Serina Calis
His sabatons cracked wood, stone and debris laying on the jungle floor, paying it no heed. He walked with a destination ahead but it was clear that the Force had added to or superseded his goals for this trip. Ahead lay potential secrets to uncovering more Rakata technology, offering a further infusion of technology with the Dark side. Cleaner and yet more terrible than Alchemy, potentially its predecessor.
But the girl, she was intriguing. Darth Imperius walked away from her, showing no care for her attacking him at all, but it was not his ignorance of her strength that made him do it. He was curious. Curious if she would follow him. If her curiosity, if her willpower was stronger than her reasonability. He was certain that he made her tumble, that he cracked some of that self-righteous self she was carrying around, but if she saw and realised or if she defied, made the difference.
And defiance she chose. A slight smirk curling the lips of the Dark Lord below his helmet.
She was strong. Her power of will and of her ambition could carry her far. But she was painfully naive, her words so rebellious and all for the simple idea of disagreeing. There was a lot she could learn, could see, could be taught.
The Sith, the Jedi, destiny are the words used by those who lack a greater understanding of the universe. And to deny their influence on the spinning of this Galaxy, is a statement done by a fool. Do you believe hundreds of generations of people have been pushed into the eternal conflict with no true victor because they wanted to? Do you believe that councils of fools or mindless tyrants rule the Galaxy since millennia because there was no-one before you to resist, to try to break the wheel?"
His voice delivered the questions calmly, his voice gravelly and distorted with a hint of amusement. It was a sad truth he had accepted when he accepted himself as part of the wheel. The Sith at least had the courtesy of not standing in stark antagonism to nature, their enlightenment being dread and death, rather than ill-conceived harmony and false peace. Imperius would take the wheel, he would eradicate all weakness from the Sith Order, crush the Alliance and Jedi. But to believe to end the cycle? It was a fools errant he had followed for too long. The Wardens were failures, Sith in disguise led by a misguided assassin and before led by a degenerate Sith.
The thoughts had drifted quite far but he returned to the here and now. His gaze set on the trees ahead that harbored the entrance to the wreckage, nothing more than a mere hole in the hull of the former warship. Gifts, donations, totems placed on rocks and makeshift tables were guarding the entrance, offered by the leftover of the Rakata.
Darth Empyrean, Darth Tacitus, Darth Krayt, Darth Sidious, Marka Ragnos, King Adas ... they all thought they had fate in their hands, controlled destiny by controlling Empire's, vast powers beyond belief and yet, they are dead or soon to be. All Sith, the most powerful beings in history." He stopped and looked at the broken, rusting shape of the once-Interdictor-class. "
Darth Revan, Malak. None had the wisdom to understand how meaningless they were, nor to accept that only by leaving behind everything that they could not be meaningless." A riddle? A test? Imperius had a certain point of view, an idea and ideology that was yet to be revealed.
Yoda, Skywalker, Shan, Revan again, the Hero of Tython - you will find even less examples and only of far more pathetic impact on the Light side. The Force does enough to balance it, the Force is conflict. It does enough to not let one side win and as a result the Galaxy and maybe even the universe is caught in eternal strife."
Do you believe that by breaking some meaningless rules, by being defiant to yourself, you will outdo what they achieved?"
His gaze turned at her, the dark red of his helmet's lenses staring motionlessly, soullessly at her.