Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Lessons on Attention

The hangar of the New Jedi Order was, as always, busy with people bustling too and fro and ships landing and taking off. Some ships were being repaired, and some ships were being hauled in to be refitted. It was a maelstrom of activity, especially with the war that seemed to be going on. And yet there was a corner, fairly removed from the rest of the hangar where sparks were flying, the sounds of a computer were going wild, and only the occasional curse echoed. In that corner, there was a ship without any of the durasteel outer components and a young man, leaning over a bench, tinkering with something. Those that frequented the hangar would know him fairly well, and those that didn't? Well, all they had to do was listen to those walking by. He was in here almost every day working one thing or another for a few hours, but the last few days, he'd been in here nonstop, occasionally working through the night.

The design wouldn't be immediately clear to anyone, unless they were good with history, but it was undoubtedly an Aurek Tactical strikefighter from the days of the Old Republic. Despite its unfinished status he seemed to have been taking a break from completely working on it and was working on another smaller project, though that one would be less apparent. Though this wasn't to say that his other studies had gone neglected, just he'd been spending less time on them.

"Man... I should really get into some martial arts sometimes. I'm a decent shot, I'm at least passable with my lightsaber and the Force... I'm not nearly as good with my fists." He looked down at a little droid as it beeped at him. "...yeah, I know I don't necessarily need to be, but you never know when you'll be disarmed and unable to get a weapon, right? In such instances... I mean, what happened back on Qi-ko was kinda eye opening. I should at least know how to do some of it."

He glanced down at a half finished lightsaber that sat off to the side of the bench. There were so many problems with that design that he was going to have to scrap that to work on it later. He liked his original one but... there were flaws in the design from how much of a rushed job it had been. Then he glanced at the other project, the one that was still sitting in front of him. This one was...more of a mess, more difficult and even MORE in an experimental phase. He wasn't an R&D department and he wasn't going to have jedi test this thing. This was actually the third version, but who was counting, right? The first two... Well, the first two had exploded, actually. This time, though he was pretty sure he was onto something. And he was absorbed. He knew that he needed to be reaching out to more people, talking to other jedi. How in the world could he though? So much needed to be done. Still his thoughts were focused enough that he wasn't looking around himself or paying good enough attention and he smacked his head on a nearby shelf as he turned for some tools.

"Ah!!" He rubbed his forehead. "GAaaah... Ooof... ooh that smarts... That's gonna be a welt the rest of the day..."

Amanda braska

Amanda braska

Amanda was called down to talk to Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade nothing serious but he was Being a loner and they figured it was probably best if she did so so that's what she did. She walked up and recognized the frame of the strikefighter. "A strikefighter interesting didn't know they made parts for it anymore unless your just using the frame with modern day parts" she said as she walked up to him.

Noticing the two other projects he was working on or was eventually going to work on she figured out his type rather quickly. He loved to tinker and work on things or just stay busy "if you need training in martial arts there are few better than me aslong as you don't mind a strict teacher who will push you" she said as she picked up his lightsaber. And studied it seeing its flaws "a lightsaber is not something that one can force into existence one must make it carefully and with the help of the force" she said.
While not as bad as normal, Raphael still jumped just a bit when he was approached. He'd never been super good at interactions, but he took a light breath and he turned to her with a light smile. He'd not met her before but that wasn't exactly saying much. While he tried to be open with others and meet with them... it was still an adjustment process. Just meeting with the president of the Rimward Trade League had nearly caused him an anxiety attack. Still! He was getting better. It...was just difficult.

"Yeah... just using the frame with modern day stuff." He smiled to her, as best he could, given the circumstances. "I've, uh, kinda found a...special kind of shield...addition buuut it keeps kinda exploding on me. At least the last two times it has. And... No, I know. Ap-Apologies. It's more just trying to tinker with the one that I have."

He blinked, realizing that she'd asked if he truly wanted training in martial arts. There it was. The opportunity to learn, that thing that always clicked. Learning. He turned slowly and looked to her, a strange sense of calm and peace as he did so.

"I would be honored to learn from you, but no I don't mind strict teachers. Oftentimes what we need most is a good push." Then he reached into his jacket and drew his actual lightsaber placing it on the workbench. " my actual saber. it was just very basic because of how and when I made it."
Amanda braska

Amanda braska

Amanda smiled as she walked up and began force healing the head wound he had given himself before she arrived. "It was an excellent fighter especially for its time" she said standing there as she healed him she looked over the wound and it looked mostly healed so she backed up as he handed his lightsaber for her to look at and as he explained himself "hmm might be a power problem or probably technology not being compatible. She said as she pulled a chair over using the force the jedi master adjusted her pants and coat as she looked over the part with him. "I'm no technology expert but if your willing im here to help" she said.
Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
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Standing there, he was a bit confused as she began to heal the bump he'd given himself and he felt himself turning red, out of embarrassment. He couldn't believe that he'd gotten so lost in his work, again, that he'd slammed his head into the shelf for what felt like the fifth time. This time, though, it wasn't just a delivery guy with more parts or a fellow initiate or even a padawan coming to ask about his lessons. He wondered if she was a knight, if he was about to be yelled at. She did talk about being more of an instructor than anything else.

Raphael took a slow breath as he looked to her fully and nodded. "I'm always up for additional assistance and it's mostly just..." He sat his lightsaber back down and gestured to the fairly large part sitting on the workbench. "This is my latest...little invention... I call it the Ionic Diffusion System. It's kind of like an attachment to a shield generator. It ionizes the shields, allowing them to more...deflect, I suppose you could say, enemy fire. It mostly only works on smaller ship fire, both ion and normal laser cannons, but can work...momentarily against turbolasers. It's not so much designed for that, though." He straightened. "So...what kind of martial arts do you know? I like to learn, so I'm up for pretty much anything. Though..." He looked around. "Not sure if you wanna go to the practice rooms or simply do it here."

Amanda braska

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

Amanda could sense the confusion emanating off Raphael as she healed his head wound. She figured he would be she would have been in his place but she didn't want anything to happen to him especially if she could help. Sitting down and looking at the part Raphael gestured to as she sat there looking it over and listening to him "hmm it sounds like it might be ionizing energy and that energy might be burning out the electrical components of the device or maybe it's overloading the shield matrix emitters and causing a feedback loop blowing up the device" she said looking it over.

She listened to him ask what martial arts she knew "well I'm a master of echani martial arts, zama-shiwo and I'm proficient in broken gate" she said sitting there she thought about it "practice room might be better less people to get into the way" she said as she stood up and with Raphael she walked to the practice room.

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