S u p e r i o r

Without Pilot Suit

General InformationName | Lera Nobliss
Aliase | Red Meteor
Gender | Female
Age | 31
Species | Human
Homeworld | Elrood
Force Sensitive | No
Voice | Liberator | Starcraft 2
Physical Information
Height | 5'8"
Weight | 130 lbs
Build | Ectomorphic
Eyes | Red (Cybernetics)
Hair | Hazel Disheveled
Skin | Lightly Tanned
Appearance |
Lera is not much different from the average human female at a glance, though she is often dressed in a form-fitting pilot suit that is colored red. The only other distinguishing feature that Lera possesses is her red cybernetic eyes, often catching the attention of a few people who pass her by. Apart from that, however, she just appears as a regular woman with disheveled, hazel colored hair. Closer inspection when she is not in her suit will reveal that she has her forearms and calves replaced with cybernetics, though they are very organic in shape, along with several ports along her nervous system.
Psychological Information
Sexuality | Heterosexual
Relationship Status | Single
Personality |
Adventurous| Confident | Daring | Energetic
Abilities and Traits
+ Three Times Faster | Lera's body is able to handle excess G-forces that are not compensated for by inertial dampeners on starfighters, allowing her to forcefully push the limit as to what her body and ship are capable of handling.
+ Ace Pilot | Numerous modifications to Lera have impacted her ability to operate and fly a starfighter, mostly for the better. She can process combat data much faster and react faster to numerous variables. Target acquisition, leading shots and a variety of other factors are all improved as a result of modifications.
- High Risk, High Reward | Lera often takes chances that are extremely risky but yield just as much payoff for successfully pulling them off. This has resulted poorly for Lera on a number of occasions, but the fact that she is still alive keeps her coming back to the same risky strategies.
- Speed is Life | Lera lives for the skies and the thrill of starfighter combat. It is something she cannot live without, constantly pushing her to indulge her addiction for speed and adrenaline. As a result, she is always in a perpetual state of sluggish drowsiness when not in the air, only really feeling herself when flying.
HL-27 Light Blaster Pistol
Specialized Pilot Suit