Null Prime
Asemir Lor’kora took a sip from his glass of dark, bubbly liquid and sighed contently. The cold drink carried a caramel aroma with little bitterness; there was even the hint of chocolate undertones. It was certainly the best tasting beer he had experienced in quite a while.
“What was did you call this?” he asked the barkeep. “It’s amazing. I’ve never had anything quite like it.
The barkeep, a man by the name of Erik Mahler, finished polishing a glass. “Timbiqui Dark. It’s brewed on the world of Timbiqui. Even though there’s no trade embargos, it’s still a pain in the ass to get imported out here. Which, I’m sorry to say, is why it’s one of the pricier drinks we carry.”
Shrugging, Asemir dug into a pocket and set a small gem. It sparkled as he set it gently on the bar top. “Well, I just finished a job. How’s this? How many Timbiquis can I get with this thing?”
Mahler peered at the cerulean gem. As he picked it up, it gradually shifted from blue to red. “I’ve never seen anything like this, but how about six?”
The Ingr’Nysk shrugged. “Fine by me! You can keep the beers in the fridge for now. I’ll grab them before I leave.”
Smiling, Mahler nodded as he headed towards another guest. “Good doing business with you!”
Asemir had no idea if he’d been ripped off, but his gut told him Erik had been fair. That and the Force didn’t scream at him in warning or anything. Plus, it honestly didn’t matter. Money wasn’t a big driver or even a necessity in his life, not after his stint in the Sith Empire and absconding with a crazy amount of credits. Now, jobs were mainly for his entertainment, to keep him busy and sane in this insane galaxy.
He took another sip, enjoying the coolness and taste. It was, he guessed, going to be a quiet evening. He needed that after the last job, and this bar was out of the way enough that nothing ought to disturb him.
“What was did you call this?” he asked the barkeep. “It’s amazing. I’ve never had anything quite like it.
The barkeep, a man by the name of Erik Mahler, finished polishing a glass. “Timbiqui Dark. It’s brewed on the world of Timbiqui. Even though there’s no trade embargos, it’s still a pain in the ass to get imported out here. Which, I’m sorry to say, is why it’s one of the pricier drinks we carry.”
Shrugging, Asemir dug into a pocket and set a small gem. It sparkled as he set it gently on the bar top. “Well, I just finished a job. How’s this? How many Timbiquis can I get with this thing?”
Mahler peered at the cerulean gem. As he picked it up, it gradually shifted from blue to red. “I’ve never seen anything like this, but how about six?”
The Ingr’Nysk shrugged. “Fine by me! You can keep the beers in the fridge for now. I’ll grab them before I leave.”
Smiling, Mahler nodded as he headed towards another guest. “Good doing business with you!”
Asemir had no idea if he’d been ripped off, but his gut told him Erik had been fair. That and the Force didn’t scream at him in warning or anything. Plus, it honestly didn’t matter. Money wasn’t a big driver or even a necessity in his life, not after his stint in the Sith Empire and absconding with a crazy amount of credits. Now, jobs were mainly for his entertainment, to keep him busy and sane in this insane galaxy.
He took another sip, enjoying the coolness and taste. It was, he guessed, going to be a quiet evening. He needed that after the last job, and this bar was out of the way enough that nothing ought to disturb him.