Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Levelling the Playing Fields For the Covie


The newest laboratory on New Cov has been finished for a few months now. It has been made entirely in secret and well away from the city of Ilic. With the help of Percival Io Percival Io , it has garnered a few test subjects. Some are like Lars Orndatti Lars Orndatti ; Force wizards that need to be neutralized, while others are not. Comparrisons must be made, afterall.

During my travels away from New Cov, I have discovered that the Galaxy is inundated with Force wizards. In both recent wars and in wars past; Force wizards had been at the forefront of creating and maintaining those battles. They have manipulated and made others like me into second-class citizenry. They have used us like cattle fodder time and time again.

But now is the beginning of it's end. Now is the start of a new age; one where Force wizards are put into their proper place! They are not meant to lead but to be led! And I am going to help ensure that it will happen.

Biomolecules are a wonderful thing. Versatile in their applications; my associate Dr. Quince Lorien has been using them combined with Ysalamir stem cells to help create an elixir of sorts that not only nullifies the subject's connection to the Force for a time, but also nullifies their ability to feel emotions ensuring both order and obedience. The only problem lies in the fact that the effects of the so-far-unnamed elixir lasts but merely a day. So daily doses are required for the desired effect.

I only hope that further research will change all of that.
"Is the subject prepped and ready, Dr. Lorien?" I address the man as I near the slab where one such subject lies subdued in restraints.

"Indeed. I'm about ready to give them another dose. Have you come to watch?"

I stop once I make my approach and look down at the latest subject. "That I have. Does it hurt them?"

Dr. Lorien looks at me with such a gaze that leaves me to believe that I should not have asked that question. "Does it matter if it does?"

"I suppose it does not. My apologies, Dr. Lorien. Please continue." I clasp my hands in front of me and keep my gaze on the test subject as the syringe is placed at their neck.

{{OOC: This thread is open to multiple people; be it one of the test subjects or an infiltrator wanting to free them, or an interested purchaser, or anything else that comes to mind, ha ha!}}
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New Cov
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo


After saving the woman's life and meeting with her several times, Valery just could not understand. She had seemed so kind and caring about her people, hopeful for the future and genuine. Now she was involved or even behind a laboratory meant to perform tests on people against their will? It just didn't sound like the Liin she knew at all, so what happened?

What changed?

Valery wanted answers to these questions and confront the woman before she could find out where the Temple on New Cov was located. If she were to threaten the safety of young Jedi just because of how they were born, Valery was going to do everything in her power to stop her. So it was with that mindset that she tapped back into her old skills as a Jedi Shadow, and made her way over to the laboratory hidden in her Force Cloak. She couldn't be seen, she couldn't be heard and no sensor or Force User was going to detect her.

Not until she allowed them to.

After approaching the outermost walls of the facility, the former Jedi Shadow phased her way through the walls, and continued down the hallways to begin her search for Liin Terallo and the people she was now calling test subjects.

Giving a long yawn, the older gentleman would work on a nearby terminal as he tried to fix a few molecules, his mind becoming hazy as he slowly started to sit back down on a long chair like object. It had been possibly been less than a year, but he already knew how others felt when being regulated into tasks that would to nothing per say. Slightly humiliating and humbling. After his rather unfortunate exit with the Sith Order, he was helped escape the territory many months ago by Liin Terallo Liin Terallo and was offered to stay nearby while he rebuilt a bit of his financials from various gem mines he had stakes in.

While his intended visit was only to last a few weeks, it became rather apparent it would be a much longer term project...more so when it came to the realization just how much knowledge he held in manipulating the very cells in the Force to a very finite degree. He had studied vigorously with newer medical technologies and ended up having helped a few minor projects along the way, though nothing like the nature presented today. Rubbing his left eye, he felt the flesh like mask hold as he touched the cheek very gently.

A strange remedy indeed made by the miracle of Biomolecules. It had actually reassembled what his face was supposed to look like before his untimely...well, early awakening. The issue was the reapplication, it was a tad painful but it kept his appearance for a good long while and made it more appealing to be out in public once more. One humored that his masks had ended up being one of flesh at long last...well, to each their own was the thought on that.

His travels did finally leave the walls to search for his relatives...some were to late to be turned away from war, some were. The Lorekeeper Line was indeed going strong as it ever had been, perhaps even stronger than its true height a millennia ago...but with certain figures out of the picture, he took the lead once more and finally brought balance to the situation. People were finally back in hiding and their use in warfare was finally shoved back, even if for a few brief moments he considered using them to regain his position...he knew he was no longer built for it or even desire it anymore.

He Had Grown Old and Weary of Warfare

With that, his life seemed dedicated to the laboratory that had consisted to be almost a new life. Far away from prying eyes of bounty hunters and away from the eyes of those with the power of the Force, he felt as if he could finally work in peace again. The title to his own name, had almost become secondary anymore to the grand scheme of things...he had decided over a month ago that it may be time to fade away into obscurity. The only things connecting him to his old life was the lightsaber he kept locked up in his dwelling which, to be fair, was never out of reach.

The other was his tattered cloak which, to be fair, now resembled more or less arm wrappings around his wrists. It still had its uses but he preferred to keep wearing it as is, even if its physical properties has more or less, been damaged/destroyed in recent months. It kept his force signature to near nothing instead of his large overwhelming force signature found in more populated areas. While he could still be sensed in this area, it be rather clouded, as if a mist had occurred in a small section of the area of testing.

Tapping on a final set of sequences, he closed his eyes before letting the mind wander for a moment. One of the first trials were indeed tested on him, voluntarily as he wanted to see what had happened...possibly death could have worked out in his favor. Alas, it only allowed him for a brief time, to experience the world as he did so long ago. Even moreso, it was one of the few times he felt the whispering words to be completely dulled and enjoy the atmosphere around him. Even Liin, whom had only seen in black and white colors, allowed him for the first time to enjoy a meeting without feeling as if he could cheat, to read possibly her mind or gauge her emotions.

It Was True Peace, Something a Sith Should Never Admit

Opening his eyes once more, he watched as the formula did a alpha testing through simulations with both of his hands interlinked. With all that had finally occurred, he decided it was best to never be in the limelight again, for all that it was worth. Even if he dedicated the rest of his living life left to this, it was more good to be done here than what tragic things he done in the past. Being without the Force...allowed him to finally clear his head in those testing intervals. Seeing it click together and confirm a eighty-nine percent match, he pushed it through for further testing before strolling gently towards a transparisteel window to look towards the testing subjects today and noticed Liin among them which brought a rare smile from his face. Another round of testing...who knows what it turns out to this time around. Maybe finally, true success?

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Hallway Entrance - Laboratory - New Cov
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo || Valery Noble Valery Noble || Lord Reficite Lord Reficite

"Oi, Oi! Go easy on me! I bruise easily," Felix complained as a pair of guards gripped each of his upper arms and pushed him along.

A series of disappearances of people within New Cov had garnered his interest when a family implored him to focus his talents towards investigating the disappearance of their son. Not a job that paid a lot. Not like he could take their money anyway. People who disappeared like this tended to be nobodies or the people they knew were essentially nobodies.

But no one was a nobody to him. Not today. It did not take long to piece together those being taken held "strange abilities" and what areas they were being taken from. A little bit of reconnaissance and sneaking along with these kidnappers before making a very open and brazen attempt to sneak inside. Enough to draw the attention of the guards and get captured.

Easiest way in and to map out the place as the guards escorted him along.

"Fellas, fellas, this has got to be some kind of mistake. I was just looking for a place to hole up in," Felix shrugged his shoulders innocently, "I'm sure there is a way to talk things out, right?"

Nothing. Only more silence and the occasional grunt or order to keep moving followed by the pair shoving him forward. Closing his eyes, a small frown and a sigh escaped his lips before complaining. "So rude. I'm sure your mothers would be appalled by your behavior. Completely appalled."

Another shove in response.​
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I watch as the 'solution' is injected into the subject in the slab. Perhaps they are fully aware of it's effects, or perhaps not. I observe clawed hands tightening below the restraints and the muscles tense before the subject relaxes. Their eyes appear distant and almost dormant as I look into them. They remind me of the eyes of a droid.

The ysalamir within the laboratory have done well to create a bubble of security. Precautions must be kept, afterall. And not only for the staff within, but for the subjects themselves. Not to mention for this experiment.

Dr. Lorien performs a scan of the subject and logs the findings. I find it interesting watching him work. His silence showcases his devotion to this assignment. "It appears that his abilities are surpressed. But to what degree we'll need to test in the secondary suite. I take it that the countermeasures are in place in case there's another incident?"

"Yes, Dr. Lorien. I have been assured of that. Mistakes will not be repeated." All of this is a learning experience. Not just for me, but for all involved. And we are lucky to have Lord Reficite Lord Reficite volunteer and aide in helping us. A very long time ago, it was through laboratories like this that Force wizardry was born. However such a scientific feat brought about untold years of war. It was an unintended consequence, to be sure. And now I yearn to rectify it. The number of Force wizards on New Cov is minimal at best; showcasing the rarity of a time long past. I only hope that it will showcase the Galaxy's future as well.

The slab is unlocked from the floor and pushed along to the side of the laboratory. The secondary suite is ready, but the subject was not. More time needed to pass, blood needed to be drawn, and more studies were to be made by Dr. Lorien.

I turn and spot the familiar figure of Lord Reficite Lord Reficite observing us from above. His knowledge and expertise has helped us tremendously. Not only that but the funding has enabled not just the construction of this laboratory, but others just like it in other pockets of the Galaxy.

I dip my head to him in acknowledgement and begin to make my way out of the laboratory towards the hallway as a voice comes through on my commlink. 'Lady Terallo, an intruder has been apprehended.'

My pace falters ever so slightly. An intruder? How can someone discover what is supposed to be a secret? I can only hope that it is merely a common thief. I press a button on my commlink to respond. "How unfortunate. Put the intruder in a holding cell under watch. Use anti-Force wizard protocols as a precaution. I will be there shortly."

'Understood, Lady Terallo.'

Anti-Force wizard protocols are very simple. The holding cell is much like an interrogation room with a ysalamir on hand. Those being held are confined to a chair; alone and with cameras covering all angles, recording every movement and sound.

It is time that I find out just who this intruder is.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble Lord Reficite Lord Reficite Felix Faraday Felix Faraday


New Cov
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Lord Reficite Lord Reficite

Voice in the Force.

Valery could feel the bubbles created by Ysalamiri in the facility. Wherever she picked up no an absence in the Force, she knew they'd have to be involved, and Valery's movements were guided by it. Her Cloak wouldn't work within such a bubble, so she avoided them and moved unseen and unheard, for now choosing to simply observe.

At least, until she heard an intruder getting caught.

She had no idea who would be foolish enough to just walk in here, or if that's even what really happened, but it hardly mattered. She changed directions and followed after Felix Faraday Felix Faraday and the guards who escorted him. Safe distances were maintained, but Valery was hoping to find Liin this way.

All she wanted was a conversation to confront her.


Liin Terallo Liin Terallo || Lord Reficite Lord Reficite || Valery Noble Valery Noble

Security checkpoints. Every secure facility is not complete without one. Pushed forward, the more guards kept eyes on him as others began to pat him down. Five credits, nine bullets, lockpicks, and an unloaded slugger of a certain make and model. Other than a few small throwing knives in both his belt and shoe knives within his shoes--which were all confiscated as well resulting in Felix's overly dramatic display of anguish at losing his shoes--nothing else of interest on his person.

The only other anomaly was his robotic arm. While it took a little while to find someone with the mechanical know-how to remove it, only about half of the arm was able to be removed. The rest was to connected to his nervous system. Not like they needed the rest either considering it was harmless. He only hoped those security scanners did not also carry any medical scanners.

So here he was inside of a little room. One arm down (or maybe half an arm?) and completely shoeless. Well, weaponless too but that was a little less important in his mind than the arm and the shoes. His one lone arm tugging against the restraints strapping him to the metal interrogation table. At least they let him keep his jacket and glasses.

"I believe this is a deep violation of my rights," Felix almost exaggerated shaking his head in disappointment, "I mean, who takes a man's arm and his shoes?"

Completely barbaric. Next thing they'll do is take one of his legs!

Sighing as his slouched in his seat, his shoulders slumped before looking around before his head leaned down to look at himself wiggling his feet before a wry chuckle escaped his lips. It had been a while since he'd be able to sit down, kick off his shoes, and not worry about being shot. Yet. That could change whenever someone entered the room. For now, Felix preferred to focus on the more positive side of things until then.

"Almost barefoot inside a secret facility. Who would have thought?" He wiggled his toes and feet again like a child while keeping an amused smile on his face. It must have annoyed any and all guards underneath all their professionalism with how carefree he appeared.

A consistent act that he almost stumbled when they first led him into the room. It had struck him as soon as he entered. What was first a weird feeling, a constant dulling sensation across his body, soon grew and worsened into an almost nauseous feeling. A sickening pit that soon expanded and grew across his entire sorry state. A terribly sore and unusual feeling thrummed throughout his entire body. Ysalamiri. It must be unless he was mistaken. No wonder he felt like he ate something that did not agree with him or felt ill like a sore cold but the stress of his affliction ebbed and grew throughout his entire body in constant waves. Almost as if trying to fight back against the push and failing.

A constant state of unnatural and natural phenomenon being exerted upon him by a little lizard. It was almost a paradox. One that made him sick, physically speaking. All that while he kept the smirk no matter what. His eyes glanced around the room searching for the little lizard. Was it inside with him or perhaps outside of the room?

"Hey, little guy, where are you? Mind helping me out? We can be friends."

It was worth a try. Animals were supposed to be smart or pick up on emotion, right? Maybe a little lizard could be of some assistance to his predicament.​

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