Matsu Xiangu
The Haruspex
[SIZE=9pt] Matsu, for all her misgivings about the apprentice she’d found at random, was determined to at least start things off on the right foot. That way if the girl proved a disappointment it couldn’t be said she hadn’t tried. It wasn’t the way she was used to finding apprentices – at random, walking home – but she’d heard it said that sometimes people were brought together by circumstance and fate. She was romantic enough to believe in such notions…and yet still she had no enthusiasm for the student that she was waiting on now.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] Misha wasn’t late. Matsu was just, as usual, on time. She was sitting quietly in one of the training rooms in the Pit though a fighter she was borrowing for the time being from the Fringe’s armory was waiting for them in the nearest hanger. She didn’t intend on being on the planet for long. There was something to be said for the rote lessons of “tilt your saber this way, now tilt it that way” but those were utterly boring and Matsu had no patience for things that didn’t get her heart pumping.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] The Knight truly had no idea what Misha wanted from her. They had left the landing bays of Annaj in relative silence, Misha’s face arranged in some comical gesture of puzzling Matsu out, while Matsu was typically unaffected by anything that wasn’t spectacularly morbid or strange. They had spoken briefly, long enough for Matsu to explain what would be expected of Misha (don’t muck around in your quarters and break things, don’t try and kill me, all the usual particulars) before she had left for things that interested her more. They had never discussed what it was Misha wanted to know, what specifics she was craving. But Matsu wondered if she would even know what to ask – she seemed relatively uneducated in the Force and its basics, which meant she wouldn’t know most of what was open to her.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] In the right hands she would be a weapon and Matsu saw the value of that. But she believed most of all in freedom, of watching someone blossom in to something unwaveringly terrible and dangerous. She wouldn’t mind a hand in creating a monster.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] That just remained to be seen.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] Misha wasn’t late. Matsu was just, as usual, on time. She was sitting quietly in one of the training rooms in the Pit though a fighter she was borrowing for the time being from the Fringe’s armory was waiting for them in the nearest hanger. She didn’t intend on being on the planet for long. There was something to be said for the rote lessons of “tilt your saber this way, now tilt it that way” but those were utterly boring and Matsu had no patience for things that didn’t get her heart pumping.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] The Knight truly had no idea what Misha wanted from her. They had left the landing bays of Annaj in relative silence, Misha’s face arranged in some comical gesture of puzzling Matsu out, while Matsu was typically unaffected by anything that wasn’t spectacularly morbid or strange. They had spoken briefly, long enough for Matsu to explain what would be expected of Misha (don’t muck around in your quarters and break things, don’t try and kill me, all the usual particulars) before she had left for things that interested her more. They had never discussed what it was Misha wanted to know, what specifics she was craving. But Matsu wondered if she would even know what to ask – she seemed relatively uneducated in the Force and its basics, which meant she wouldn’t know most of what was open to her.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] In the right hands she would be a weapon and Matsu saw the value of that. But she believed most of all in freedom, of watching someone blossom in to something unwaveringly terrible and dangerous. She wouldn’t mind a hand in creating a monster.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt] That just remained to be seen.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt][member="Misha Alkaev"][/SIZE]