Queen of Alderaan
She had seen him briefly at the Dinner she had not seen him in some time this meeting would help to catch them up since [member="Alexander Sannes"] had disappeared only to be found outside.
Seeing him outside, and listening to him play she had an idea for him, if he would take it. She would need to discuss with him what she envisioned and then see if he was up to the task. Would he?
He was eschani his ties to home were strong but he was also a friend. So..they'd talk and see what happen.
Faith waited at the Alderaan Museum she had not been here in sometime so this provided her opportunity to once again look upon all that made Alderaan great.
Seeing him outside, and listening to him play she had an idea for him, if he would take it. She would need to discuss with him what she envisioned and then see if he was up to the task. Would he?
He was eschani his ties to home were strong but he was also a friend. So..they'd talk and see what happen.
Faith waited at the Alderaan Museum she had not been here in sometime so this provided her opportunity to once again look upon all that made Alderaan great.