Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RANK: Padawan (Ex slave)

SPECIES: Twi'lek

AGE:40 (looks 20)

SEX: Female





SKIN: Light yellow



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

-Slave to a Hutt

-No connection, Because she is a jedi slave she tries not to connect herself with others, including her own daughter.

+Force powers.

+Lightsaber combat. She has great skill in lightsaber combat

+Flexible. She is a dancer. It makes sense.

APPEARANCE: She has the perfect dancer build. Able to get the attention of anyone she wants.

Force powers:

/////Force levitate- Can lift objects well with the force
///////Force mind protection- Can shield her mind with the force to stop mind readers
//////Force push/pull-pretty simple

BIOGRAPHY (pre Roleplays):
Born into a twi'lek clan of longevity she was discovered as the first force sensitive able to become a jedi.She trained hard as a youngling and was eventually able to become a padawan. However on her first mission she was captured by slavers. Just before she was taken she managed to hide her kyber crystals hoping that one day she could use one of them to make a lightsaber to escape.

However she was then sold to the Hutt who took her and made her a dancer in his palace. She was forced to learn how to pole dance and other sorts of dances. She never gave up hope of escaping. That was until she found herself pregnant.

Raising the child Nomirawas no easy job. Especially as a slave. Nomira thought it was the norm to dance in outfits and be cheered on by the people watching. Although she did her best Nomira eventually grew up just barley passing her classes and became a dancer. Lia'ssa was disappointed.She had worked hard to make sure her daughter had a good life. Everything got worse however when she tried to free her mother by changing places.

The Hutt made her sign a contract which Nomira hadn't even read. If she had she would have seen that it made Nomira and Lia'ssa slaves for life. Lia'ssaloves her daughter yet that act made it hard to. Working on the lightsaber ever chance she has she hopes to free both herself and her Nomira. But working on the saber made her neglect her force sensitive daughter.

Bio (During roleplay):

Lia'ssa did her best to fight off the dark jedi that manipulated her daughter, at the cost of almost loosing her life. Now she is traveling around the galaxy looking for her daughter.

Crudely made lightsaber shoto.(Broken )

Slave dancer outfit (Mid condition.)
Small outfit. (Mid condition.)


ROLE-PLAYS: sith enters the cantina leaving Lia'ssa to handle it) to fight off a sith who wants her daughter as a sith.)
Na, Na, Na Na Na Na Na (Lia'ssa is saved by a roguish smuggler who gets her off Nar Shadda)

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