Shadow Hand

Deep shadows cast long shapes over the city as its streets grew dense with the population of curious, concerned citizens at the sudden spatial phenomenon. The world below grew darker as the clouds above grew heavy and black, drowning them in a twilight beneath and pushing out the defiance of the light. Down through the clouds a comet of purest crimson fell, its tail leaving arcs of crimson lightning illuminating the darkness above, the very air growing heavier. The comet descended with crippling speed crashing straight down into a densely populated square in the central portion of the city below. Its sheer force shattered glass for a dozen city blocks, sending a column of dark energy and showering debris high into the sky above. But the impact on those below? Horrific. It was indescribable horror, pure carnage that reduced living beings to sprays of bloody mist, bodily shrapnel, and flesh transfigured into nothing but a gel mass.
That was when he emerged.
A giant stood in the destructions wake of such presence the very air grew heavier, and the darkness grew longer. It wasn't commanded to his side or channeled no, that would be too simple. His will simply became reality around Him, the darkness came to Him at His mere presence. Before them stood the Dark Lord of the Kainate, the Shadow Hand Darth Prazutis, and a smaller raven-haired form of a female who stood beside Him. But there was no rhyme or reason as to how they had survived the catastrophic explosion, all that remained in the immediate vicinity around them was a colorless void. This void created an abominable wrongness that would never cease, never leave it would persist despite all else, and everything stopped at its borders. The giant held a firm hand on her shoulder. He was clad in a set of reflective, form fitting black plate and robes He stood the epitome of a ruling warlord, a tyrannical planet crushing despot. His lightsaber was clasped to His waist itself a dark instrument radiating fell power.
When He removed His hand from her shoulder the Dark Lord exhaled deeply, and color rushed in to fill the void around them. But even though it remained full the mark left behind would remain, creating a permanent fell feeling in this place. He stepped out from the crater left by their arrival to a chorus of agonized screams, a symphony of grief-stricken wails and fear driven panic. All around Him He exuded a presence of finality, the sheer immensity of Him was equal parts intoxication and asphyxiation. It was like flying for the first time above the clouds and drowning in the crushing depths of the ocean, it overwhelmed everything around Him, the darkness ceaselessly obeying, death clung to Him like a shroud. "You have grown stronger in your time with me. But you have much to learn still." The Dark Lord spoke without looking at her, standing above her while His eyes swept a scrutinizing gaze over everything around Him, drinking in the fear of the crowds paralyzed in fear as hysteria gripped their hearts.
"Come. Look upon the unwashed masses, see what they truly are. They live short, fleeting, meaningless lives carving out a pointless existence. In our presence they are nothing but tools. Their worth is entirely predicated on your will, their fates tied to the design you have for them. Today I have chosen their home as the site of your next lesson, I have judged their worth and determined they may prove useful in unlocking your deeper potential. Now look upon them. Look deeper than merely flesh, blood, and bone. Tell me what you see, what you feel around you. Feel everything."