate the AA grid of Iferetes' capital city.


"Alright, that's enough of that. Prep my shuttle. I'm heading down."

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