Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There was something to be said about the snow when it was coming down, here in the small city or town or whatever they had set up the snow on the planet was wonderful before the jedi master was standing around. With a hot as hell Hapen senator and former vice chancellor before she let some of her attention go to the different things there. The previous attempt had not gone well but she was many things that few people really saw. Her long hair tied and at her ankles before she was going off and watching out the window with a small smile on her face. The kimono nice as they had the circlet built it to protect from the temperatures. There was a bunch of other stuff but with all of the work they had been doing out in the galaxy, building this little town as a retreat for members of Sasori was easy enough... plus there was the whole hot Hapen she got to be with and around. Not nearly as often enough.