Hira Mitsae
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
[member="Rohak Vizsla"] | [member="Sabetha Tag"]
Point Taten was busier than it ought to be at this time a year, but that shouldn't have surprised them.The Imperial Mandates created by the First Order and the Sith Empire had raged havok across the normal hyperlanes. Suddenly tariffs had to be paid, permits had to be requested, people were being hassled if they had any contact with the Alliance before. You know. The usual chit when a new super-power came knocking and started throwing their weight around. It wasn't any different for the former Alliance territories.
Taten was a couple of parsecs left from Coalition space.
Meaning? Smuggler paradise.
People didn't give a chit here and with a lack of oversight suddenly companies realized that calculating the fuel costs? Hit home that it would be more beneficial to take the long route around, instead of traversing the Imperial Mandate.
Ain't that a schutta, eh?
Hira chewed absently at a chocolate candy cane she had snatched back on Terminus. Tasty and she had a few more in the box left, soooo. "Sensors lookin' fine, Sab." She murmured as Sabetha made some minuscule adjustments to their approach.
They were running cold for the most part.
"Ey, Roh, we almost bridged da gap. Ya will have 'bout-" She took another look at the array. Making some small calculations in her head, before nodding softly. "Yah, five o' so minutes, before their rotary scouts come 'round again. Should be enough to open da doors so we can come knocking with da pods." Rohak knew better than most how to approach Zero-G, so he would get out there in space first. Open up an entry, so they could follow suit behind him. Then they could drain the anti-matter and from there... well, then it would be right back towards the juicy part.
"Lookin' good, Sab." Another soft murmur and then some chewing noises. Mmm. Chocolate.