The Golden Rule

Hephit Station, Vraco, Kiribi System
Arisa anxiously paced back and forth down the hall, looking out through the wide-spanning viewpoints for incoming traffic every few minutes before drooping her head once more toward the floor. Since arriving at the busy space station, she hadn't been able to sit still, wound up from nervous energy.
An email from Jardain out of the blue (or someone posing as Jardain) had brought the issue of the missing Jedi back to the forefront of her mind after her attention had consumed by war once more.
The harsh words of the rage filled message kept running through her head, one word in particular. Liar.
Both out of a sense of guilt and curiosity, she had invited the sender to meet her on Hephit on the outer reaches of her home system, the KSU being a neutral space much like the FWC or the CSA. Here they would be safe, but so would Arisa. Neither the Dragoons or the Abhorsen who patrolled the station would take kindly to any altercation between Jedi and Sith.
Now she could only wait and see if her call would be answered.