Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[LFG] Comes the challenger!

Hello, folks!

I am looking to make my actual IC appearance in the faction and as such I need you - the faction (duh).

So yeah, I was thinking of a sparring contest or something involving us swinging those lightsabers. It's the only thing my character is actually good at anyways.

Oooor anything else you might like - purely social or maybe pick up one of those missions pinned up for the taking or anything else that your creative minds might come up with.

Or any threads you'd advise me to join.

Much love. <3
[member="Aris II"]

At the moment we don't have a faction thread up, but very soon there will be a skirmish with the OS. Just organising the final details on it now. Locations etc.

You can also start a thread in here, in one of the IC areas and have that open ..
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Good to know, Coci! Will be prepared for it! :)

Posting this up more as an interest check, see what people would be interested in and I will get on using the IC forum ASAP when that happens.

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