Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Let There Be Rock

Lio wasn't sure where she was... again, except that she was supposed to meet with a rather 'unorthodox' Jedi. When mom mentioned this, Lio assumed it might've been Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser or Romi Jade Romi Jade although the latter fell more on the 'traditional' side of things as far as Jedi were concerned. Mom after hearing about her trip to Qui... eh, that rock where she met Ellie Mors Ellie Mors on. Recommended she connect with Allyson Locke Allyson Locke of who Lio only knew of from the wild tales on the holo. Some super Jedi Shadow agent that had been around a lot longer than she'd care to admit. No way Allyson Locke was actually real, not that Lio was in that fandom she just knew about them. She had only read about the Jedi Shadow from the different archives, and lots of fanfic, some of it cringe, some not.

So when mom managed to arrange for a meeting, Lio was skeptical. No way it was actually the Allyson Locke. Well, then again, Lio never expected to actually meet the Mia Monroe Mia Monroe but she did. So stranger things have happened for sure, the teenager arrived at an undisclosed location on a world she had never even heard of out in the middle of nowhere. Mom was still on Mandalore helping Mia, and Lio was well, there. Supposedly Allyson would be a good 'mentor' and of course Lio scoffed at that, she was already sixteen and well, let her tell you, she already knew what all there was to know. Mostly, some,... Okay she could use the help. Liorra sighed and wondered just where she was supposed to find the Jedi Shadow. The teenager skeptically kept looking, unironically enough in the different corners and shadows along the busy duracrete streets for the Jedi.
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//: Liorra Liorra //:
The daily life of Allyson Locke was nothing to bat an eye at. Nothing exciting happened outside of her work, but she didn't complain. Not every day had to be a mission of trying to survive the threats of the galaxy. Still, Allyson always questioned when she received random summons from people she hadn't spoken to in what felt like ages.

The names Romi Jade and Correa Starchaser felt like old legends she had read on some tablet from the dark ages. Yet, they were names of people she had fought alongside and shared quips and inside jokes with. Unlike others, who rose those names to heroes and legends, Allyson saw them as old friends. Ones that she would have to watch die eventually.

She stood, shaking the awkward feeling from her mind. Thoughts of her own mortality had suddenly begun to creep up in her recent years, wrapping around her heart like a cold, unyielding vine. Perhaps the quiet of retirement or the faces of new comrades, eerily mirroring those she had lost, brought these reflections to the surface. Maybe it was because she tried to settle down and do what most did when they retired. Or it could be seeing so many new faces in the galaxy - many that reminded her of her lost comrades.

Quickly, she grabbed her quick bag and exited the worn-down safe house.

It was easy enough to spot the kid she was supposed to be meeting up with. The girl blended with the crowd, but Allyson was keen on finding the people she wanted. The space near the closest shadowed corner that Liorra would be looking at began to shimmer and ripple. As the light around the shadow changed, Allyson's form would come into view.

"Liorra?" Allyson asked as she stepped closer, "I think one of your guardians or something said you needed to meet with me or something?" The Corellian blinked a few times while waiting for a response. Allyson wasn't aware of anything beyond her infamy within the Sith Order and possibly the Galactic Alliance. She did things her own way and rarely apologized for it.

As for the fan fiction, it was probably a good thing she didn't know about that.

"Don't have a lot of time, you hungry?"
Lio jumped back startled by Allyson Locke Allyson Locke 's arrival.

She took a few moments to gather herself and then replied, "uh yeah, yeah sure." With an exhale, Lio stepped in line beside Allyson, "uh so, I - my mom said you would be someone that I should probably talk ab- to, talk to." The teenager looked over at the Jedi Shadow, she wiped her eyes a moment just to make sure. "You know, I thought you'd be taller, all the things on the holo talk about how tall you are." The teenager kept up with the Jedi Shadow and continued on, "mom is uh concerned that I'm becoming like my grandmother... Siobhan, so she said I would be best talking with you."

"Hey do you uh, you... you probably don't read any of the things on the holo, do you? Did you know there's an entire fan comic about you? They've got you as this uh adventurer person or well this person is inspired by you, Lara Craft? Not sure. Uh, sorry, sorry, I just... you, you're a legend." Lio also was star struck when she first met Mia Monroe Mia Monroe and then the teenager sighed thinking about how that had turned out. "So yeah, um, she said if anyone knew how to see the nuances in life it would be you." Were all Jedi Shadows filled with rizz? The holo said so, especially Locke, Locke was supposed to be the top tier sigma when it came to rizz. Wait was she using those words right? "Hey do you think you could sign my training saber? I don't have a real lightsaber yet but man that'd be so dope."


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