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Approved Tech Licht Kampfpanzer Rumpf I

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Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
Intent: To create a light tank hull and chassis for Eisenwelt Eisenwerke to use for their tanks.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Eisenwelt Eisenwerke
Model: LKR I (Licht Kampfpanzer Rumpf I)
Affiliation: Eisenwelt
Modularity: This is a module and can be fitted with modules
Production: Mass
Material: Alusteel, durasteel, and other hull construction parts.
Weight: 5 tonnes
Length: 5m
Width: 2.5m
Height: 2m

A mass produced tank hull designed for speed, mobility, and mass production, the design allows tanks fitted with this hull type the ability to speed across the battlefield and agilely maneuver through the battlefield. The hull is capable of mounting a turret, engine, suspension, and a variety of other components for a light tank. The LKR I features 15mm of armor plating on all sides and another 12mm of armor plating on the top and bottom, giving this tank the ability to shrug off small arms and some light weapons while maintaining high speed and maneuverability with decreased weight.

The hull is, unfortunately, very fragile due to the thin armor and complex to repair due to the manufacturing process, but the design was considered a success as it allows light tanks to do what they do best: outmaneuver their enemies.
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