Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Levo Holdings

Headquarters: Antecedent

Locations: To obfuscate its activities a holonet server legally establishes its address on Coruscant. The server can receive messages, which it auto-deletes after 30 days, but is otherwise empty.

Operations: A money laundering scheme for the gang io runs in, known as the Rat Eaters. Also invests in what will make them credits, or whatever they need to make them.

Rationale: io hired a lawyer to file the papers. Not in his name of course. It was his idea, and being the only college educated Rat Eater, he was the natural choice to manage it.

Tier: 2

Description: Levo Holdings is a shell company for holding assets and funds as liquidly and securely as possible for the Rat Eaters; assests and funds which were gained from sources that must be concealed from the authorities. Generic name, generic description, and a secret bank account.

Levo Holdings does two related things,

It stashes credits obtained by the Rat Eaters' various income sources. These include payments for doing missions for the Ravens, protection rackets established to protect local businesses on Antecedent from the petty criminals that now plague it, protecting drug dealers from rivals, and even the occasional heist.

Levo Holdings then spends credits on new toys that aid the gang, and io's, operations; such as research into new kinds of swoop bikes, and things that will make them more credits, such as very high interest loans to locals, which are insured by assest seizure, debt bondage to the gang, and threats of broken kneecaps. Newly gained credits or assests are then transferred back into Levo, thus completing the positive feedback loop at the heart of all commerce, legal and not.


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