Maya Carrick
Shadow of Hope
@Zatten Black
Deep with in the forest of Voss
In a way there was always new students coming into the temple some young others as older then she. It didn't matter those that wished to learn could with out passing judgement. As waiting for her next student. It was a much need break from the teaching of healing she did a lot lately at the healing clinic.
Finding herself looking up at the great beauty. Knowing very little about this new one. That was one thing she need to change not on for her own curious but for the shadows.
Fining her a long log to sit upon as she just let the nature flow in her through the force. It was where her stomach was place that made the different. Soon very soon would be the end this carrying this extra weight would come to the end. Just how soon wasn't up to her but her body yes play a part but also when those that was growing inside of her decide it was time to come out and say hello to the world.