Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Let's slay a beast...

Here's the idea I'm throwing out here:

Location - Zonju V, Outskirts of Zoronhed
Objective - "Slay the beast."

Within a hidden outpost on the outskirts of Zoronhed, the lord of the neighboring planet of Gefängnis has established a secretive bunker among the canyons and gorges of Zonju V. Inside this bunker, a twisted creation of flesh and steel is about to erupt from its artificial tomb and into the wastes, with the intention of subjugating the planet that cradled it.

Der'vergeben revolutionaries hidden within the ranks of Contii's army have sent an encrypted distress signal to surrounding worlds - warning others of the impending disaster about to occur on Zonju V. If this beast is left to accumulate biomass and twisted steel for its own inception, it would surely ravage the planet in its completed state.

OOC: Your task is to infiltrate the bunker, while eliminating the Made Men guarding the complex, along with the other horrors and threats patrolling the vicinity. You must eliminate the "beast" at the bottom of the bunker before it achieves its full form.

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