Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Liam Ettagar

Dagos Nasscar

Liam Ettagar

NAME: Liam Ettagar
RANK: Owner of Ettagar Industries
SPECIES: Human-Cyborg
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 176 cm
WEIGHT: 80 kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Caucasian


  • + Mind Full of Business
  • + Strategic Thinking
  • ~ Former Soldier
  • - Injured Limbs
  • - Unable to Fight
  • - Alcoholic

Born on Coruscant, son to a man serving the Galactic Republic's military, Liam's destiny was to fulfill his duty as a soldier of the same army and fight against the evil forces of the galaxy.

Living a happy life as a kid, most of his problems were about what he can play with and how many friends he has. Thank the Force he wasn't born to a family of drunkards or hobos. But as soon as the boy became a teenager, the worst part of his life started.

As Christian, Liam's father, knew the boy wanted to become a soldier one day, he started training him to become that in the future. But as a teenager, he was not best suited to perform soldier-class workouts.

Liam's daily life turned into a nightmare and it lasted that way until he was 20 and his father finally thought he was ready to become a soldier.

Soldier life was better for the boy until a day in battle where he lost his right hand and severed all of his limbs, making him unable to perform his duty. He left the army, but his love for military was not erased. He took on the journey to making his own company which would aid at first the Galactic Republic's military, but then he branched out and started looking for contracts everywhere.





NOTE: This character is mainly made to practise creating weapons, ships, vehicles and using the Factory in general. I am a true noob at such things, but I am trying to learn. I beg for your forgiving if I do anything completely stupid.

  1. Advancing Personal Defense Techologies

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