|The Basics|
RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Near Human
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black and blue
SKIN: Tan/Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes - The Darkside
- Melee - Liam is close to proficient with melee where he trained heavily in the area for many years
- Shaper - Being a shaper gives him benefits
- Explorer - He often explores the galaxy to gain as much information he can
- Survivor - Liam may look weak but he's a survivor and won't go easy on threats
- Muscular - This helps when he's throwing people around
- Temper - He has a short temper, that's all there is to it
- Emotions - These are hard to control
- Killing - Liam might be seen killing sometimes, but there's a reason most likely
Liam is a normal looking man although he looks like a boy, despite of his height. Air particles might be seen flowing all around him being his main shaping ability. He has dark hair with light blue eyes along with a muscular and thin build. He doesn't wear any out of the norm clothing unless his robe is considered that. His robe is from his father who taught him on Kro Var. He may be seen with an electrostaff which he always has and a blaster or two.
Robe/Armor His Father Gave Him
Liam is a Kro Varian that wanted to explore the galaxy and did. Maybe he wasn't so smart when he first started out but he is now. The story of Liam starts in a village on Kro Var. When Liam came to age to start his training as a shaper, his father took him outside and started. His father gave him the choice of four abilities to choose from. He wanted to follow in his dads footsteps by picking fire but air appealed to him more. Liam didn't know much about the force except telekinesis, which was the foundation of the abilities or that's what he believed. The Kro Varians in his village taught him not to trust those who used "invisible" powers so he didn't. He actually hated people who used those. After his father started teaching him, a few days later Liam actually let out some air. His father was proud but showed no expression. All he said was good and keep training.
After a few months passed, Liam was starting to knock people down as well as objects. He could even move sand and light objects around in any motion he wanted to. He practiced making things flow with the wind he was shaping and most times he succeeded while other times he didn't. Time passed again until his father said he was done training him. He stated he needed to train himself or find a new teacher as he taught all that he would. Liam was didn't care though, maybe it was the darkside getting to him but he looked for transport. He had very little knowledge on transportation but he knew how ships worked. Liam spotted one and packed up his stuff. Some things he grabbed was his electrostaff he stole but trained heavily with and became good at and a belt to put tools on. That's when his adventure began.
It turned out he traveled to Coruscant by the time he figured the controls out. It seemed to be a transport ship which got off course. When he got on Coruscant, he was amazed by all the technology but kept up his goal. To find a new master. He soon did, he found another darksider who mastered all of his abilities and even knew other powers which his people weren't fond of. The man began training him and the story continues from there...
- Electrostaff
- Robe/armor from father on Kro Var
- Blasters
- Armor Pieces
He steals ships at the moment.