Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let us take a walk

@Zatten Black

Deep with in the forest of Voss
In a way there was always new students coming into the temple some young others as older then she. It didn't matter those that wished to learn could with out passing judgement. As waiting for her next student. It was a much need break from the teaching of healing she did a lot lately at the healing clinic.​
Finding herself looking up at the great beauty. Knowing very little about this new one. That was one thing she need to change not on for her own curious but for the shadows.​
Fining her a long log to sit upon as she just let the nature flow in her through the force. It was where her stomach was place that made the different. Soon very soon would be the end this carrying this extra weight would come to the end. Just how soon wasn't up to her but her body yes play a part but also when those that was growing inside of her decide it was time to come out and say hello to the world.​
Voss. Center of the Silver Order's territory. I'm a city man, but even I couldn't deny that this planet was beautiful. Trees that grew into beautiful shapes, natural bridges that spanned otherwise impassible gorges, and most of all, the silence.

Silence was the thing I was craving, standing in the middle of the Voss wilds. It was my temporary sanctuary, my silent castle, my-

I sensed somebody about half a mile away. A woman, and two totally undeveloped minds. I could feel what direction she was coming from, and I turned that way, walking through the forest. As I walked, I admired the birds, and the small animals, and the predators that dominated them. I closed my eyes, and let the Force flow around me.

I could finally sense my proximity to the woman... And she was moving... In my direction. Apparently, she could sense me. I pondered this while I was walking, until I felt her presence very close... So close...

I nearly crashed into the beautiful, and very pregnant, Zeltron woman. I raised my eyebrow.

"What is a beauty like you doing in the forest? There are dangerous things in the forest... If not dangerous to you, then to the two minds you carry inside you."

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Now came the puzzlement to the one that seem to be moving through the forest. This didn't trouble her at all more of curiosity. Seeing that there nothing better to do but then she could stay and meditated.

Finding herself up and moving towards the one that now shown so brightly. It wasn't as if she could move very fast now days. Only to come face to face almost loosing her balance thanks to the tree that had braced her.

"Dangerous, not if you have a proctor with you always.", with a mischievous grin upon her lips before forming them to give out a loud whistles. After a few moment there was a load noise coming towards them as could hear all kind of wildlife scampering. As it seem that all the small limbs seem to be crushing under Hunter feet.

"You see when you have a sweet cutie looking puppy like this, then he not really a puppy.", as it seem she could sense where he was as the monster Akk dog came crushing through the last of the under brush that would free him where he was to be.

"Isn't he so sweet looking," as she let Hunter come up to and start to rub up against her.

[member="Zatten Black"]
I lowered my arm to let the Akk sniff it, and it licked my hand, so I knelt down to ruffle its fur.

"I love dogs. So smart, and very loyal."

I grinned at the pregnant Zeltron woman, and got back up.

"I love walking through the forest, too. It's the best place to set your mind in order, especially with all the freaking mentalists up in the cities, now. Can't even think without a master jumping on your brain. Seriously though, I've seen you in the temple before. I'd never forget such a pretty face. You were a healer, or something? Right?"

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Grinning at the the one that had came upon her forest. Then she wouldn't get that personal. As she knew what he was saying about coming out here to get peace. As she waved her hands around as if she had some kind of bound with the nature around her. As if it came more alive.

"Yes it is peaceful out here unless you know how to use and listen to the very fabic of nature and the wind."

Giving him a small after all she wouldn't try and be herself after all. Didn't know how easy this one scared off. So far with her pet he was doing find with. That told her a few things one that he might know a little about animal friendship or maybe Hunter being force sensitive himself could sniff that there wasn't any threats coming from him.

[member="Zatten Black"]
"I didn't say it was silent. I said it was peaceful. No sentient interference in the mix of animals that are native to this place. The hunt is real, the freedom is real. If I hadn't been born on Zeltros, I'd even say I could live there. But I'm a city guy, so not happening."

I bent down to pet the scaly hound again. His tongue wrapped around my arm, and left a sticky residue on the light armor I wore when I went out walking. I scratched behind his ears, and he growled contentedly.

"Funny little guy, this Akk. You must've trained him from really young not to attack people. Or you're an empath, which would make sense."

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
This only brought a curve to her lips as she let out a small chuckle to the face that she had never been to zeltros. Waving her hand all around again before speaking.

"Oh yes Hunter and I have bounded since he was a young pup on Haruun Kal deep in the jungles where I grew up.", as she let out a sigh of sorts. It wasn't like she knew right way with his face, and skin those eyes. Now it became clearer that he at less part of the Zeltron race before she let herself speak up once again.

"you must think its strange that I have never set foot on a planet like Zeltros.", as she once again found herself resting as she listen to the hum of birds. After which time she open her eyes back up to the fact they had been closed.

"There is a lot one can do to train one mine out here, first things first good sir, I'm Master Healer Whitelight and you would be.", being still part of the shadow hidden deep under the temple she knew of him more then he wished for her to know but at less that was their job to watch and make sure all was protected.

[member="Zatten Black"]
My eyes widened at the mention of the woman's name. I bowed my head respectfully.

"Master Whitelight. Head of the Silver Cross. It is an honor. I am Zatten Black, Silver Warden. Probably one of the only Dark Jedi in the Order. I'm amazed they let me join, really."

I smiled sadly, and looked back at the Akk dog.

"It's possible that they shouldn't have. I do not wish to be redeemed, but I do not wish to be Sith. I found that my story was parallel to that of the Silver Order. Exiled by the Republic for not following the wishes of the Republic Masters. As in, one attacked my mother, and came down with a bad case of dead. Apparently it's terminal."

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Nothing showed in her face just how surprise that he came right out of what kind of force users that he came to the Silver jedi. Smiling after which time she let him take a sit by her on a half decaying log. Looking up at the lovely purple blossoms.

Warden Black, you will find that a lot of those the use the force around here don't always stay true place of light. All have darkness in us. Let us be Frank can we truly do away with darkness that is lives inside all humanity. The more you fight it the more you fall and slip under giving away to true darkness that falling."

As she let herself close her eyes as listen for a while. Wondering how of her many plants she keep out in the deeper part of the forest. Knowing that those where to dangerous and dark to keep around the temple.

Ones always think they understand the force and judge the others, I say why should we be the ones to past judgement let the force do this....I would see my pet as being a monster I see the good in him, even those that his teeth being razor sharp can cut through steel like butter. I don't see the danger I see something else that his he part of the living force to be cared for...

[member="Zatten Black"]
"I guess assuming that Jedi are paragons of wisdom was naive. That's part of what got me exiled in the first place. Of course, my rather... flippant nature didn't help much. And my anger transformed me. That's when the Jedi decided to kill me. It was a witch hunt that included my mother, and exiled my father even deeper into the planet."

I smiled sadly and rubbed behind the akk dog's ears again.

"The change makes me into a weapon. Sharpens my mind, and makes me see. I researched, and found references to a similar process called battle meditation. But these Jedi called me a demon, a pawn of the Dark Side. And then I went and proved them right. Killed them for hurting my family. Damn, it's depressing sometimes."

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Listening to what he spoke of about the jedi that had been after him. After wards letting her empthany flow out of her. As she laid to rest one of her slender hand upon his shouler. Looking all around her before she begin. "It seem that those that don't understand are the vey ones that are most like the darkness themself. Look around us." , looking upwards at the trees that made the doom around them. At the vegitation and wildlife some would if not with ones understand kill or harm in even cause death. As you pointed its dangerous out here just like Hunter here." calling him to after which she pulled out a jerky treat. Hunter open up his razon sharp mouth to take it gentlely from Maya fingers.

Ones that look at him only see Hunter as one can see him as a monster a killer I see something be on the gentle soul he is one that will be loyal as you say. A parner that will lay down his life for yours." , walking long now as she let the leaves under neather crackle not only that of twigs.

" Understand is the key to knowleadge that way one can't solved the darkness by killing others that use the force different then oneself we must first respect life all life to begin to help those that have fallen but have they really fallen off the path or is it the force that has choosen this path them, one we must respect not try and change by force."

[member="Zatten Black"]
I smiled and shook my head. My mind went on an odd tangent, and I began to speak.

"I had a vision once. A brown robe that strangled my parents and destroyed my home. The next day, The Jedi killed my mother. The day after that, three of them were dead. But the one who killed my mother escaped. My transformation had never coalesced as it does now until that point."

I scratched the hound behind his ears some more, and my smile disappeared, replaced by something even I couldn't recognize.

"I am no Jedi, Master. I am a Guardian, and so I shall be until the end. There is nothing I will not do to guard what remains of my family, or anybody I grow attached to. I am of the Dark Side. There was no fall, no real mental snap. It is how I was born, and how I will die. The only other vision I ever had was of a warrior with crimson eyes, the heir of Csilla's greatest house. He destroyed countless faceless individuals with a blade of black, until he broke the mind of a great power. Then he disappeared. Not died, but disappeared."

I covered my face, and when I removed my hand, I was laughing hysterically.

"I thought it was my father. Or maybe another of House Nuruodo. But nobody else has ever wielded Bloodtooth. Only me. I would be killed if I was in any order other than the Silver, just as was attempted ten years ago. If I wasn't killed, they would have my mind broken, and my connection to the Force severed."

[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Finding herself unable to speak any wheres but to let her empathy play a part in her own way of exception what was met to be more. Reaching her own hand upon his shoulder. After a while letting him pet her Hunter after all some of the reason why she had such one like him wasn't because she need protection. It was more for the fact she could use him to calm what has happen to her. Also one that wouldn't be dragging or making her do things that she didn't want.

"Look we all have some kind of path with that it puts us on the path that the force is meant use to be on. Yes its true that some paths are darker then other. In the end it all cames down to if good have come out of it or not.", as she picked herself up with some everits then coming to find herself walking along a very well learning both.

"I will let you decide what to teach first where would you like our lesson to begin.", as she smile up her lips.

[member="Zatten Black"]

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