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Codex Denied Lesser Chirodactyl

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  • Intent: To create a new species to be used as a companion
  • Image Credit: Best I can do, OG artist (PaulReinwand) had their Deviantart account removed or deleted it themselves.
  • account on Deviant was taken down/deleted
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Chirodactyl
  • Name: Lesser Chirodactyl
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: Dathomir
  • Average Lifespan: 20 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: One meter
  • Average Length of Adults: 2.5 meters from nose to tip of tail
  • Skin color: Dark gray/black
  • Hair color: White, black, tan, brown
  • Distinctions: Lesser Chirodactyls are the smaller more numerous cousins of the Chirodactyls who instead of relying on brute strength rely on cunning and pack based hunting strategies. Male Lesser Chirodactyls have much larger front teeth, as well as a larger mane and more 'preened' facial spikes often dyed in various fluids such as berry juices, mud, and even occasionally blood of much larger dangerous predators all of which serves the purpose of attempting to find a mate. Female Chirodactyls on the other hand are significantly larger and more brutish, tending to live in much smaller groups of two to three individuals guarding a large nest of the collective's offspring. The male packs (10-15 individuals on average) act nomadically, roaming the planet in search of food which they eat or present to the nests of females who guard vast swaths of territory against other Lesser Chirodactyl females.
  • Races:
    Furry Chirodactyls: The Furry Chirodactyls are an incredibly small and rare population of Lesser Chirodactyls found around Dathomir's northern pole. They boast much larger manes and coats of fur, and there are significantly more force sensitive individuals found in this population. One pack of Furry Chirodactyl males in particular is believed to be all force sensitive, and has grown to a massive twenty four individuals who are known to cause havoc in any ecosystem they find themselves in and have grown brave enough to hunt the native peoples of Dathomir openly.
    Coruscanti Chirodactyls: Coruscanti Chirodactyls are native to the lower most levels of Coruscant. Originally brought over as pets for a powerful crime lord these Lesser Chirodactyls have adapted well to Coruscant's metal hellscape. These Chirodactyls tend to have significantly less hair and tend to grow much smaller and have a very different social structure than their Dathomiri brothers. Coruscanti Chirodactyls have mixed their gendered pack structure so that each pack has two or three female alphas who lead the pack while the males help defend territory and bring back resources to a large central nest where as many as twenty to fourty Coruscanti Chirodactyls could be living.
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard: It has been observed that some Lesser Chirodactyls actually present some levels of force awareness and capability, tricking prey with simple mind tricks, communicating with fellow pack members telepathically, and in one case of a particularly large and obese female helping themselves fly via force telekinetics. This power is common enough that most who interact with the species won't have to look long to find one, but certainly isn't common enough that every pack has a force sensitive individual and those that do tend to be led by that force sensitive as an alpha.
  • Heightened Senses: Lesser Chirodactyls have incredibly good smell and hearing, able to navigate in pitch darkness via echolocation and smell alone.
  • Pack Hunters: Lesser Chirodactyls hunt in packs, and are very good at it. Some may act as a distractions while others wait in ambush or pounce when their prey isn't looking, other times they may simply swarm their opponent hoping to overwhelm them.
  • Tamable: Locals of Dathomir long ago figured out how to exploit the Lesser Chirodactyls pack structure for their own needs, figuring out ways to tame them and field them like large flying ferocious dogs.
  • Disease Ridden Bite: Lesser Chirodactyls can cause a lot of damage with their initial bite, but what they leave behind is even more deadly. A toxic mix of pretty much every deadly virus and bacteria on Dathomir, not to mention a few extinct strains only found in the saliva of Lesser Chirodactyls. A few packs have even been found to have Gulag Plague in their saliva, proving even more deadly. This also tends to make their feces incredibly dangerous as well as areas they have their nests in for prolonged periods of time.
  • Thin and Lanky: Lesser Chirodactyls are relatively easy to kill as they have no armor, their bones are thin to allow them to fly, and they rely solely on close quarters melee to dispatch their prey.
  • Infighting: If a pack gets too large on most occasions it will lead to abrupt violence and either a split in the pack or a slaughter of the weakest members. This has made sure the strongest of the species always survive but it means that they never grow large enough in number to ever be considered a threat to any group with modern technology.
  • Overwhelm their senses: Loud sounds like explosions, flashbangs, etc can very easily disorient Chirodactyls and cause them to become dizzy or flee in terror.
  • Diet: Carnivorous
  • Communication: Chattering, Hissing, Growling
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Lesser Chirodactyls are dangerous, but not too dangerous. They're smart enough and daring enough to attack humans and other sapient species but never in such a large enough number that a few good blaster shots won't scare them away. Really you're only in perilous danger if you get cornered by a pack of them by yourself or stumble into one of their nests. Lesser Chirodactyls however are mostly scavengers only actively hunting when an opportunity presents itself to them rather then them going out of their way to find one/make one. When they do hunt they tend to go in for a quick few bites and then sit back and see if the myriad of diseases kill their prey for them to then scavenge later or try to overwhelm small/weak creatures.
Lesser Chirodactyls are an old species on Dathomir, having survived on that planet for thousands if not millions of years. Some of the oldests recovered texts of Dathomir reference these creatures, and the dangers they proved to be to the inhabitants. Yet as technology developed the Lesser Chirodactyls became less of a danger and more of a pet/tool to be utilized before being mostly forgotten about as any kind of danger at all. Sure someone gets killed occasionally, but compared to the other horrors of Dathomir they're barely a footnote.
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Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ
Hi there! I'll be reviewing your sub. I'm a trainee codex judge, so this will require secondary approval.

Nice work here! This is a very solid sub and there's only one thing for us to go over before I stamp this.

General Information
  • You are missing the Description field here, after Estimated Population. As per the codex rules:
    The entire template must be used in your submission.
    Please include the Description, which should detail how the species looks at a glance.

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