Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let's Wake Up the Dead, Comeback Kid!


Another indifferent day on another ordinary rock....
That was Aynea's daily life in a nutshell. There wasn't anything particularly glamorous about this one, except that she had some work to do the Silver Jedi might be less-than-excited about. It wasn't indenturing slaves nor mercilessly hunting helpless Sith acolytes; she no longer cared for slaves after failing at the auction and simply had enough Force blood packs to last an era. As always, her daughter had completed yet another brilliant piece, and it required one last final touch while the metal was still fresh and raw. It had to be the third instance of the one formerly known as Ashe the Reaper to use some variation of magic upon a piece of steel.
Aynea - the name given to her at birth and her truer of the two, dating back to her days as an Atrisian citizen (Gods, the memories that brought) - had taken a routine visit to a local little cafe where she picked up a quaint cinnamon nutmeg. The field she had returned to wasn't especially glamorous either, but it gave her two things she craved and needed; space and clarity. Out of all the volunteers she had searched through, mostly apprentices incapable of wrapping their minds around the endeavor she was about to attempt, her fiance was naturally the most notable and fortunately the most qualified. There she waited the [member="Enigma"] known truly as Circe Savan; A Sith Lady who could find a true appreciation for the art she'd be taught.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]

She smiled, knowing that Aynea requesting her would inevitably lead to one thing and one thing only. Because of that one thing, she chose to not elaborate further and instead made haste to the location her fiance had chosen. Landing, she paused, waiting to be greeted by her kitsune of a partner. "I really hope this is important... I had to stop work on my haunted house for this."


"Circe!" she gleefully shouted, launching herself onto her love like a primate on a tree. "You came. Don't worry... in fact, I think it may even help you with that endeavor. Ya see this scroll?"
Aynea unraveled herself free from her fiance, feet to the ground again. She brandished a large plasteel case, pulling forth from it a very in-tact scroll. It had been recently written on synthetic parchment but its context was as good as on anything else, old or new.
"Do you know what this is? Because I do. I got it from that guy who headed the Templars way back in an exchange. I got a few like it at auction too." She smiled.
T s a i w i n o k k a H o y a k u t . . .

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]

"It's a scroll to raise the dead. The spell in question is particularly potent, and only a Master of Sith Sorcery could ever successfully utilize it... which explains why you've brought it to me. I suppose it'll prove quite beneficial when I get to work on the Adamith skeletons, not to mention the flesh fiends and other horrifying monstrosities I have planned." She gave a truly evil grin. "Of course there'll be a waiver signed..."

"Anyways... What did you want me to help you with using the scroll?"


Aynea pouted.
"Ya know, I can't keep letting you do these things, Silver Jedi and all that...."
Reflecting on what she was attempting to do now, and the risks involved for its practitioners as well as the outside world, she realized that versed or not, she was in no place to talk of it.
A smile returned to the foxtress's face.
"There's this piece of metal your daughter made; cute, really. She called it Manamune or something. Alchemized Beskar Alloy with a drop of the blood of yours truly," she winked, "It's otherwise fairly... average. I don't suppose you think a sword that can raise feral undead is cool, is it?"
She grinned ending her sentence, knowing any blade made by Saera at the Crystal Heart, while not exactly mastercraft, were worth twice their weight in Sith Swords.
Aynea pointed to a tree in the distance, where some nameless grave resided. That's where remains of a nameless Sith she'd once slain lie in rest - too weak to ever overthrow her power, condemned to the netherworld.
"And as always, the remains of one of those foolish little Acolytes. They're always so useful dead," she gleefully stated.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"]

"Ironic, isn't it? The undead always prove to be so much more useful than the living..." She smirked, giving a devious grin as she eyed the grave her fiance had pointed to. "Hmm... What are your intentions of utilizing the grave? Necromancy? Spirit imbuement? I do have some use for his bones, assuming that the flesh has already been devoured by worms and other things."

The Adamith Skeletons always did need volunteers, after all.


"A test..." Aynea replied.
The vixen paced slowly over to the grave, scroll still unrolled in hand. She grabbed some of the fresh grave soil with her free hand, slowly letting it sift through her half-overturned fingers.
"You might want to look for a different corpse, though. Or just dip 'em in acid and pull out the bones. Here, come grab this scroll. You'll need it for what you're about to do next." She winked.
Aynea rose back up and held out the half-unfurled scroll towards her fiance. The following ritual was far too difficult for Aynea to initiate alone, but it would fall right in [member="Enigma"]'s rein, and if anything, it would only prove a learning ground for Aynea to begin to adhere the spell herself. She took two steps back and cut a small incision across her palm, flicking it open to flay drops of blood across the dirt. She then handed the scroll over and reached through her satchel for a vial, one full of Sith blood which would be used as the catalyst for the spell - as Sith magic oft required.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Countess Xyhn"]

And so she recited the spell, as required. Smiling, she felt a tingle in the air. It could've been such from Xyhn... or no, it was too strong for that. Yes, it definitely had to be Sith Magic. The magical energies of the Dark Side were now fully prepared to perform whatever dastardly feat Aynea intended to initialize.

But it would not start without the full quantity of blood.


Aynea felt the same tingling sense that her fiance did whilst incanting the spell.
"Well, happy trails...."
Without a second thought or doubt, the foxtress uncorked the vial with her fangs and tossed the vial into the burial pit to mingle with her own blood.
A dark essence grew from within the grave, stronger and stronger by the moment.
"You're a quick learner, Circe, dear." The vixen left [member="Enigma"] a small kiss on the left cheek. "But how do we know it's really working?"
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Countess Xyhn"]

"Simple." She smiled, watching the energy further build up within the grave. "We wait for something to happen." Her chosen continuation of what she was doing allowed for her consistent focus so that the moment something went wrong, and some horrifying monstrosity lurched out of the corpse-casing to assail the two, she would be ready and able to deal with and eliminate it.

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