Sol Damerin
The Grumpiest Merc
If one to were to try and quantify how much better Kesh was compared to Eriadu, they would fail. Not because Kesh was an inherently better planet but because Eriadu was the absolute worst. On a scale of one to ten Eriadu rated a zero on Sol's personal scale, which meant that Kesh just by having a positive number you could attach to it, was infinitely better. Which made it a good place as any to train his new apprentice and the original. That and the original lived there so... yeah convenience.
Stepping off of Mirax's ship Sol stretches his arms over his head. Over the last few weeks, he'd gotten to know the young woman better. They'd trained daily working on strengthing her connection to The Force. They'd reached the point that she could manipulate some small objects with The Force. Progress, yay.
However, they were finally on Kesh and now they needed to locate Zesiro. He'd let her know they were arriving today and when and where. Which in no way meant she would be there. Zes had a terrible habit of not listening until he repeated whatever he said. Not all the time of course, but occasionally which was just something to be expected from the youth. Damn kids, almost ten years younger than him with no attention span. Shaking his head he steps off of the ship it was time for him to train more kids for no reason other than his terrible trait of responsibility.
Stepping off of Mirax's ship Sol stretches his arms over his head. Over the last few weeks, he'd gotten to know the young woman better. They'd trained daily working on strengthing her connection to The Force. They'd reached the point that she could manipulate some small objects with The Force. Progress, yay.
However, they were finally on Kesh and now they needed to locate Zesiro. He'd let her know they were arriving today and when and where. Which in no way meant she would be there. Zes had a terrible habit of not listening until he repeated whatever he said. Not all the time of course, but occasionally which was just something to be expected from the youth. Damn kids, almost ten years younger than him with no attention span. Shaking his head he steps off of the ship it was time for him to train more kids for no reason other than his terrible trait of responsibility.