Wyl Sector
Why oh why did the hearts of men feel the need to triumph above all else. That answer didn't exist and therefore was not something passing through Ladro's mind at the present moment. It was technically why his new gang of friends thought they were chasing after a random ship trying to cross sector. It was technically a feeling based impulse that had spurred them forward. One that Ladro had implanted by a simple nudge within friendly conversation. Betting an Outlaw that he wasn't man enough to take a ship and get away cleanly was as much a test as a damn vacation for the outlaws like himself. What set him apart from all the other Oulaws who used the force, did it for pride, or just liked to kill? Manipulation. A game that had placed the Galaxy in the palm of Ladro's slimy hands.The hooded assassin sat in a chair within the cockpit, feet propped up. Eyes scanned over documents that were being displayed on the holoscreen across his face. Twitches and gestures moved the information at a rapid pace. The fact of the matter was that a scumbag up comer had relieved a random shipment of Spices from a vessel halfway across the galaxy. Such was normal and seen in the galaxy every day. Knowing that there were hungry individuals as ruthless as himself kept his mind sharp. The burning within remained unquenched due to it. So it was quiet normal for him to spare a glance at most and keep walking. Unluckily for this up comer the shipment belonged to someone. That someone knew a guy. Ladro.
A beeping on the scanner to their right indicated a vessel. Ladro looked at it for a second before his gaze pierced the sky searching for the needle. A speck of light no bigger than a microdot blipped in the distance. His finger pointed in the direction. Head spun to his new comrades showing a face filled with excitement, "Let's tag her and bag her boys!" Thrusters activated shooting there vessel into a collision course. Jammers activated bringing the ship in the distance back to the dark ages.
"You're not recognized as the best unless you take the captain and secure the ship! Who's got the stones boys?"