Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Let's try this again... " (Crimson Order recruiting! Open)

Cintak Gakon

The failure to recruit anyone a month ago pissed Cintak off. This time would be different. Very much so. He wasn't leaving without a recruit, even if he had to buy a slave off the Hutts!

The order needed recruits if it was ever going to overthrow the authorities in this forsaken place. Particularly, force-capable recruits. The order needed leadership more than anything. Cintak, Nick Cash, and some loyal people weren't enough to run an organization that wanted to span over several planets. Simple. Besides, a purge was needed, and Cintak knew that it'd end with Nick Cage, cofounder of the order, being eliminated.

So, there will be recruits today. Good thing he packed extra cigars this time. He wasn't patient enough to wait all day.

Cintak Gakon

Nobody major.

What a load of fodder. He had smoked through three Huttese cigars, 500 credits a piece. Cintak scanned the streets, then turned around to go to a different part of the city. Suddenly someone rammed into him. The individual fell. Cintak was small, but tough, it took quite some effort to knock him over.

"Fodder! Who the scrap are you? Watch where you're going, will you?" The Bothan said as he observed the being that rammed into him.

It was a human male, with blonde hair trimmed in a military cut. He wore blue pants of a shiny material, and had a black short-sleeve shirt on. The way he had come from there were two masked men chasing him. They had blaster rifles of some kind. Obviously the man was being attacked somehow, or perhaps he had attacked and now the defenders were pursuing. Cintak drew his green lightsaber, put a foot on the blonde man, and waited for the two masked men.

Cintak Gakon

They arrived, immediately raising their weapons. "Alright, put the weapon away and hand him over. Jedi and sith have no authority here!" acting as if they were in charge on his planet!? The Crimson Exchange was the only authority. These men were foolish and Cintak wasn't in the mood for being nice. With one movement he cut the blasters in half, then in another flick he cut the men down.

With the masked men gone, he turned to the escapee.....

....who was nowhere to be seen.

"That's it. I'm done with this absolute shipment of bantha fodder!" Cintak growled, sheathing his lightsaber and heading back to base. Nick Cash was going to be the recruiter from now on. It'd be a good test of loyalty and grit as well, things that Cintak had only recently begun to question. Nick was a snake, but surely he wouldn't betray the man that helped create the Crimson Exchange? Not now, at least. Not when they were days away from overthrowing the authorities in Nal Hutta and Nar Shadda, officially announcing themselves to the galaxy.

Of course...perhaps it was a fools' game. Cintak was, by no means, unaware of the mysterious and relentless alien invaders just planets away. The Crimson Exchange couldn't beat a military force...but they could work with the Sith Empire and the Silver Jedi. But if they work together, the sith and jedi would know a lot about the Exchange, limiting any chance of conquest or contracts against the two factions. The mess gave the Bothan Crime Lord a headache.

He needed to lay down.

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