Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lessons Learned

If somebody asked what Ra craved her answer would be knowledge. It was all she had ever wanted. Knowing now what she did, she also realized with knowledge came power. In just a few short years, Ra's life had gone from living day to day, to living in a castle with servants. This fact wasn't widely known among these people and she liked it that way. It was still her home and she could return there in peace.

She had an extensive library there of her own, but there was always more knowledge out there to be found. Now she found herself at a library within the territory of the Sith Empire, the empire that had recruited her from the Dominion where she got started in what she considered now her second life.

In her different excursions, Ra had learned she could sometimes learn more from people than items she was trying to get information from. Oddly, she felt that would be the case today.

Ra wore what she was comfortable with which was what she called her business attire. A form fitting black outfit and purple cloak. Her only visible weapon was the double bladed lightsaber hilt at her side, her others were hidden up her sleeves and in her boots. Always taking care to come prepared, she never left home without them if she could avoid it.

Walking through the library, Ra took notice of others around her and felt drawn to what appeared to be an acolyte. Why she didn't know, but she was.

@Ariealla Varledi
The Acolyte in question that drew @Ra'a'mah towards was, shockingly enough, Ariealla Vareldi. Though the reason was known by, was it two now, individuals the darker, older presence she lacked the capability thus far to hide from force sensitives coupled with her petite, 'cute' frame, it drew attention. That, and her elegant purple dress, one of many that she opted to wear to hold her regal appearance on the outside. She hated to wear these, drab, dark clothes the acolytes around her were fond of.. if one was to live why limit their own wardrobe until it's completely void of any life?

She chuckled lightly to herself, setting another holobook into its place as she stepped off the little stepping stool. Of course she could have used the force to lift the reading material but, that would be a pointless use at the moment, considering she'd been spending the entire day reading, and watching the people around her. Including, it seemed, one that she felt watching her. She moved the stool aside, moving along the aisle, before speaking to whoever it was behind her. "I do hope you have found what you seek. The way your eyes have latched to my back seem to say as much." She could of course sense that there was a person behind her, moving at a fairly even pace behind her. If they really were following her, as she suspected, she would feel a small sense of pride over it.

Of course she could be wrong, which would be mildly embarrassing. But a very strange coincidence. It happened, she was still getting used to being surrounded by Sith, with her saberstaff on her hip. She was far more used to hiding than being in the open like this, after all.
The acolyte from behind had the same type of hair color Ra had, was a few inches shorter than her and she thought it would have been a younger girl. When the young woman spoke though, the words came across as someone older.

On her way through the library, she had picked up a few items of interest and carried them with her. Setting them to the side when the woman spoke, Ra walked over to her. Moving to stand in front, she looked down at her. It wasn't often she came across somebody shorter than she was. Her look wasn't smug or anything, just a look at the other woman.

She didn't quite smile, but had the feeling this acolyte wasn't exactly as she appeared to be and there was a potential relationship that could form between them. What that might be would remain to be seen.

"I apologize interrupting your studies. Call me Ra."

It wasn't her full name, but it was easier to remember than her full name and what she was used to.

The acolyte was dressed way different than the others and it gave Ra pause to wonder why, but asked her question anyway.

"May I have your name?"

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
Oh, a set of manners on this one. It did bring a slight curl to Ariealla's lips, as she bowed her head, silvery strands dipping in front of her face as she rose it once more. "Ra, short for something vastly more complex no doubt... My name is Ariealla Vareldi. Fear not for my studies, they'll progress steadily with or without interference." She gave another small nod of her head before turning to the shelves. She had best finish quickly, fortunately the last few holo books all went in this section. So she continued speaking, tucking her hair back with one hand as she put the sources of study away once more.

"You're well and above the others, Miss Ra. Would it be safe to assume you've long since passed one of my status, to say the very least?" They both knew she was an acolyte, so the meaning was clear enough she was referring to the status of a knight or lord. Without knowing for certain it would be improper to call her something incorrectly, but she also needed to remain respectful. Simply not recognizing her from those she had seen did not mean she wasn't potentially very high up the ladder of respect. "Regardless of if you have, I cannot help but be curious what it is that compelled you to come to me. Perhaps you could enlighten me, Miss Ra? Or perhaps.. not even you understands why?"

The acolyte bowed her head to Ra, commented on the short form of her name and provided her own. Turning back to the shelves, she went back to replacing the items on the shelf. She had a good point on the studies, they would still be there to be done. The observation was well worded and Ra had to give Ariealla credit. She was an unknown face to the younger woman, but even she could tell she was stronger. It was something Ra could change so it would appear that she was a neutral apprentice, but she rarely bothered with that anymore.

Hearing what Ariealla asked next, Ra didn't really have an answer for. Not one she could easily nail down at least.

"I'm really not sure to be honest. There's just something different that drew me to you."

Her brows would furrow for a moment as she spoke, but not in a bad way. More they indicated thought, not emotion.

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
Ariealla nodded a bit, taking one of the last holobooks and sliding it into its slot as she considered the situation. Someone, yet another person considering the frequency, found themselves drawn to her for one reason or another. How curious that they found themselves in such a situation... perhaps she felt the vestiges of power still resting in Ariealla's frame? It wouldn't surprise her in the slightest. Best to approach the situation carefully, she was capable but not what she once was, if the woman decided she wasn't fond of the way she spoke and opted to get revenge for some slight.

Lifting the last book into its slot, she turned back to Ra with a slight smile. "Perhaps there is something of value you sense, some knowledge I might have that you do not. It isn't impossible, and the force can lead even us to strange places when it comes to expanding one's knowledge."

Ra watched as Ariealla placed the last item on the shelf and turned to face her. She stepped back slightly to allow for personal space and looked at the acolyte with an almost confused expression. She returned the slight smile with one of her own and a small nod at the woman's words.

In her time with these new to her people, Ra had learned they could react in the most unpredictable manner. She wasn't one to do that and maintained a rather level head. In fact, she didn't remember the last time she had lost her temper at anybody. This acolyte wouldn't know that and mostly likely acted out of fear more than respect for Ra herself.

"I agree with you entirely, Ariealla. While according to what we know of each other I possess more, there still might be some knowledge you have that I do not."

Her naturally gold eyes, looked into the indigo of hers and Ra wondered what made her so outstanding to her than the others.

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
"With respect, I would be willing to wager on it." She chuckled and gazed back up at her. If one paid attention, they could see the brilliant sith sulfuric gold eyes peeking out behind the indigo contacts, where it was somewhat worn down. "Ah but it is not my place to question the reason you find yourself here now, 'twould be more suitable to dwell on what we can discover. For example, you appear to be confused. Have my mannerisms brought some form of discomfort?"

"Is that a fact?"

How could this woman really know that much more than her? Ra raised an eye brow at her as she thought that, but she kept it to herself. In a way she felt a little odd looking down at Ariealla, most people were taller than she was or at most she could look at them on eye level.

"I was never an acolyte in a place such as this so I'm not sure if you have other duties to attend to. If you have the opportunity, chance, time or whatever maybe we can sit down and have tea or something?"

She could have just said they were going, but wanted to give the other woman the freedom to choose.

Shaking her head no before speaking.

"Not at all, Ariealla. In fact, I could probably use coaching in my own manners."

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
"I would have more, had I a proper Master, or indeed if a Master had a desire for an Acolyte such as me. Mm, as it stands my place is to 'learn and crave power', as a Sith I'm sure you can see how simple such a task would be." She giggled lightly, her voice quite melodic and sweet as she did so. ".. Mmm... when was the last I had a cup of tea? It feels like Eons.. perhaps I shall take you up on your generous offer. 'Tis not like I have anything better to do." She smiled lightly and took a step back so she could look less... upward. She was unashamed of her height, she clearly was comfortable even in that situation, but it was easier on her neck.

"Did you perchance have time then today? I would assume so, as well as a place to sit in mind. Tea is best enjoyed seated comfortably, after all."

The answer given to her question was a bit cryptic. Ra wondered what she meant by a couple of the comments made and would ask about them when they were having the tea. Giving a small half smile, but an almost friendly one at the chuckle, she turned around to see if she could find a good place to get the tea she mentioned.

Leading the way out of the library, she saw was looked like a shop at a nearby corner. Pointing at it with a nod, "I think that will suffice."

Walking at a pace for the acolyte to keep up with, Ra looked around. The different shops nearby and the people. Various clothes and races. All and all it was quite interesting and she liked it.

"Of course, if this place doesn't have tea, I'm sure we can some place that does."

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
Ariealla straightened her dress, the regalia flowing gently as she moved just behind Ra along the path. She had to look her best after all, even if she just finished being curled up with holobooks for the better part of several hours. Not to mention she was growing curious about Ra herself, quite the strange individual. A Sith she had to assume, yet not one for pomp an circumstance, nor one who seemed terribly concerned with a hierarchy and using their place in it. So strange, at least in this day and age.

"Ah, there should be tea there. Sapir tea, at least." She straightened her posture and followed behind, slowly catching up to stand beside her. "Sapir tea.. suitable for you I would hope Miss Ra?"
Ra waited while Ariealla straightened her gown and put it in some semblance of order. Dressing up had never been something she had enjoyed, but would do it when duty required it of her. Under normal circumstances she would wear what was comfortable for her and at home she had even more comfort. There she actually dressed more like peasant than anything else, in public though she wore something that could hide her weapons well and still allow her easy access to them.

When the woman caught up and saw the shop Ra was talking about, she agreed they would have tea and which kind as well. She didn't actually know anything much about tea or the different varieties. The truth would come out eventually so she decided to admit before the acolyte figured it out on her own.

"I don't actually know that much about tea honestly. Just know how I drink it. Wine is more my area."

Taking the steps leading into the shop, Ra pulled open the door and went in first. Seeing a table along the wall, but not in the corner as that was taken, Ra headed to it and took a seat. She motioned for Ariealla to join her.

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
"A glass of wine tends to be standard fare for myself as well.." Ariealla replied as she followed the woman to a table she selected. She sat down gracefully, slowly, with grace fitting to what she looked like. Royalty, that was. Her timing couldn't have been more perfect either, as a waitress came by to ask for orders. Without missing a beat, Ari asked simply for a cup of sapir tea, waiting for Ra to make her own order before she continued speaking to her.

"I believe some honesty is deserved, Miss Ra. You are quite curious, in the modern era it is rare to find a sith so willing to be civil, rather than flaunt their power or speak through veiled threats and with a sense of superiority. Well, perhaps not rare, but uncommon certainly. I can only assume, at least, that you are Sith, to be here and garbed in black." She sighed gently, sitting back a bit. It didn't take much effort to realize she was less, disappointed than it might sound. She was not judging as she sighed, though it was clear she preferred to wear more, colourful garb. "Of course it is not certain you are, but would I be correct in assuming your creed?"
Ra watched as Ariealla sat down far more gracefully than she ever thought she could accomplish. Maybe if she had more practice she could though. When the tea was order, she listened to what the acolyte said. Her own experience with sith was different than what Ariealla was used to, she could tell that right away.

"Yes, I guess I am. You see, when I grew up, there was only one other Force user and that was my master. There were times when he openly displayed his power, but that was rarely. Quite often we like normal, almost a father and daughter. So what I am sitting across from you is the handiwork of how I was raised."

She knew there were times and placed it needed to be displayed and when those were.

"I am a sith lord, have no doubt of that. What purpose is there to be had in threatening people or treating them like they are lower than you? There may come a day when you'll be less than that person. How then would they treat you? Well, in this day, they would treat you like crap regardless of how you did anyway."

Shrugging slightly, Ra had noticed these sith acted far different than any she had met since her master died. It would take a bit of time for her to adjust to them.

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
"Ah a Baneite then? A rare breed."She smiled, genuinely, and slowly leaned forward as she listened, her elbows resting on her knees, forming a nice perch to place her chin atop. What a curious relationship, a near familial relationship. Her first instinct was to, of course, dismiss it entirely, but as she thought she supposed it had.. a value. Potential to it. As it stood, she herself was not a cruel sith, usually, and entirely willing to have quite a polite, positive relationship even. So it wasn't that far of a stretch..

"Ah, but you have the personal satisfaction of knowing you were always the more disciplined and civilized person. Perhaps that is enough... to have lead through virtue of those beneath you wishing to serve rather than fear of anything else." She chuckled lightly, as tea was finally served. She picked up her cup, taking a small sip of the Sapir tea in thought. "You are unsure how to act amid Sith society, aren't you, My Lord?"
"Yes, I suppose it was more Baneite. While at times we appeared to be like a father and daughter, our relationship was very far from that. I always knew he was master and I was apprentice. There was no family love involved."

In her years with him, Ra had never met any other Force user to her knowledge, not even any Jedi. For years, he had gained in power from the shadows and eventually he had brought them out into the light. She however had stayed more in the shadows even then. Their people knew of her, of course. When a time that they were pushed out of power and rebelled against, they had to run for their lives. It was at that point, when her master died, that she had become a lord. The somehow her memory had been wiped and what she remembered most was her new life.

When she discovered her past, Ra had been shocked. When she returned to the Dominion, she had revealed what she was and her career within them had begun. Before they were destroyed though, she had joined with the Sith. Her place here now secure, the observation of Ariealla was accurate. Ra had no real clue how to act among them and not come across like an uneducated country girl.

Their tea arrived and she picked up her cup to sip at the same time as the woman with her and she nodded.

"There is that, Ariealla. So I can sit across the table like this and talk to, others I'm almost afraid of how to act around for fear of being executed."

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
"Ah the real question of Sith society. How to act without being executed." She chuckled and took another sip of tea. "Well, much as anywhere else, Sith are ultimately people, and general precautions cannot account for every situation. However, I've found it quite, simple to survive. For the most part, being polite is the safest option, at the least when you have the power of a lord, or even knight. Many a sith are fond of their titles, politely calling them 'Lord' or 'Darth' as they may be known is an effective way to start off well. Polite choice of words, avoiding demeaning language, simple, common sense ways of avoiding conflict. The difficulty comes in portraying this politeness not as fear of conflict, of some form of perceived weakness. Flaunting power and status makes enemies, but appearing meek is equally dangerous."

"It's easy, quite honestly, when the chain of power defines who is stronger, or weaker. Who is the learner, who is the master. When we're all the same, it's a game of politeness and respect of those stronger than you, and avoiding prostration and meek obedience. Does this much make sense, my Lord?"
Though she did not fear Ra acting out of rage, if she failed to say such an honorific, she still felt it appropriate to do so. The woman was wise enough to admit her faults, after all, and seek what she could to rectify them.
Sharing in a bit of humor with the young woman, Ra smiled slightly. Considering they were both sith, the lord rarely actually showed her emotions or her ability. The only time she did either was get a point across or because she felt the need to say something. It had helped her stay in the shadows growing up as she learned from her master. From him, she had learned how to manipulate people to do her bidding. A gentle nudge with the Force and people allowed the pair of them to gain power and influence. It certainly had not been an over night happening, but had taken years before being fully cultivated and her master then ruled their planet and people for a few years.

He had not required people to bow, kneel and grovel before him. Only pay him the proper respect due to his station. A simple title or small nod was all that was needed. From Ra he wanted a little more shown as she was his apprentice. It was she that took lessons from him and learned from, from a small child to a young adult, she had turned to him for guidance.

Ariealla answered adequately and Ra took another a couple of drinks of the tea as she listened to what she was told.

Leaning forward, placing the cup on the table, Ra looked at the young woman a little more closely before answering.

"How is it decided among equals in ability? I understand the whole being polite thing. One way I have the tendency to view a situation is almost rather silly. It may or may not make sense to you. You see my childhood memory of being raised Sith was wiped from my mind somehow. That memory was only recently returned to me. Now for a few years I had lived without knowing I could even use the Force and that Jedi and Sith were more myth than reality.
"Those years where I lead a rather boring and mundane life weren't actually bad, but it gave me a perspective I carry with me today. I am a businesswoman before I am a Sith."

They might be odd words to say, but to Ra they were the truth.

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"]
"Then it is a matter of in what realm we are speaking." She smiled motioning to her lightsaber a moment. "Take for instance my role as an acolyte. Among others, my 'equals' have different abilities. I know a man named Orion, a far superior alchemist to me, though he himself is learning the art even now, and another practitioner of Juyo lightsaber combat. In combat, I would dare say he is my equal, and in alchemy he is my superior. But in the art of espionage, I outperform him in leaps and bounds. Were we to be Lords, it would be safe to assume a polite 'Lord' or 'Darth' will keep things in line. Power, skill, influence, these are the things that define a sith. What I may lack in physical strength, I make up for in skill, and such will be the crux of my title, when it comes."

"For you, it might instead be influence which defines your powerbase. A shrewd businesswoman you may be, and that already places you in a position of power. Think of it as the relation between a company that manufactures droids, and the company that makes their programming. Each relies on the other to produce a whole, but each is superior to one another in one way. A crude analogy, as even so there are Lords that may covet your place, but it is a.. workable analogy. And ancient sith had a way to settle disputes without collapsing their empire, though I'm unaware if it remains a practice today..."

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