Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lev Orlova

Lev Orlova

An irredeemable soldier haunted by his sins.
Lev Orlova

NAME: Lev Orlova


RANK: Merc.

SPECIES: Czelosmert.

AGE: 38 standard Galactic years.

SEX: Male.



HEIGHT: 1.7m/5'9"

WEIGHT: 85kg/189lbs

EYES: Brown.

HAIR: Black.

SKIN: Pale greyish color.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Lev is an aloof mercenary of an extremely xenophobic, proud, and poverty stricken race. He wears the same stoic frown on his face at all times, though it doesn't matter, as he's always wearing a breathing apparatus over his face. In typical merc fashion he is clad in whatever is effective, and spares himself the time to worry about insignias or flags on his armor. In this case it is usually a light load, a load bearing tactical vest, fatigues, boots, and enough breathing tanks and ammo to keep him going until the fight is over.



+ Weapons Specialist
Claiming no expertise in a specific area of weaponry, Lev has instead honed his time as a soldier and a gun for hire to remain familiar with as many forms of modern weaponry as possible. As a result, he is able to efficiently use most small arms and explosives.

+ Already Dead (Racial Trait)

Due to redundant cyborg organ implants extending his extremely short lifespan and hardy Czelosmertian physiology, Lev can take considerably more damage than a regular human before succumbing to his wounds.

+ Veteran Mercenary
Lev is a veteran of two civil wars on his home planet and several battles with his former employers, Gruppa Taktikal Solutions, a Czelosmertian exclusive PMC that was dissolved by several different Galactic authorities on accusations of war crimes.

+ Weapon Dealer connections.
Lev has made good friends with black market weapons dealers in his time working as a mercenary. As a result, he has at his disposal a wide range of blaster weaponry he's acquired over the years. High powered snipers, rocket launchers, explosives, etc.


- Death Breather (Racial trait)
Lev constantly has to breathe a carbon monoxide/nitrogen mix from his breathing apparatus. Without it, he can survive for many minutes before asphyxiation.

- Alcoholic
Years of suffering have made Lev turn to the bottle for help.

- Distrustful
Though Czelosmertians do not associate with strangers for no good reason, but it's possible to gain their trust or friendship if they are forced to work with an alien out of necessity or if the situation calls for it. Lev, on the other hand, isn't quick to even trust his own.

- Cold
Some call it post traumatic stress, others shell shock, but these politically correct terms have no place in Czelosmertian society. On Zhilaseraya, their homeworld, soldiers do what they have to do to keep order. Lev is one of these soldiers, his moral compass warped by years of war.


Dislikes the wealthy
Czelosmertians do not hate the rich because they envy them, they hate them because they believe they are better than them despite their riches. A Czelosmertian's true treasures, it is said, is in the sufferings he has overcome and continues to overcome.

Family Man
Lev cares for his small family hidden away from his brutal day to day routine.



Lev's full kit while working with Gruppa Taktikal Solutions.
Lev's closed in breathing system is a heavily modified Czelosmertian off-world breathing apparatus. It can be customized to fit a direct combat role or can be modified for a low-profile civilian breathing mask with tanks that can be comfortably stored on the hip or back. The closed in breathing system has a small backup tank attached directly to the back of the mask that lasts 5 minutes if the main hose is severed or the main tanks run out air.
Lev's breathing apparatus is compatible directly with his 6V63-Kholtir protecting carry vest, a heavy set of chest armor developed for Czelosmertian special forces. He is also typically armed with a Czelosmertial assault blaster, a Mirvasa-825. Literally, meaning "One who forces peace." The assault blaster is particularly powerful but it's accuracy suffers beyond the typical blaster rifle ranges.
Lev has at his disposal a variety of weapons, from snipers to rocket launchers, but will only bring these if he expects he needs them specifically to complete the mission.


Early life and conscription
Like all Czelosmertians, Lev was born into the unforgiving poverty of his homeworld, Zhilaseraya. Growing up in the slums, Lev spent his days as any child born in the slum does, trying to make the best of it. Not unused to rough housing, playing full contact sports, and fighting, he grew up to appreciate fighting for what he wanted, as most of his kind does. As Czelosmertian life spans are astoundingly low given their weakened immune systems, Lev's goal was to give him and his entire family of 15+ siblings the cyborg implants to increase their life span to normal human lengths. His dream thusly was to rise above the slums, not for himself, but for his family.

At 15, considered a mature man by Czelosmertian standards, Lev was conscripted into the brutal Czelosmertian army. Indoctrination at his basic training involved intense physical conditioning, humiliation, and beatings for insubordination or failure. He was being prepared for the brutal civil war enacted in the mountainous regions of Zhilaseraya, where the riches of the planet lie underneath. The mountain dwelling Czelosmertians, who differentiated themselves ethnically from those in the city, had risen up against the royalty. Being of a rebellious sort, this sort of thing happens atleast once a century on the brutal world of Zhilaseraya.

The Gorasmerti, the people of the mountains, though they proclaimed ethnic separation from the Gorodsmerti, the city people, were both bound by one common thread; their brutality in warfare. Lev experienced his first taste of war at 16, when he was deployed with a motorized battalion in the lower mountain ranges. Though outnumbering the mountain people greatly, the city dwelling loyalist army had to fight a battle up treacherous mountains that the mountain people knew and were accustomed to. The rebels were not opposed to using dirty tactics to stop the army or slow their progress. In return, the loyalist army of the Czar showed no mercy, sometimes (allegedly) eliminating whole villages that were suspected to hold rebels.

A year later, the war was brought to a cease fire and peace talks were put on the table. Lev went home and married Nino Shoskri, a girl his age from his part of the slums. For two years the peace talks flared up, with several small skirmishes occurring along the front line, but nothing like another full scale war. The rebels used this time to recuperate and train those they had lost, strengthening areas that the loyalist army had rolled through in the initial conflict. The Czar, under pressure from his generals, launched a surprise attack that broke through the heavily dug in defenders around the key mountain range roads. Lev was called back to active service and left his pregnant wife to fight again.

The "second" civil war, though technically the first, was just as brutal. But the Czar, able to pay off the prying eyes of galactic officials that were well invested in the war and the "morality" of the loyalist's methods, enacted a brutal campaign of total war. Within 8 months, the rebel leaders retreated into the massive rebel controlled mine network known as Kholodny Seraya. The majority of the resource rich mines and their workers were back under the crown's control. And so the war ended, with the army remaining in capacity as an occupying force to quell any rebels.

Private Military work
Lev left the army, coerced to join a Czelosmertian PMC that was founded by former army special forces veterans. The group called itself "Gruppa Taktikal Solutions," and in typical Czelosmertian fashion was no stranger to cold acts of "necessary brutality" to get the job done. All mercenaries were rewarded greatly, but it was made clear that the possibility of criminal reprisals outside of the lawless Outer Rim were possible. For Lev, it was the opportunity to support his family as he had always dreamed of. As part of his contract deal, he and his family were given the life sustaining cyborg implants needed to survive beyond the roughly 3 decade lifespan of the average Czelosmertian.

By 22, Lev had finished his advanced training and selection process within the PMC, and was deployed to his first off world assignment. The contracts were usually short and vicious, as the PMC was used more often as a hit squad that would eliminate a select group of people and then dissapear. Lev, hardened by war and his need to provide for his family, lived a double life for his family. Never letting his wife know the extent of his work besides working in a "security company," he remained in the PMC for 14 years. Eventually rising to the ranks of squad leader, he became a known member within the company. This worked against him when the PMC was hunted down by the Galactic Alliance after the PMC's war crimes were brought to their attention.

He managed to wipe what records he could of his service with Gruppa Taktikal, but he was in too deep and too well known. With key members having been taken into custody, he knew he would be a prime suspect for a war crimes trial. Fleeing the company and burning all bridges, he returned to Zhilaseraya to work as an individual contractor for the Czar. Being a decorated veteran of the most recent civil war, he and his family were hidden from Galactic Alliance authorities by the monarchy.

He continues to work odd jobs to support himself and his well-off (by Czelosmertian standards) family, keeping the full truth hidden from them at all times.

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