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Skirmish Let There Be Light: IMP and Allies Assault on Brendok | Open for All


"...If we extend the all encompassing warmth of Ashla even to those who embraced the Dark, if we are not prepared to defend the good, rightful, and faithful people of the galaxy, from the wretched nature of the Dark Side, from the trick and corruption of Bogan... then the Light will be destroyed, and Ashla with them... We should therefore claim, in the name of Ashla, the right to eradicate the Dark."



Light and Dark. Ashla and Bogan. Good and Evil. The two sides have always been a certainty in the galaxy. Constantly at each other’s neck, often so close to eradicating the other. Yet it never happened, and the wheel continues to spin, taking life of innocents, bystanders in the great, forever war.

Once upon a time, way before the Gulag Plague, it’s said that there emerged a Chosen One. To bring the balance to the Force, the only way it can be done: complete annihilation of the Dark Side. Yet his emotion and attachment made him weak. The Dark Side survive with his bloodline and all the seeds of evil he spared. And so he was, a false prophet, and a prophecy had not been fulfilled because he was never one.

And dozens of false ones propped up through time, throughout the galaxy, never getting the job done. Was the prophecy just a sham that was kept and told through generations to give them hope? It seems so. Until little Argella was found, from the Storm and Fire she emerged, and with her, the last strain of hope.

Argella’s life wasn’t as easy as it seems. Growing up with a mountain on your shoulder will never not be hard, having no mother, losing your father at a relatively young age, and having to leave the home you’ve lived in for the entirety of your life doesn’t help. Yet the gift of Ashla is a gift that keeps on giving. The more Argella lost, the more her devotion for Ashla grows, and the more Ashla grants her blessings. Under the tutelage of Imperial Hero turned Ashla’s faithful Michael Barran Michael Barran , she paved herself a path of blazing glory.

And such boons come in an unexpected way. A small operation in an underground black market in Serenno brought Argella and her Knights of the Stormcloak Brethren of Sword a lead, in form of a Bogan artefact, Fermata Cage, sold by a wealthy merchant. A dozen of interrogations later, it’s discovered that a smuggler stole this wretched artefact from a Witch Coven in Brendok.

<My friends, my brothers and sisters in Ashla. I have in my custody a wretched man who had smuggled a Bogan artefact from a Witch Coven in Brendok to a black market of the Great State of Serenno. This, my friends, is just the tip of the iceberg in this region of the galaxy. I am aware that many of you are in a war against the Dark Empire and the Sith Order, and I have the upmost respect for you who fights the good fight. Yet there will never be enough Light to spread, and the situation here in the Outer Rim is beyond dire. This coven is not the only one, they are hiding everywhere, deep underground and in plain sight, even in high places. What does it say about us if we ignore them and continue with our daily life as if nothing is happening, all while they are plotting to come after your home and your children? Thus I call upon you, faithfuls of the galaxy, to shine the Light that Ashla has blessed us with upon the corrupted system of Brendok. Know that this is just the beginning, for the Light of Ashla will shine upon us; then, now, forever.>

She knows that there’s only a small possibility that the so-called Jedi of the New Jedi Order and the Silver Jedi Order would answer her. Yet she still broadcasts the call to them, as well as renegade Jedi, and her adoptive father Michael’s old allies, Imperials and Ashlans alike.

And she’s the first to arrive, with twelve good Knights, and a complete faith in her brethren, that they will answer the call of Ashla. And she marched to the Coven, with a bright white Lightsaber in her hand, and full devotion in her heart.

And so, tonight, under the bright full-moon of Brendok and around the flames of the battlefield, the Princess that was Promised has taken a new, bloodied mantle, The Witch-Breaker of Ashla.

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Kaila's arrival on Brendok earlier that day was a thing of mystery even to herself. Premonitions of the Force called one day, something that had never happened to her before. It was something cryptic, more of a feeling then anything else. A feeling that light and dark would meet in a way yet unseen in this galaxy. Then a word; Brendok.

A feeling and a word, nothing more. Kaila had developed a paradoxical relationship with The Force, a will and a destiny which removed agency, removed any semblance of True Freedom.

If it truly had a will and a destiny for all then it was the source all suffering and all injustice. All things which she had faced. From being enslaved by the most powerful being in the galaxy, to the torment she has endured as his Apprentice, as student to the former Emperor of The Sith. She hated him. And she hated the force for subjecting her this "destiny". But the Dark Side was, according to what she had been taught, a method by which she would wrestle control from the force, and subjugate it to her will. That is why she practiced it, even in those rare times when her insidious master could not see her.

But he could still find her. She knew he could, and she knew that she could not escape. It kept her loyal, begrudingly.

But he allowed her to undertake missions which provided the Kainate with knowledge, with lore of the force. The Witches of Brendok held lore and teachings that not even the former emperor had explored, and so it was that his apprentice was allowed to come here under the assumption that she would learn from them.

In a way these witches had provided her a temporary freedom, And she came not as an instrument of her master's will nor a tool of violence, simply a scribe come to learn from the source and record it for others to read in the future. All while keeping her premonitions in mind.

She knew there would be others here, Jedi and Witches alike, she felt as much in the force.

But thanks to people like Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd and the Brotherhood to which she had invited her, Kaila was just beginning to see that there were other ways to use the force, inferior as they may be, and ways to resolve differences without violence.

And so she kept a distance from all but the witches from whom she learned bit by bit, hiding her thoughts from the force behind a Cortosis Mask and her weapons beneath a cloak which enshrouded her whole body. Yet trust did not come easy and few approached her.

Even so she tried to warn them of the yet unseen tragedy, but few listened to her own descriptions which were every bit cryptic as the premonitions themselves.

Then it came. It took until nightfall but it came; The thunder of cannon fire and the flames of war, heralded by men and women who were neither Jedi nor Sith.

And so she stood there, cloak billowing in the night breeze heated by fire and carrying embers under the moonlight as she watched the battle just beginning to unfold from atop the hill.

Light and Dark were supposed to meet today but not as enemies, not exactly, and so she did not point fingers nor did she attack the Jedi. Instead she watched with mixed scholastic interest and disgust as these new people marched onward, silver lightsabers in hand and murderous intent saturating the force even from here.

But she did not trust in the naively peaceful ways of Jedi nor the yet unknown practices of witches to see them through on this day, nor did she trust herself to fight them all on her lonesome should their combined force fail. She had been taught only to trust in the dark side, and so it was that she would summon it's very avatar upon these fields in the name of victory.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua had been warned of these premonitions before Kaila left the woman's academy on dead Yalara, and it was there that she was taught how to summon the immortal dark lady.

"Darth Keres,"

She muttered aloud and whispered into the force itself

"Aspect of Cold Death,

Master of unliving Yalara,

And Gatekeeper beyond the Veil

Who keeps shadow locked away"

Kaila closed her eyes, reaching her hand out as if preparing to open a door. The Dark Side swirled around her, manifesting in inky black tendrils that began tearing at the air as if trying to pry it open for whoever or whatever she was summoning.

"We call upon... your dark strength...

Keep The... father's shadow

cast by false... light

at bay"

Her eyes opened then, burning with a golden fury as her body began straining under the power being summoned by the word she repeated from a cult far beyond her understanding nor that of any Sith, save the one to which she called.

"Unmake. Ashla."

Kaila growled in a hundred voices not her own that called out through the force as she fell to one knee, drawing on the strength of Darth Parasideus to complete the summoning without tearing her body apart. Even so, her eyes were bloodshot as she looked up to see if Adeline had responded to her summons.

Allies - Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua \ Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic \ Faylene Thal Faylene Thal \ TBA
Enemies - Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus \ TBA


Imbalance. Mother Faylene felt tension in the Thread, like a delicate web being tugged at. The planet Brendok was filled with an anxiousness, as if nature itself was preparing for the tension to snap. Her Aniseyans had come to this world on a yearly pilgrimage, to pay homage to their forbears. The elder witch stared out into the night, wise eyes wary of an invisible threat heading toward the old fortress that they had taken pilgrimage to.

“Malplenil Uhl pahrino Il infan.” She commanded two nearby acolytes, “Prepari fho bahal!”

The coven became a flurry of activity as some members with young children were hurried away to their starships. Others, men and women of prime fitness, readied their weapons. Some of them blasters, some bore lightsabers from pasts long since abandoned, and yet others with weapons blessed by the magics of the Thread. Faylene summoned such an imbued glaive to her hand, keeping her eyes watchful to the threat she felt. She might not be of spry age anymore, but it was her duty to protect her coven. By the Thread, she would make sure they would survive.

The elder Aniseyan readied herself for the fight that would come. Soon flames approached, and blades of silver-white glow. Jedi. The mere thought put a snarl to her wrinkled lips. She saw another move in the darkness, with equally dark ritual in her aura. Sith? It mattered not. She would take that one as an ally over any Jedi. She marched forth with her retinue, weapons at the ready. She addressed the silver-blades.

“You are trespassing on the hallowed ground, Jedi.” She spoke clearly, and bluntly, “Blades drawn? Has your order stooped to the low where you come brandished against a people who only seek their faith?”

Her eyes looked between those that had gathered. The Jedi, the Sith, and her fellow Brendokian witches. She flicked her eyes forward once more. Her grip tightened on her enchanted glaive. Like a she-bear, ready to defend her cubs.

“I will forgive this transgression if you return from whence you came.” She gave her ultimatum, “Any further aggression will be in defense of this place. Of my people.”



Equipment | In Bio

Location | Brendok

Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Faylene Thal Faylene Thal Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus

The macabre wish would be granted, the ritual site now littered with eldritch energies. Standing among all this powerful goetia there lie a shadowy door, it simply standing upright despite having no supporting structure.

To those who knew of it, this door was oft the last thing many saw. Either by happen chance they found it, or they had summoned it and took a step in.

But alas, today there would be none allowed to take a step within her realm of shadow. It would be the fledgling goddess of nightmare that stepped forth, this door slowly opening as an armored figure emerged from the thick inky abyss that dwelled beyond.

"What an...."

The woman takes a glance around for a moment.

"Interesting place.."

She studies what was going on further, a displeased expression forming under her helm.

"Be they wearing black or white, many never understand how they are pawns in his game. Do you see them over there little one?"

Adeline gestures to the warriors of Ashla.

"Ironic that they wield such blades, carrying this aloof sense of superiority. They think they carry the light, but I would know better. I see them for what they really are, fools that sow seeds of evil with every step they take. I know of them..."

And thankfully their foolish crusade had all but died out, just carrying evil by another name..


She addresses her somewhat apprentice.

"The first priority is to keep the children out of harms way, along with the elderly. Oh and dear... Do try to have fun?"

Location: Brendok
Attire: Dathomiri Outfit
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Companion: Grisial
Tag: Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus | Faylene Thal Faylene Thal | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

She had been interacting with the witches of Brendok for several days now. Taking her studies away from the almost completed enclave on Dathomir, Dreidi decided to check out the other covens and Force religions that were different from the witches of Dathomir, Jedi and Sith. She was wearing her nightsister attire that she made years ago, her Lightsaber clipped to her hip as well as her energy bow. Grisial had joined her on the visit and she had spent time interacting with the witches as she attempted to understand the Thread as they called the Force, seeing the ways that they interacted with nature and the Force.

There had been a lot of wariness from the witches and Dreidi had been working slow to build the trust. Offering her insight and training as a branch to offer help as well as trust.

Then there was a call out, a shift in mood and tension in the air. "Grisial, keep the children company and take care of them." Dreidi ordered her familiar, making sure that the Vulptex was assisting in keeping the children calm and less likely to run off.

Following the crowd of warriors, the first couple of presences she felt were dark in nature, they felt like Sith which put her edge. She wasn't here to fight and if the witches on Brendok wished to welcome the Sith here then Dreidi would have to accept it though she would have to end her work early to avoid causing any issues. As she continued to think on that, she started feeling others, some who felt aligned to the Light Side of the Force. Dreidi wondered if the war between Sith and Jedi was coming to Brendok, but when she spotted the supposed Jedi, she tilted her head. They did not seem like Jedi, at least to her.

She kept silent. Hoping that this would be resolved peacefully, Dreidi noted the Sith and saw that they were here to defend the witches which was strange but acceptable. Sith had raided Dathomir more times than Jedi had, she held a distrust for their interactions with other Force cultures but she did not want to stop them. The Elder of Brendok began interacting with the leader of whoever brought aggressive forces here, Dreidi made sure to shift closer to hear the conversation but did not look to speak for anyone. There was just a deep hope that peace could be achieve.
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Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Faylene Thal Faylene Thal Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic




Where fallen realms once stood, the outlaw reigns supreme.
But not today, not whilst Imperium vows to return where the Empire's banner once flew.

Under the Mandate of Sedes Aurea, this duty is for the Defiant alone to honour.

Stepping out from the shade of the off-ramp containment bay, out into the mountainous, forested wilderness, the Lord Imperator of the IMP saw a similarity to home for a moment - all until the scent of Sith-affiliated witchcraft reached his nostrils.

A brief moment of reminiscing to himself was all that Lord Michael needed, but since his fight with the Bloodhound, the bitter taste that victory left in the mouth had left the Tattered Regent wanting for more, even if only for a brief spell of nostalgia. Only a few would know why, and fewer still would know what Barran was willing to risk limb and liberty for, as knowing who drew the old Woad to the Coruscant battlefront would likely have enraged the dwindling many still standing under Barran's protection at the time; though this would likely give context as to how the Lord Regent pined so much for familiar backdrops, and perhaps encourage him to change his survival doctrines once and for all, the risks involved would have seemed like the Woad was gambling with more than his own life in the process.

Not quite home, shame.... It is what it is.
'Ah, well.... So be it, no admiring the view today.'
With jaw firmly clenched shut, the following sneering grimace would be seen as a menacing, foreboding turn of fate in the making for Brendok's defenders, an anger of which the Lord Imperator had clearly brought with him from his fight on Coruscant. An expression of which never really suited the old Woad before, the only one of which his face had learned since awakening from his coma, and it was back with a chip on the proverbial shoulder, but the story told in the eyes was something far more terrifying to behold in contrast. Turning to Maric, and with a glare that assured his ultraviolent intent to all who dared to catch his gaze, the Tattered Regent calmly drawled,'Protect the Tsilors, follow their orders, an' I promise you now - they'll shine, as any hero would in their shoes.', casting an eerily contented tone over an already-frightening interaction.

'Consider it done, Milord.... Ave Imperium!'

<"All units, this is Mask One - listen up! I want a loose cordon around the AO, with Sabretooth contingents manning every known entrance, every known chokepoint to the valley itself. Nothing gets in or out without our say-so. Everyone else can coordinate with Sabretooth Command callsigns, Tsilor and Maric retain green-light autonomy, so make use of that strategic freedom. As for me, however, I'm taking the Chanting Masks into the red zone.... Mask One, going dark - AVE IMPERIUM!!!!">
Turning away from his view of the mountains, Lord Michael turned to Tancred and his attache from the Highland Brotherhood, continuing,'Galloway, you're with us.... Tancred, take half the masks so you can protect our LZ. Form the HQ as quickly as ye can.', using a rolling, tactical cadence in consideration of the valuable time they had wasted already. A deployment Barran personally wanted to fix for the next engagement, the drop-in specifics were too flexible, and lacking in the urgency of their predecessors, though it wasn't enough of a problem to grumble about it at the time. An annoyance that was fortunately sent careening to the back of the mind in the following moments, as Barran's eyes had finally crossed paths with the Temple that housed the guilty Witch Coven, the hideout uncovered by one of his Order's most-prominent Chanting Masks.

~=Lady Argella, its time t'mask up.... I'm on the way.=~
'Mask up, everyone! We're moving in!'


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Cannaugh kept his rifle a modified A280 gently and firmly in his hands high into his shoulder down the sight as he scanned the terrain for any threats to his Emperor. This was his first mission assigned to protect his sovereign and he was taking his duty seriously. Privately a part of him the part assigned tasked to protect him he wished his Emperor would stay in a place of safety at the very least on one of the ships in the fleet. The Woad in him was proud to serve an emperor a man who refused to hide behind his troops like other leaders of the galaxy did. Cowards who sent men to die while they sat comfortable in their plush offices and gilded palaces. Cannaugh's emperor was a Woad through and through. A warrior of honour who fought alongside his men.

Cannaugh wasn't entirely sure why this planet or the nightsisters should concern his Emperor enough to wipe them out, but for him that didn't matter. His Emperor ordered it so it was to be done. Besides it wasn't like the Nightsisters were exactly innocent. They were no better than the Sith only they were an evil that could be dealt with atleast here on this planet. Cannaugh was sure they would pop up again somewhere else. Evil and corruption were like that. Put out one fire and another started up again. Not that Cannaugh exactly minded that part. It gave he and his brothers in the Highland Brotherhood something to do a purpose in life. Not to mention something to do in those in between times of war with a concentrated enemy.

Missions like this were also a great way to prove oneself, maybe that was why his Emperor was doing it to test his forces of his reforming empire. A part of Cannaugh was doing it for the same reason. Some people would say that a Major in the Highland Brotherhood didn't need to prove anything, but Cannaugh needed to work to erase the stain on the once proud Galloway name. Between his father and his brothers shameful actions he needed more than any other to prove that the Galloways still had honour and dignity. That they were proud goidels.

Besides you didn't get to be a Major in the Highland Brotherhood without a certain amount of ambition. Cannaugh wanted to rise as high as he could and still fight alongside his men. Just as his Emperor was doing. If the Emperor himself could do it why couldn't he? Not that he had the lineage or even desire to be emperor. Highland Brotherhood and the Goidel people were his home as much as the Empire, he didn't have the patience to rule anyone. He just wanted to serve as best he could. It began today. As it would begin tomorrow and the next day and had yesterday and the day before.

Cannaugh continued the sweep on his scope relatively satisfied that there was no immediate threat of a sniper to take out his Emperor. Cannaugh didn't think Nightsisters used snipers but he couldn't be sure.

"Ave Imperator" Cannaugh nodded firmly his burr purring through the mask proud to have been selected to join by the Emperor himself. Cannaugh turned to his men. "Protect the Emperor at all costs he is your priority. If he is wounded we evac immediately."

Cannaugh paused and muttered a little more softly

"Even if he objects."

The men glanced up at that. Overriding the Emperors orders wasn't done lightly. Then they nodded firmly.

TAG: Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Faylene Thal Faylene Thal Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Michael Barran Michael Barran



ENGAGING: Faylene Thal Faylene Thal
ALLIES: Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor | Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway | Michael Barran Michael Barran
ENEMIES: Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons



It didn’t take long for the Witch-Breaker to confirm her accusation. There are Bogan energy here, so strong, she hasn’t felt such caustic zing since the Sith and the Dark Imperials came to steal her home away. The Dark feels so close yet all Argella could see, at this point of time, are mere witches. Sure, there are near a hundred of them, maybe more, but even everyone combined wouldn’t spark such pungent Dark energy.

Fear is the mind killer.

Argella stopped her march as one of the witches, an elder, met her in front of the coven, others standing behind covering the evacuating children. She can see some lightsabers, but mostly just blasters and less sophisticated weapons.

“You are trespassing on the hallowed ground, Jedi.” She spoke clearly, and bluntly, “Blades drawn? Has your order stooped to the low where you come brandished against a people who only seek their faith?”

Just seeking their faith?” Argella questioned the elder witch with contempt in her voice. How can that witch just say that like her faith is just some innocent worship of benevolent beings? “The faith of Bogan that has caused destructions for thousands of years? Indoctrinating children, corrupting innocent souls into the Dark?

Just as Argella finished her sentence, she got a voice-comm from none other than her adoptive father.

~=Lady Argella, its time t'mask up.... I'm on the way.=~

She smirked knowing that the Grandmaster and Lord Imperator himself, one of the greatest swordsmen of his generation, someone that she holds dearly in her heart, is coming to help her, in the name of Ashla.

<Mask up, my Lord, for Ashla.> She answered on her comm device. It’s time to strike, then.

With that, Argella raised her saber, signalling to her twelve knights, before charging at the witches. She herself picked the elder witch as her target, lunging at her with a lightsaber thrust that’s aimed at the elder witch’s torso.

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Kaila pushed herself up as Darth Keres appeared from beyond the veil, standing on her own two feet with a strained grunt as the foreboding black door shut behind the Yalaran Reaper.

Do you see them over there little one?"

Adeline gestures to the warriors of Ashla.

"Ironic that they wield such blades, carrying this aloof sense of superiority. They think they carry the light, but I would know better. I see them for what they really are, fools that sow seeds of evil with every step they take. I know of them..."

"I don't understand...?" She growled in confusion, walking beside Adeline.

"The Witches call them Jedi, but all I sense from them is murder. It reminds me too much of Carnifex fighting Mandalorians... It's... It's Genocidal even"

Her breath was beginning to steady itself despite the strange circumstances and the toll taken by the ritual. Between the presence of Keres and the negative emotions on the air, They were all fueling her through the Dark Side, empowering to overcome the exhaustion.


She addresses her somewhat apprentice.

"The first priority is to keep the children out of harms way, along with the elderly. Oh and dear... Do try to have fun?"

"That may be difficult," She would point to Faylene Thal Faylene Thal a short distance from them "Look"

One could not deny the old woman's bravery, to stand before a crowd of "Jedi" knights all alone. But Kaila wished that she would have stayed away, that she might value the knowledge one of her years must surely possess, enough to safe guard it where it would not be destroyed by these zealots.

But what was she doing there, facing them all alone?

No... no don't try to talk to them...

They'll only kill you...


She could see the Ashlanites charge with hardly an exchange of words, their dull monochrome sabers becoming a sudden blur of movement.
Without thinking, Kaila charged in kind, taking off in a sprint down the hill atop which sat the Brendok fortress, and into the field where the battle would now take place.

Kaila practically slid down the hill, The Violet blade of her lightsaber crackling to life as she swung into the grass, staring the tiniest fire in which began to grow unnaturally high until it leapt into her hand and then towards the charging knights with a roar to match her own ferocity. While it was liable to engulf any who did act quickly to escape the growing cone of bright and violent flame of which she had nearly mastered the creation of, it's primary purpose was to draw attention away from the old woman.

"You want to burn away corruption?!" She roared in demand

"Then show me what passes for Fury among your misbegotten kind!"

She didn't know why the force had brought her here, but if these strange new Jedi were attacking than surely it meant for them to fight? Kaila hated to do it's bidding but she needed to know why, and if she needed to ensure that Witch Hunters burnt on their own pyre for a change, all to feed her insatiable curiosity? So be it. They would not be missed.

Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus Faylene Thal Faylene Thal Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Michael Barran Michael Barran

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Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Faylene Thal Faylene Thal Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic




Cheeky, but I like the sentiment.
An' with that, herein also lies a chance to answer my curiosities.

Let us see what the next generation is capable of achieving, shall we?

It wasn't the first time the old Woad had to be reminded (subtle though the reminders had become of late) he wasn't expendable any more, and due to the fact he was still getting to grips with life at the top since awakening from his Bacta coma, it wouldn't be the last time either. A humbling reminder, even despite the great and elevated status implied, a reminder of which had been taken as a slight on the first few awkward occasions; but in the early months of 902 ABY, after many multiple reminders of his importance to the cause, Barran had since become better-accustomed to the cautionary prudence of his Imperial subordinates.
'Alright then, Galloway. Stick w'me.... I'm sure we'll see some action soon, an' if ye keep yer heid on a swivel - I'll be sure t'follow suit.'
Making a beeline for the Temple in the distance, the old Woad walked proudly at the head of his contingent, leading from the front as his own father had before him, yet still somehow paling in comparison to a father who lacked the Force-Wielding power of other Imperial powerhouses. Perhaps it was the fact such a man (renowned for his achievements as a Non-Force User) was very-much capable of making the strongest of Force-Wielders flinch, an anomalous feat of which not even Lord Michael himself had been capable of achieving in all that time, living to make shining examples of an old man finding his second-wind in battle. Even for a former Imperial Knight of his own great renown, the Tattered Regent knew the Stormchaser's shoes would be difficult to fill, and for an old Songsteel swordsman like Erskine Barran, the entire Galaxy would know his achievements to be a miracle for Defiant Imperium.

'C'mere, Galloway.... Afore we reach the temple o'er yonder, I'm going to clue you in on the wonders o' Combat Intuition, a little light entertainment on the way if you will. I mean, you probably know a fair deal about it aw'ready - but there's levels to this that many still seem to overlook.'

Little wonder then as to the extent of amazement the Imperials felt to see a man like the Stormchaser leading from the front, and the Tattered Regent knew he needed to grow into those proverbial shoes, and to carry an aura strong enough to match the talismanic power of his father's presence on the frontlines. Though Michael himself would be fortunate to have time and familial prestige on his side, these perceived safety-nets were not considered as substancial enough to hold compelling, authoritative sway over frontline morale, only merit, victory, and his own valorous deeds would lend power to his words when it mattered most.

'Now, believe it or not, most Force-Users are ay'ways the last to learn the power derived from conventional combat-strength, often viewed as a mythic form of mastery, perceived as a deritive from lower-vibrational, near-undetectable Midichlorian frequencies. Its a power unattainable to most of the Galaxy's stronger NFU-duellists, and yet some have managed to beat such odds under supreme duress, warriors including my father, the Mongrel an' Aron Gowrie to name but a few.... An' that's just from the NFU-Duellists who learned it.'

Drawing nearer to the temple by then, it wouldn't take long for Lord Michael to detect the Force signatures within, with one in particular ringing as supremely familiar, an effervescent offshoot of the one he remembered belonging to Argilac in life. The child of one who knew much of Combat Intuition, as did the daughter in question, drawing into relevence with the Tattered Regent's topic of instruction, giving Barran all the more reason to continue,'Oddly enough, its only in recent years that this wonder was given it's official name, an' the Highland Brotherhood's scholars have jus' naturally stuck to calling it,"Combat Intuition", since, even though it might have had other descriptions before.... There's only an elite few alive today who can wield it, but I'm willing to bet you'll know them all before the year is out.', before the darker, altogether-more arcane presences began to draw into his outer sphere of detection.

"You want to burn away corruption?!"
'Just in time t'show ye what I mean.'

"Then show me what passes for Fury among your misbegotten kind!"
Mostly muttering to himself and young Cannaugh, the old Woad knew he was too far off for his enemies to hear him, though they would not be waiting for long for the Lord Imperator's real, official response, as by then the very details of the temple's entrance doors were easily discerned by from Barran's approaching distance. Unbuttoning the overcoat and removing his arms from the sleeves, just a little shift of posture would click the coat in place on his back to cloak-fitting standard, Lord Michael would have coat-tails at his back (in faithful, purposeful keeping with new officer-regulation traditions) for the impending clash of powers, keeping his blades at his hips until he was sure the time was ripe to unsheathe them.

'Veer aff t'one side, please. Safety first an' aw that caper.... What I'm about to do next, my Masks know it to be a Combat Intuition technique, a Warrior's Will derivative I call,"Warrior's Impact". Watch closely.'
Cracking his knuckles, his knees and even his neck on both sides, the old Woad smiled in the moments he approached the last few steps in his approach, taking his time as his focus hit a flowstate on the center-mass point of the entrance doorway. 'YOU IN THERE, THE VOICE I HEARD SCREAMING WITH BLUSTER!!!! I SUGGEST YOU LISTEN, AN' LISTEN CLOSELY!!!!', the Tattered Regent started, trailing off for effect as he stopped at the entrance, just as a certain pressure began to emanate, pulsating in increasing pressure and intensity from the outline of Barran's physical form. There would be no doubt as to whether Argella and her opponents would sense that pressure within, and in that correct assumption another would be made, assuming they were already braced for Lord Michael's next move as he concluded,'DO NOT FORGET, IN YOUR DEMAND FOR FURY - IMPERIUM GRANTED YOUR REQUEST!!!!', reaching in for power from every active sinew of his anatomy.


With left fist firmly pressed against the door as his counterweighting anchor, allowing all the pressure to build up to satisfactory extremes, the consequent right-fisted punch was able to gather new extremes of force and mass from the pressure in it's trajectory, already quite volatile on it's way toward the small impact-zone. But when the punch landed, and square on the entrance's lower point of center-mass at that, the most vicious of elemental call-and-response reactions transpired, surprising even Lord Michael as the shockwave's closer-proximity burst threatened to kick it's living catalyst to the dirt. Creating a blast that was potent enough to shatter the doors, their dividing supports and all the surrounding rock-face architecture, leaving nothing but a broken, crumbling chasm where the entrance had been just a moment before, Barran would stand to marvel at his handiwork for a while, almost completely forgetting why he blew the doors off in the first place.

'Not bad.'
After twenty years, the Hero of Nirauan was still a formidable sight with hair greyer than ever, and even whilst covered with the rock-dust, wood-splinters and the like, the sight of the bearded Woad would have been a sight from yesteryear to behold. Pulling the Order's Tancredian mask over his face, and without once dropping or shifting his gaze from the warriors on the other side of the breach, the leader of the Protectorate was gesturing the makings of a strong front; working to boost morale for his subordinates in the fight's early stages, working to make a visible point of walking the path of his father, and in clear sight of those who would appreciate it most.

Thus the great choice befell the old Woad once more, deciding between Kyber or Songsteel, and once again at the precipice of violence; and this time, on this day of days, the Tattered Regent would call on his Serennoan-Hilt sabre, activating the blade to reveal the deep-blue of the crystal that chose him so long ago. A sight and sensation of which Barran had not experienced for many years before he landed on Brendok, even in wielding it on many occasions after waking from his coma, giving rise to a yet-another momentary distraction that day, though this would do little to keep Lord Michael from finally entering the temple.

The lightsabre's tip would then scrape the tiles beneath on approach, kicking up sparks and embers just inches away from the right-handed, right-footed cadence of it's wielder, gesturing adoption of Fool's Guard as a taunt, a challenge to any and all potential opponents in the temple. By coincidence, this was a habit mostly associated with masters of Form 2, and in baiting an atypical false-opening, the chance of early parrying-counters would remain, made deathly apparent to all as Barran advanced further in from the destruction of his own making. Makashi practicioners always had their surreptitious tricks at the ready, a truth so prevalent it was still considered a universal constant among Force-Wielders, and though there were duellists skilled enough to meet such a sabre-fighting style in the middle, all would know to be careful around a Form-2 user with hair-greying years of experience under their belt.




Location: Brendok
Attire: Dathomiri Outfit
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Companion: Grisial
Tag: Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Faylene Thal Faylene Thal | Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Dreidi watched as the situation went from bad to much, much worse.

She wasn't even sure why these supposed devotees to Ashla were being so hostile, there was nothing the witches of Brendok was doing. They were living reclusive lives away from any other sentients. Whoever these guys were, parading as disciples of Ashla was insulting and ensuring only negative interaction with those aiming to ensure there was peace and unity was achieved within the galaxy. A goal that Dreidi was dreaming of achieving but this, this fight could tear that dream apart.

Reaching out, she used the Force to prevent the attack to the Brendok witch mother from landing. Unable to hold back, she couldn't hang in the back anymore and she needed to de-escalate the situation. "Stop this!" Dreidi called out, staring down the Sith who was screaming out to create chaos as well as the imperials. "Leave these people alone. They were doing nothing wrong!"

Stepping forward, she ignited her green Lightsaber behind her, she assess that one of the Lightsaber wielding imperials was a Makashi fighter, similar to herself. She was willing to fight to defend the lives of the witches if she had to but Dreidi was also wanting to end this without violence occurring.
3rd Post






Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Faylene Thal Faylene Thal Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic





'The rule of law, the testimonies of accuser and accused alike - these will decide upon the merit of your claims.'
Switching off his lightsabre, with looks to all the other Imperials to follow suit, the Lord Imperator would call the bluff, holding in high-honour to the laws signed-off during the Hirkenburg Accords. Next would be the Mask of his Order, sliding upward to reveal the bearded, cold-eyed Human behind it, a scarred face that brooked no dishonesty - despite it's aged, calmly-set expression in resting form.

Such were disarming features of his father, though much of Lady Carla Thrast-Barran still resided across the cheeks and eyes alike, and though the brood of Erskine and Carla always retained the features of their parentage, Lord Michael had always known there was something more to the brothers' own allure in life. As if their presences alone were enough to leave a stutter in the timelines of hostilities, but in true Barran fashion, such magnetism would only ever be used to sway the hearts of the many, thus matters of the heart were often left waiting by the Wanderer's sort, and all for the prolonging sake of realms that were doomed to obscurity in their time.

A sad consequence of life as a leader among soldiers in the previous century.

'If you so persist in professing their innocence.... Then I'm sure you won't mind vouching first for the noncombatants, as perhaps then they might stand a better chance of avoiding wartime-incarceration. This is why I ask that you place the needs of your noncombatants above your own for now, as wartime laws are getting strict on everyone these days, all of us, even civilians found in the wrong place at the wrong time.'

Shrugging off the complications of courtly, grand-justiciary concern, thoughts of his last discussion with Siyarr-Ahan Mitharran would also need to take second-fiddle to the noncombatants found within, even if only for a little while, though it would not be long impending before the next Hirkenburg Accords were called into conference again. Wartime law would only become more strict as the wars of the Galaxy progressed, and in the process of becoming one of the first co-signers, the Imperial Military Protectorate would be dutybound to uphold their end in the lawful pursuit of order and terms of normalisation. The one thing working in the favour of wartime law and Lord Michael alike, the one thing holding back the fervour of a Crusading Imperial was the honourable, the sincere soul it brought out in the Lord Imperator, staying his hand at the most-crucial of no-return precipices.

'The uninvolved have a hope, at least, if you think of them first, but of you - the involved - I would need to cross-examine your case with an entirely-different line of questioning.... This also handles issues of discretion, for I could ask questions you wouldn't want the uninvolved to hear, an' with that, answers to which I'm sure you'd wish them not to hear either.'

Judgement calls, no matter how seemingly-inconsequential they would seem to others at the time, no matter how pointless they would appear to the eyes of infinity, still mattered to Michael Barran by then. A great deal more than most, thus in his decisions to let reason prevail, the Tattered Regent would set his high-standard for professionalism in times of grand, Galactic conflict, as Barran himself had known for decades of the potency of a warrior with a clean conscience. Seeing the cleansing-effect in self-sacrificial acts of heroism before his very eyes, the Wanderer of old could even articulate the effects it had on men who believed themselves beyond redemption before, and in the same processes of drifting away in thought, seeing the polar, jaded opposite effect of regret on the souls of the affected - and on everyone around the affected at their lowest.

The main mission was to break the cycle once and for all, but in acceptance of the task's daunting air of impossibility, some realities were also accepted, namely - not all can, or even want to be shown the way.

'The choice is yours to make.... I also think it for the best if you introduce yourself while yer at it.'


Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline
Equipment : Uniform; custom-made blaster; cerermonial sword; telescope

Force X composition :
AIV Nouvelle-Anaxes (Legate-class battlecruiser) Identification number X01; AIV Napoléon Bonaparte (Pellaeon IV-class star destroyer) Identification number X131; AIV Maréchal Davout (Pellaeon IV-class star destroyer) Identification number X132; AIV Maréchal Lannes (Pellaeon IV-class star destroyer) Identification number X133; AIV Robert Surcouf (New Imperial-I class star destroyer) Identification number X161; AIV Jean Bart (New Imperial-I class star destroyer) Identification number X162; AIV Dixmude (Onager II-class star destroyer) Identification number X121; AIV Montfaucon (Onager II-class heavy cruiser) Identification number X122; AIV Passchendaele (Onager II-class heavy cruiser) Identification number X123; AIV L'Effroyable (Harrier-class heavy cruiser) Identification number X141; AIV Le Téméraire (Harrier-class haevy cruiser) Identification number X142; AIV L'Indomptable (Harrier-class heavy cruiser) Identification number X143; AIV Le Malin (Harrier-class heavy cruiser) Identification number X144; AIV Forbin (Cuirassier-class cruiser) Identification number X151; AIV Cassard (Cuirassier-class cruiser) Identification number X152; AIV Camerone (Cuirassier-class cruiser) Identification number X153; AIV Koufra (Valiant-class star destroyer) Identification number X171; AIV Bir Hakeim (Valiant-class star destroyer) Identification number X172; AIV Primauguet (X100-class escort frigate) Identification number X104; AIV Lamotte Picquet (X100-class escort frigate) Identification number X105; AIV Latouche Tréville (X100-class escort frigate) Identification number X106; AIV Caffarelli (Tacitus-class planetary invasion carrier) Identification number X191; AIV Tourville (Tacitus-class planetary invasion carrier) Identification number X192; AIV Athos (Katana-class heavy cruiser) Identification number X111; AIV Portos (Katana-class heavy cruiser) Identification number X112; AIV Aramis (Katana-class heavy cruiser) Identification number X113; AIV Silencieux (stealth corvette) Identification number X205; 792 TIE/Vx Viper starfighters; 276 DM&S-97 dropships; 36 Hayabusa-type escort starfighters; 6 Rei-sen type carrier starfighters

Tags : Michael Barran Michael Barran ; Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway ; Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus


On board of AIV Nouvelle-Anaxes, near Brendok

"Sir, you're requested on the bridge. We're approaching Brendok."

Hearing those words coming from the intercom in his quarters, the Commodore woke up very quickly and dressed himself in his traditionnal navy blue uniform. He then walked through a few corridors and took one or two turbolifts to get to the bridge. When he arrived, the troopers guarding the access announced : "Commodore on deck !" Everyone went to attention when Herlock walked through the bridge towards his command chair and said "At ease." Everybody went back to their jobs when the planet Brendok came in view.

"General quarters, general quarters, all hands man your battlestations !"

One by one the ships forming the Force X, Herlocke's fleet, got ready to fight. It was at this moment that Herlock took his microphone and gave his orders :

"To all ships, deploy fighter squadrons and prepare support crafts for eventual medevacs. Take blockade formation. Not a single ship that doesn't emit an imperial or an allied transponder signal must leave the planet. The fighters and bombers will support troops on the planet and defend the fleet against ennemy starfighters. For the Empire !"

Then he transmitted a single message to the commanders on ground.

"To all imperial commanding officers down there, this is Commodore Herlock. My fleet has taken a blockade formation and launched all their starfighters. I also have support crafts on standby for medevac if needed. Herlock out !"
Cannaugh formed up on his Emperor without complaint secretly relieved he hadn't been at the very least reprimanded for the order he'd just given. He'd been half afraid the Emperor would fly into a rage and order Cannaugh off the mission, but that was a foolish anxiety. His Emperor wasn't that fool Velran. He was a soldier who understood the importance of protecting a vulnerable office. That was the point oafter all although the man himself was worthy of serving and protecting he also held an office the office of Emperor of a still vulnerable Empire. He needed to be protected not just as a symbol of that office although that was important as well but as it's practical and effective leader the glue that held an Empire together.

Privately that train of thought also lead Cannaugh to believe the Emperor should select an heir just in case something were to happen to him. Something like falling in battle. The Emperor was a capable fighter Cannaugh knew that but the soldier and bodyguard in him knew that anything could happen on a battlefield. A shell, a sniper and IED an airstrike or even just a slip during a duel could mean the difference between life and death. Cannaugh had seen it often enough not to take it lightly the Force and he believed an element of luck was necessary to survival on the battlefield. In his case the luck seemed to run in his family although the drawback seemed to be a failure in luck and character off the battlefield. A flaw in his family Cannaugh was determined and indeed honour bound to erase.

Cannaugh's thoughts raced as he continued to scan the field of battle. He did this on a battlefield or a mission, his thoughts would go a hyperspace speed while his instincts would scan and respond to threats. Cannaugh used to try to fight the rampant thoughts but found that fighting them was actually the bigger distraction. So he let them run trusting his instincts, his training, and his experience to alert him when a threat was present.

"Ave Imperator" Cannaugh nodded foregoing the usual salute which felt wrong, but battlefield conditions only allowed for so much decorum. Besides some sniper might see the salute and decide his Emperor made a good target.

Cannaugh listened attentively as his Emperor described Combat Intuition. Cannaugh had heard of it of course, being in the Highland Brotherhood but he didn't know the details of how it worked. Still Cannaugh was eager to learn. Failing to adapt to changing conditions in warfare caused too many fighters, armies, nations and of course empires to fall. The First Empire had severely underestimated the effectiveness of the then Rebel Alliances guerilla tactics and had lost two death stars as a result.

Cannaugh waited impatiently as The Emperor approached the door itching to grab him pull him back and let someone else breach the door. Their could be an ied or someone waiting around the corner to ambush the first in the door. Cannaugh would just have to trust the Emperor could use his abilities to handle such threats should they become apparent.

Cannaugh's eyebrow rose as the door imploded backwards a shattering force coming from the Emperor's fist. Cannaugh had heard of a similar ability called Shatterpoint but this seemed to be a more concussive version.

"Impressive Imperator." Cannaugh allowed.

Cannaugh was the firs one through after the emperor his curved lightsaber hilt with a green blade ready while his SE-44 Blaster pistol was in his left hand, his rifle strapped to his back. Cannaugh liked to use a makashi soresu on defence while firing with a pistol in his left. Holding the curved Serenno hilt upright in a cross guard in his right hand he kept his blaster pistol ready to shoot down anyone before they became a threat.

There seemed to be a force wielder ready to give them threat. Cannaugh knew that shooting her would just give her a weapon to deflect back at them so holstered his blaster and took up a fencing position stepping aside to the Emperor's left. Rushing the Jedi? Witch? Hard to say. Could just put his Empror in more danger at best cause him to lose focus when he needed it most at mild turn his emperors concern towards Cannaugh and at worst they could get in each others way. They had yet to train together as a pair. Something Cannaugh was cursing himself for and would insist they remedy at the first opportunity.

Cannaugh waited patiently impatiently. It was an odd combination, but one that only made sense to a soldier. It was that feeling before the fight starts when you just wish it would happen already. That the waiting was worse than the actual fighting. Only beaten by the regret after a fight where you've lost someone dear.

Yet he waited while the Emperor treated with the witch. Cannaugh could empathize with the woman. They were here invading her home and from her perspective the aggressors and the threat. Right now though that didn't matter. Cannaugh had a mission and his Emperor had told them to be here so here they were.

"Lay down your arms." Cannaugh offered quietly.

He wanted to offer her assurances that no one would be hurt. That the Emepror spoke truthfully that he was a man of his word, but he wasn't sure it was his place. Then Cannaugh shrugged it couldn't hurt right?

"The Emperor is a man of his word."

Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus
Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor
Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock
Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
Faylene Thal Faylene Thal
Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua
Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Michael Barran Michael Barran
Location: Brendok
Attire: Dathomiri Outfit
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Companion: Grisial
Tag: Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Faylene Thal Faylene Thal | Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua | Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway

Dreidi sighed as she stepped forward and made her presence now. Her connection to the Light Side of the Force and stood in front of the so called leader. He attempted to bombard her with political terms and lingo that Dreidi did not care to attempt to understand since this was a matter that was simple in her mind and did not need politicians nor did it need to be stated in ways that would confuse or misconstrue the events going on here. Dreidi switched her Lightsaber off after the imperials turned theirs off first and crossed her arms.

"Brendok is an independent planet, it is not under control of any faction." Dreidi stated firmly, "the people here have not left the planet to invade or attack systems under your rule. You came here as an army, armed with Lightsabers with the intention to slaughter and/or intimidate these witches because they practise abilities you are either afraid of or ignorant of how it does not follow your views."

She rolled her head and tapped her fingers, "you can apologise for this aggressive move, leave and think about how your actions here were foolish, extreme and similar to the Sith." Dreidi was not holding back since they were grossly overstepping and acting in a manner that she refused to accept. "If you insist on fighting then I will ensure you regret your actions. There are no uninvolved in this, because you are coming to their home, their safe place and threatening all of them. They are all involved because you have forced them to be involved."

"You are starting a conflict with them for no reason other than they are different to yourself." Dreidi growled, "there is nothing you need to investigate because you hold no authority here. You are not the leader of these people, you are not the ruler of this world and these people have not started a war with you. You have no power here and these people will not submit to your threats."

When demanded to introduce herself, Dreidi's golden eyes flashed in defiance. "I am Dreidi Xeraic. Jedi Knight."
4th Post






Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Faylene Thal Faylene Thal Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic




Hmmm.... I think she assumes older aspirations of us.
No harm, no foul.

Let 'er continue, an' correct accordingly.
Xeraic had been correct in the assumption that Brendok was an independent planet, and also in the addition that the planet's peoples had not attacked Protectorate systems, and certainly not in earlier decades either, this the Lord Imperator would silently concede without complaint. A nod of confirmation would follow the assertion, thinking Dreidi would be continuing on in a good-faith amble, all until the assumption of slaughter and intimidation was made, but the old Woad merely shook his head and kept a silent note for impending verbal correction.

Even holding his tongue in the need to reiterate previous distinctions, namely that which was made between combatant and noncombatant alike - for only patience and lawful adherence would leave no regrets going forward.

The demand for apologetic departure would be noted with equal urgency, though with slight pang of guilt as Lord Michael sheepishly looked over his shoulder, gazing with a somewhat-milder regret at the destruction of his own making, though certainly milder than that which he would feel for condemning the coven before they were granted a chance to have their say on the matter. As for whether the Tattered Regent would leave or not, depended entirely on how the cross-examination transpired from there, one thing thus far on which Lord Michael refused to budge, not that conquest was ever planned or fated to be the Protectorate's goal that day.

But it was the last statements that Barran felt he would need to correct the most, keeping needlessly-snappy retorts to himself in perseverence, and in understanding the need to protect one's own home, perhaps one of the few-remaining sanctuaries of calm and serenity in the Galaxy by then. Tact, and thoughts on local perspectives, these would become the weapon that prevailed, and in this personal truth Lord Michael found himself understanding if the other Imperials could not see the sense of this approach, as many Imperial predecessors would have opted for an uglier,"Easier", approach in the Tattered Regent's stead. But alas, in such trying, lawful times, the Pellaeonist approach always dictated the need for culprits over the need to make an example, and though it played well into the Lord Imperator's better-minded leanings, the Lord Imperator himself understood the risks such leanings involved.

'Whether this encounter ends peaceably or not, for what its worth - its a pleasure to meet you, Dreidi. I'm Michael of Clan Barran, an' yes - former Imperial Knight.'

'Now, as for our intent here, I wish to dispel any an' all misconceptions before we move forward.'
, the Lord Imperator continued, pausing only to look over his shoulder at the breach, kissing teeth at his own need to make an entrance. But as quickly as he trailed off, Barran would resume every part as quickly, drawling,'The only reason you have such cases of broken entrance is to ensure the safe exit of everyone else I brought with me, as we aren't here to take ownership of your world - not with Bogan artefacts going walkabout in the wild.... Safety over ambition, especially with our own citizens to consider.', holding back rants on morality and history in the hopes everyone in the room were able to follow his train of thought.

'Wartime though it might be, it is neither conquest nor conflict that bring my kind to your hallowed setting. I had mentioned the rule of law before, had I not? An' for as long as misplaced items of Bogan origin continue to bring risk an' peril to my people - it falls upon the Galaxy's new justiciars to chase down every lead among yours.... But with that being said, I apologise for the intensity of my entrance. I did not think there would be innocents around, or at least, not anyone who would merit such - ah - obstinate defence.'
Leaving it at that, the Tattered Regent full intended to commence the short questioning, hoping to remain on the matter of potential noncombatant involvements in the trafficking of the Bogan artefact in question, but then a particular comm-link message rung out in audible volume for all in the room at the time. Fortunately for Barran, however, this correspondence would be made with room for yet-another judgement call for the mission, another chance to prove amiable sincerity on the verge of conflict, as even the most-subtle of decisions were likely to contain long-lasting implications here, and such deathly moments of ultimatum were never supposed to be used or taken lightly. Made all the more apparent by the omnipresence of the realm's smaller, weaker state than it's predecessors, as any untimely error had the chance of unravelling what little momentum the Protectorate had gained since, losses of which Lord Michael remained wary of losing.

<"To all imperial commanding officers down there, this is Commodore Herlock. My fleet has taken a blockade formation and launched all their starfighters. I also have support crafts on standby for medevac if needed. Herlock out">

<"Mask One to Fleet Control! Putting in a surveillance request - I'll be needing the surrounding areas scanned for anything suspicious, along with added focus on anything and anyone seen leaving my current location. Nothing rash, jus' a light sprinkling of overwatch, just in case.... Mask One - out!">

Restraint in his own brand of obstinance, as applicable as such an approach would be under almost every other circumstance of the sort, was exactly the sort of impression Lord Michael was trying to leave on Brendok's inhabitants, especially those standing closely on the other side of the stand-off. Showing a considered caution of which many believed his predecessors lacked, though the Tattered Regent knew differently; Lord Michael had been given the good fortune of being born at the right time after all, living in a time where one could learn in immediate inspiration from Imperium's greatest political heavyweight, and Generals of moral standing so stratospheric that even their enemies held a begrudging respect for them.

'Nonlethality until live-fire is incurred.... Eh, there's healthier doctrines, but it'll do.'

Shrug it off, old man.
Now's not the time t'sulk o'er assassination risks.

Head in the game, focus.

Perhaps the heroes of old could guide the last of their era, leading their few-remaining relics into the next.

All the old man wanted was lasting containment of all things ancient-Bogan, for the witches' sakes as much as it would be for those of Imperial, Ashlan concern, as fate would never bode well for the Galaxy if ever such things fell into the wrong hands. The agreement outcome was a longshot, and not the sort Lord Michael was ever keen on attempting, but even Barran knew it was worth trying his luck at the very least, especially on matters of life and death. The desire for brutality was never so diminished that moment, shining a spotlight on the very concept of punishing the many over the actions of the few, for these leanings, and in the eyes of all the Goidels' tribes, were the very epitome of weak-willed policy.

OOC Note
Feel free to come chat with us on our Discord, we're of a mind to reach out and make something out of the story we're building here. You're more than welcome to come say hi.


Cannaugh waited blade ignited while his Emperor negotiated with the witch. Cannaugh was a little miffed and confused by it. They'd come here to fight hadn't they? But then Cannaugh wasn't a mindless thug either. He had no desire to slaughter innocents. From what he understood they were here in response to a threat from dark side practitioners. Not to become them themselves. Cannaugh didn't have the same faith his Emperor did in the Ashlans or their religion. Cannaugh life was Goidel. It had only been in fairly recent generations that that had even become a unifying term the Goidels had fought each other more often than any external threat. Cannaugh genuinely believed the Protectorate the Empire was the reason for that unification. The Emperor was the crux of all of it.

A part of Cannaugh just wanted to cut down the witch and damn the consequences but the more reasoned part knew that's not what they stood for. It was a battle within him. One made easier by military imbued discipline. Cannaugh had been ordered not to so he wouldn't. To cut the witch down would be to disobey his Imperator. That simply was not going to happen. Not unless the Emeprors own life hung in the balance. Cannaugh had already decided that was the only circumstance in which he would disobey a direct order from the Emperor and even then never lightly.

Whatever else this witch or jedi or some other force cult she may be, Cannaugh was confident she wasn't a serious threat to the man he had just seen blow apart a door with his bare hands and the door. If the emperor saw fit to wait then so did Cannaugh. Besides it gave him time to consider the situation.

While Cannaugh didn't entirely agree this planet was Protectorate business it was still a useful training exercise. It gave there fledgeling and reforming forces a chance to stretch there muscles. Cannaugh heard Herlock report in on the status of his fleet through the comms and was glad of the support. Too often Cannaugh and his men were sent in without the proper or adequate fleet support. Expecting to infiltrate and exfiltrate with just a transport. Cannaugh actually liked those missions where everything was on the line. Just not when the Emperor himself was on the line. Particularly not when it was his responsibility to get him home in one piece.

Cannaugh listened to the Emperor and the Witch Jedi whatever she was debate over the matter of innocent civilians. Cannaugh felt like maybe he should say something assuring, but he had already confirmed the Emperor was a man of his word and Cannaugh liked to believe he was as well. He couldn't give his word for something he didn't have the authority to promise. So he waited, he watched for the slightest hint of aggression. The moment she did she was going down. Cannaugh waited relaxed blade at the ready. The loyal guard dog ready to attack on a signal. Honestly he didn't mind the metaphor one bit.

Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus Michael Barran Michael Barran Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor Faylene Thal Faylene Thal Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Brendok
Attire: Dathomiri Outfit
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow
Companion: Grisial
Tag: Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor | Faylene Thal Faylene Thal | Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Dreidi stood her ground firmly, she was not keen on taking the role of the voice for the witches of Brendok, she was not skilled in their ways and she did not follow their ways. However, it seemed that she needed to be the voice of the people here. She could sense from Grisial that the children and those too elderly to defend their home had been exited from the place and he was heading back to her. She was relieved to have him close by, though if this did become a fight, she was never keen on him getting involved. He was still very fragile in her mind.

Listening to the leader of the invading former imperial knights, Dreidi gazed up at him, "you are claiming that these artefacts of Bogan are misplaced. But if they artefacts sacred to the witches here then you have no right to take them. And you still do not have the right to come en masse, blast through a door and make demands like this without negative repercussions." Dreidi was not going to allow some former imperial believe that just because he had found the light it allowed him to move around and bully others into submission.

People had a right to believe in whatever they wished to believe in and Dreidi would defend that right till her last breath.

"These artefacts do no harm to you or your people. As I stated before, Brendok is not under your rule, they do not have to comply with your demands. If you truly wanted to destroy Bogan related artefacts or Dark Side presences you would have paid a visit to Korriban, Jutrand, Dromund Kaas or one of the other many Sith worlds." Dreidi pointed out, these witches were not followers of Ashlan and Bogan, they saw the Force differently and held their own beliefs and views on such artefacts.

Dreidi breathed in deeply, "so, I again offer you the opportunity to leave this world peacefully, reflect on your actions and apologise for grossly overstepping in matters that do not concern you or yours." Dreidi understood wishing to protect those that were under your care, those that you loved, but this was attempting to destroy others completely unnecessarily. "Just as you would defend what is yours and defend your people, these witches will do the same, and fighting them will only make you look worse."

She was not saying this out of malice but in a soft voice, the only way that this leader could leave this fight without looking as the aggressor or cruel dictator was to retreat now. At least that was her views on the matter. "You will not leave with the artefacts here, they belong to the people who have lived here for centuries." If she backed down on this fight, then eventually these people would come for Dathomiri and her sisters, she had to put her foot down now.
5th Post






Argella Gladiolus Argella Gladiolus Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Faylene Thal Faylene Thal Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic




Ah, another mild confusion that can be cleared up in good faith.
This is perfectly fine, even if it comes to clashes after all.

She speaks well, an' has the right t'speak 'er mind. Let 'er continue.

As an advocate for cultural survival on multiple planets already, Barran enjoyed seeing this protective fervour, seeing something of the Novanian in the coven's honourable representative, an attribute that had become something of a rarity in recent times. Xeraic had also brought the Lord Imperator to a newfound understanding, namely that of the balance that likely kept such dramas from bubbling to the surface before, and for so long after the Empire's downfall at that, giving more in the way of precedence to prioritize for another reassuring correction. Especially in Dreidi's insistence on keeping other artefacts from falling into Imperial, Ashlan-faithful hands, as there was an honour in keeping adherent items where they belonged, this Lord Michael could see and appreciate openly.

But in that same closing statement, there was credence lent to Barran's previous, newfound understanding of the situation, and though the Brendok coven represented the contrasting, rivalling element of the millennia-spanning Ashla/Bogan paradigm, the old Woad could more-easily articulate the need for centering out those very same imbalances that led to the Protectorate's siege that day. Even nodding appreciatively in his silent, preceding response to the Jedi's unknowing helping-hand, it would be clear that the otherwise-retired Imperial Knight would be glad of the input when he eventually replied,'Quite right, Dreidi.... An' as well we shouldn't, as such would be an act of imbalance that neither side needs in this day an' age.', smiling despite the tense nature of the interaction.
The smile would fade, though only to give way to the mask of earnest calm in concentration, so in the process of continuing,'So let me offer some insight, perhaps with a recorded snippet, or two, of the transmission the Protectorate received a few days ago.', the others would see that there was still no such ulterior motives behind the eyes. All the viciousness, the wide-eyed malice Lord Michael had expressed toward the Mawsworn Khan just a few months before, all the pent-up enmity the Galaxy had brought out from within him, all of it was well-and-truly suppressed many weeks before the Protectorate had left Nirauan earlier that week. This would be necessary for all aspects of the Lord Regent's life, and not just in war and judiciary affairs, but in considering the risks the Bogan aspects were bringing upon his people, Barran couldn't help but feel more than a few pangs of irritation en route to the temple.

'Broadcast over pretty much every available frequency we have, we received troubling news from none other than Lady Argella here, who also will be acting as my prosecuting advisor for the proceedings here.... Though I'll be sure to cut for convenience of time an' such.'

Try as Lord Michael might have, and while such lapses may have been lessened in other encounters, deep down within he was still as irrascible as every other Goidel in existence.

Regardless of whether it was a Woad, a Highlander or Tuath, challenges dismissive and inviting alike were always accepted with wide-eyed, sneering approval, and to such an infamous extreme that many had learned such a trait to be the cause of more than a few of the many Goidelic Clan Wars, and that more than enough bar-brawls had resulted of such challenges since the Galidraan Imperial State was taken into the Imperial fold. A good thing it was then that Lord Michael's father sent him to train under Lucien Dooku's watchful, patient supervision all those years ago, as it was Pellaeonists like King Lucien and Lyra Voi'kryt who would temper that flame into something altogether more contemplative, and infinitely more potent in his approach to life and diplomacy alike.

<"My friends, my brothers and sisters in Ashla. I have in my custody a wretched man who had smuggled a Bogan artefact from a Witch Coven in Brendok to a black market of the Great State of Serenno. This, my friends, is just the tip of the iceberg in this region of the galaxy. I am aware that-">
'As you might be able to tell by now, misplacing, or at least - in the eyes of the Ashlan perspective, was more the smuggling-out than it ever was the keeping-in.... The keeping-in part was obviously fine before, as our factions had not even so much as predicted these circumstances we're dealing with now; and I guarantee you, the Protectorate has no desire to keep, nor even covet Bogan artefacts like this. We only want to stop your thief from putting us all at risk for the second time, to keep things that belong where belonging makes the most sense.'
The time spent overseeing the Empire's frontier-planets would pay ample dividends here, reminding the old Woad of all he learned in administering law and order with the Highland Brotherhood, the professionalism devoted to fairness in implementation of his augmented Hearts & Minds strategies; whether it would amount to bloodless results or not, however, was still very much in the balance. It was all down to the reactions, the intent and the hearts of the coven after this, all those who usually kept all the greatest risks under lock and key before, as the promise of future containment would remain out of reach if Xeraic's people chose instead to defend the perpetrators among them. But the situation had not quite reached that point yet, tense though the situation was quickly becoming, so the Tattered Regent remained patient, giving the coven on Brendok their due benefit of the doubt.

The point of regret had been passed, so all the great gamble needed was the poise that preceded the moment of truth - the calm before the storm.

<"Yet there will never be enough Light to spread, and the situation here in the Outer Rim is beyond dire. This coven is not the only one, they are hiding everywhere, deep underground and in plain sight, even in high places. What does it say about us if we ignore them and continue with our daily life as if nothing is happening, all while they are plotting to come after your home and your children?">
'An' that, right there, is my reason why.... An' it's not just the Outer Rim territories at risk from rising cults and covens alike, its the entire Galaxy seeing the Dark capitalise on the instability. We can't be having Bogan artefacts out in the wild, not now, an' I know the witches here can't be having these items stolen from the temple either.... That is, if the offending item was even stolen in the first place - as I still haven't ascertained exactly how such an artefact could depart from a temple like this.'



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