Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Relovian, Reclaimer Arms & Industrial R&D department
After a few drinks and reliving the old days of youth and poor choices the duo of ladies ended back up Relovian where the woman's company and family was located on. As the two walked into the building Patricia grabbed her communicator and whipped it out to call her husband [member="Jarven Zexxel"] the dude who was the father of her children and the one currently growing in the oven.
"Hey honey, I just want to let you know I made it back to Relovian and I'll be home soon. I love you and I will see you soon. Feel free to bring the kids down to the office if you want, make sure Kincaid is in bed by eight and that Erika does her homework." Patricia sent the message then looked at her new BFF [member="Triam Akovin"]
"Welcome to Reclaimer Arms & Industrial. I ordered all the parts for a basic lightsaber and a synthetic crystal along with ion blaster components for the ionizing process. We have everything here, let's just hear on into the lab and we can start." Patricia said with a smile.
Walking forward the tiny five foot two blonde's heels clicked against the ground as they walked through the halls of the large building.
After a few drinks and reliving the old days of youth and poor choices the duo of ladies ended back up Relovian where the woman's company and family was located on. As the two walked into the building Patricia grabbed her communicator and whipped it out to call her husband [member="Jarven Zexxel"] the dude who was the father of her children and the one currently growing in the oven.
"Hey honey, I just want to let you know I made it back to Relovian and I'll be home soon. I love you and I will see you soon. Feel free to bring the kids down to the office if you want, make sure Kincaid is in bed by eight and that Erika does her homework." Patricia sent the message then looked at her new BFF [member="Triam Akovin"]
"Welcome to Reclaimer Arms & Industrial. I ordered all the parts for a basic lightsaber and a synthetic crystal along with ion blaster components for the ionizing process. We have everything here, let's just hear on into the lab and we can start." Patricia said with a smile.
Walking forward the tiny five foot two blonde's heels clicked against the ground as they walked through the halls of the large building.